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Female Soldier (beta wip)

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Hi, is that you can't port models (user) made for the OA to the ArmA2?, i don't gonna install again the OA to make the CO because the extremely low performance of the OA on my computer and the lower performance of the CO too as the FPS helper addons don't work with the CO in most cases; that's why i'll like to see an ArmA2 only version of this addon, with USMC female units, with Marpat(W) and maybe a FR version if were possible... wearing maybe a mix of Marpat(W) and Woodland, like for example the carrier crew woodland BDU pants with a Marpat(W) jacket under the IOTV or an Interceptor III vest like the ArmA1 one of the woodland soldiers. Would be a really miss to loose this good looking units in a Marines version on the ArmA2. Let's C ya

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Just been lookin through the nuts and bolts of the pbo - if you wanted to add females to another addon (with permission from the maker of course) would it be possible to simply paste in the "class BB_Merc_OA_Female" section and change the model base to the one from the addon?


Nevermind - tested it myself and it works! Shame it means any women have to have an american accent.

Edited by RabidStoat
No other answer forthcoming

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her hair knot is visible when i give her a helmet

Hur hur ;)

EDIT: good work, by the way :)

Edited by Das Attorney

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I request that you expand this addon with the inclusion of a lady pilot. We had a few in my Aviation Brigade in the Army.

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Uh serious question; Why didnt BIS include female soldiers by default...?

We got female civs, so why no soldiers?

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Why is a good question, but the history is long and heated. Discussing that would be OT here.

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Didn't VBS2 had female soldiers? I remember a female ACU.

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Will the female soldiers retain their voices if the heads are put on a male body? For example, if I put the female head on a BlackOps mercenary.

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Didn't VBS2 had female soldiers? I remember a female ACU.

VBS2 us army lite had one

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@roninjr -

Don't believe so mate - when you look at the config it creates sounds specific to the unit to sound female. Unless you know of a way to script that (I dont think its possible but I'm no expert) then all adding the head will do is create a very butch sounding lady.

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is it possible to make them shorter? edit: nvm, they already have female voices.

or does that require new bones?

also, they should wear helmets.

Edited by zachanscom

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I like this mod, waiting for a new update, they need helmets, and a bigger ass :p

The voice are very cool


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This addon will add female Soldiers under USA -> Female Soldiers

This addon is wip, more will be added,

the female pilot model is just a placeholder until

I find the time to update the model...


Backpack support

Added female pilot

Added a version with helmet

fixed some stuff


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Great work Schnapsdrosel. Downloading now! :cool:

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Some good sch'tuff in the update. :D

Just some few gripes, the pilot model is based off of the pilot model from ArmA 1, is it possible if you could change it to the pilot model from ArmA II, or better yet, OA? Also, is it possible for you to have the units with M4/M16s instead of SCARs? Just for realism's sake.

Again, good work! ;)

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It would not be possible to implement these to be the "head" the player chooses? I mean, now you need this mod, but would it be possible to just change the head of the soldier in the menu?

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the female pilot model is just a placeholder until

I find the time to update the model...

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Very nice update, glad to see the project has advanced, very well done in the subtleties..even in the full gear and without the chest area to confirm it you can still tell they are women.

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