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Missing info added, thanks.

Great, thank you!

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Is this sys_aiskill mod works with SAR AI framework for DayZ mod? I know this isnt a dayz forum, but maybe someone know the answer here :) Thank you.

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Hello! tell me what settings to enable the AI ​​to use the building, went inside and on the roof? settings needed for Arma 2 OA, thanks.

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Hi Rob

Thanks again for this great mod. I never play without it :D

Looking forward to asr_ai in A3, whenever it's ready.

Warm regards


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There is a issue when the gunner in a car gets killed, the AI leader dont want to replace him. Anyone else had problem with that?

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Also, after playing a few maps with ASR_AI, I now cant play these maps if I deactivate ASR AI and switch back to vanilla. I just get that the maps cant find some ASR AI config files.

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Also, after playing a few maps with ASR_AI, I now cant play these maps if I deactivate ASR AI and switch back to vanilla. I just get that the maps cant find some ASR AI config files.

If you are talking about "saved" games then you'll either have to restart the mission or load ASR_AI to continue where you left off.

If you are talking something else then you need to explain more of the details because it doesn't make sense.

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If you are talking about "saved" games then you'll either have to restart the mission or load ASR_AI to continue where you left off.

If you are talking something else then you need to explain more of the details because it doesn't make sense.

It was the saved games, thanks... For some stupid reason I didnt think about that.

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I take it there are plans to port this to A3 Robalo ? We need it asap :)

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I take it there are plans to port this to A3 Robalo ? We need it asap :)

Already ported big chunks of it, currently under testing.

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Already ported big chunks of it, currently under testing.

:dancehead: great news man! we're all eagerly waiting!

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Will the first A3 release be pure port online, or will you add some improvements over the last version for ArmA 2?

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How is the the work going? Anyone else testet this on Arma 3 Alpha? Its very fun :)

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Is ASR_AI mod for ARMA 3 available yet? Please Robalo , i love your work , one of the most important mods in ARMA , please throw us a bone and release your current version for ARMA 3.

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Jake Krieger... If you look for it .. you can find it .. Parts of it have been ported to A3 ... I use it as well have been for months now.. Its lovely, i cant wait to see ai rearming them selves..

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Jake Krieger... If you look for it .. you can find it .. Parts of it have been ported to A3 ... I use it as well have been for months now.. Its lovely, i cant wait to see ai rearming them selves..

Mind to tell him where to "look for it" bro?

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Does this version still work?

Zeu_Serverskill stopped working after one of the early may alpha updates.

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Could someone help me out ? ASR_AI gives me error messages when i start ARMA 3. Could you tell me how my mod-launch command text should look like OR which mods besides the ASR_AI do i need ?

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Could someone help me out ? ASR_AI gives me error messages when i start ARMA 3. Could you tell me how my mod-launch command text should look like OR which mods besides the ASR_AI do i need ?

where did you get ASR_AI from?

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Hi Robalo,

I'm working on insurgents ambush missions which are impossible to play with asr ai as when I engage the first group the second one at 500 meters away, engages me, while I would like them to remain there so that when Bluefor and Opfor will spot each other it will be a second ambush.

could you please release an asr ai version for ArmA 2 which won't react if I shoot from 800 meters away but max from 450?



Edited by Bogart

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Hi Robalo,

I'm working on insurgents ambush missions which are impossible to play with asr ai as when I engage the first group the second one at 500 meters away, engages me, while I would like them to remain there so that when Bluefor and Opfor will spot each other it will be a second ambush.

could you please release an asr ai version for ArmA 2 which won't react if I shoot from 800 meters away but max from 450?



No need for another release for that, you can tweak your units, for example, to prevent info sharing, take their radios away.

There are lots of options you can tweak in your userconfig, all of which have a global variable correspondence so you can alter it dynamically if you want.

For example, tweak gunshothearing in userconfig or set it like this with scripting:

asr_ai_sys_aiskill_gunshothearing = 0.56;


I'm only touching the A3 version these days, kind of stuck at implementing proper rearming because of the broken inventory related scripting commands (action takeweapon, takemagazine etc.).

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