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If i`m gonna make this modification , i`ll bring my pice of design into it , i`ll leave landign gear as on my modeled/standart Mi-24 Hind model :)

P.S. Propellers are textured , final spent a whole day to make them as i want , along with lots of crashes in painting soft :( I made it :)

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Daily Report "DAY 13"

Hi all,

Here are some updates , was working today on propellers and they are at 99,9% done

You might not see the amount of detail in textures , but they are having lots of details in it.Another reason for that , definitely because i use only diffuse color in my material for rendering at the moment.Lets say you have to see it zoomed in 100% at the texture =)

Also i make this textures so you can easely adjust any color/dirt/smoke/rust/bump/etc layer in it , you won`t get 10000000 layers from it ,for example i`m combinin all the rust in 1 layer per aircraft part "Propeller"/"Exhaust".Lets say you`ll get a nice 4k PSD template to make your own textures =)

Here are some screens:

Download HQ: http://www.filefront.com/17369992/Tu-95MS_texture.rar

I used sharp filter to get more sharpnes in 4k game textures:

1)4k no sharpnes

2)4k 50% sharpnes

3)4k 100% sharpnes

4)12k no sharpnes





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Daily Report "DAY 13"

damn and the clock here says 02.00. :D

BTW good work ;)

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Excellent work Oleg, I like how you use small details like rust even in the smallest places like around those circles where the propeller blades attach to the propeller shaft (I don't know how its called in English). I also always use many details in everything I do, I think that these small details make make the addon so much more exiting.

I can't wait to see that cool aluminium look of the bear, its a shame that they don't use it on passenger planes any more like they did before, now they are all painted up with logos and stuff and don't look shiny and impressive at all.

Edited by -Martin-
Fixed spelling mistakes as usuall :P

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I think not only is Oleg a 3D modelling genius BUT he is also a texturing genius:D

Rust and even what looks like cracking paint on the black painted part of the propeller hub right?

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the rear prop blades need to be reversed

Edited by rstratton

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Rstratton:"the rear prop blades need to be reversed"

oh shit , just forgot to reverse them after UV unwrapping , thx for remind =)

Vasmkd:"Rust and even what looks like cracking paint on the black painted part of the propeller hub right?"

Yes , just like you say =)

I made some minor updates on the "Propellers" , now they`re done at 100%

Here are some screens:






Edited by 3DArtist

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Perfect man, now its just perfect :yay:when you use the ArmA 2 super shader the texture will become shiny and even better. What are you gonna map next, the engines?

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I love you, and truly have an unlimited amount of respect for your skills.

I'm also really jealous of you. :p


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Ha, didn't Saramat studio had one?

They did, and they do, and this one has nothing to do with it.

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They did, and they do, and this one has nothing to do with it.

Who's the author? Microsoft Flight Simulator? :tongue:

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I love you, and truly have an unlimited amount of respect for your skills.

I'm also really jealous of you. :p


that makes 2 of use XD

awesome work

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Dang... that is awesome! :cool: All I can saw is wow!! Guess people missed my post on page 22 about the rear blades and the correct facing. Just glad somebody else mentioned it and the correction was done.

Edited by GD Mast

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I hate to mention this, but will this model "crash and burn" when it is downed? I know... it is sad to see all your hard work end up as a pile of wreckage, but I'm sure that sooner or later someone's going to down one of your bombers.

I surely hope it makes a nice pile of wreckage, and not just a model that doesn't crash and burn. It's sad to think about such a beautiful piece of work, but it is probably inevitable being in a military sim.

Keep up the great work!

PS: Great work on the textures thus far!!!

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I hate to mention this, but will this model "crash and burn" when it is downed? I know... it is sad to see all your hard work end up as a pile of wreckage, but I'm sure that sooner or later someone's going to down one of your bombers.

I surely hope it makes a nice pile of wreckage, and not just a model that doesn't crash and burn. It's sad to think about such a beautiful piece of work, but it is probably inevitable being in a military sim.

Keep up the great work!

PS: Great work on the textures thus far!!!

The wreck model comes after final texturing :) And i thought about it pretty much how i will realise in life , with textures uv`s and the nice crashed model.

I enjoy to ruin my creations in pices :) No worries about wreck model , i`ll do my best to make it as real as possible :)

Edited by 3DArtist

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