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Australians At War - Combined Ops

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Ah no need to thank me, just like to help out when I can. I know how frustrating things can be sometimes, so.... :)

@AAW Team: Just wanted to show my appreciation for all the hard work you guys put into your releases. I enjoy them immensely and poked the rest of the HIFI gang to download and use your stuff in our missions when we get together. Enjoy all the little details a lot, like the animated hand positions, bipods, etc. Shows a lot of thought and creativity, which I always appreciate. So many scope choices, I end up spending more time drooling over everything than actually playing, lol. :P

Great job fellas....great job indeed.

@blackpulpit: No worries, again as I've said above...glad I can help out. If need be, like I said, I'll ditch and redownload Yoma if need be. Could be something with the installation of Yoma. In which case, I'll redownload/install Yoma and pm you a more thorough step-by-step and see if we can get it working for ya. :)

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Thanks Betsalel its simple enough when someone like you helps to explain how it works and also to the AAW team great work.

Regards padu.

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Thanks Betsalel its simple enough when someone like you helps to explain how it works and also to the AAW team great work.

Regards padu.

QFT mate .....

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This is outstanding work. Hats off to Soldier_X and the AAW team. Well done and thank you. These are an essential part of the Arma gaming community in Australia.

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Thanks for the guide, Betsalel. Long time since I used Yoma's.

Looking forward to seeing some OA features on the AAW stuff.

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I still can't get YOMA to work nor download this addon, followed the instructions but still gives me that error.

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This mod is really fantastic, cause we can change the infantry appearance randomly. And I do hope there could be a rifle with Eotech optics.

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@AussieSausage: XDF server has it on. Only 1 mission so far with AAW units. On Takistan called TFT: Op solid foot or something. These server does have the ACRE mod running to.

@Lao Fei Mao: sorry mate only seen the eotech on a f88 once and that was on a range demonstrating for foreign forces in Timor so I thnink it was a once off occurance

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I've tested it out and the helmets were working fine as a civilian on takistan so not sure mate. Are you running any other mods that could be conflicting?

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Great to have this in OA / CO guys, great work thanks :).

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Roger that.. will test out without any other mod... I got cba, zeus, and few others. My guess is heavy load, but if I play as one of the AAW guys, the other AAW guys that on different group will have helmets. Only when I play as civvie that their helmet dont appear. and only in Takistan...

Anyway, I will test out again tonight without any other mod. will report back if some mod conflicting.

Thank you

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Hmm! I have found... and interesting bug! Hehehe... well! When I was firing the AAW Rifleman 1's basic rifle... Austeyr.... I ran out of ammo, and for some reason hit the 'H' hotkey to switch grip positions... and... wouldn't you know :O Auto-mag reload! Instantly too. ^_^; haha... Known bug/issue or something new! Either way :D Thought I'ld let ya know :D


It also changes the fire modes, and the AAW Secco 2, switching hand grips moves the rifle to the back, pistol to hand and when firing the rifle fires. ^_^; Haha... hope this info helps some.

Edited by SigintArmA

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Hmm! I have found... and interesting bug! Hehehe... well! When I was firing the AAW Rifleman 1's basic rifle... Austeyr.... I ran out of ammo, and for some reason hit the 'H' hotkey to switch grip positions... and... wouldn't you know :O Auto-mag reload! Instantly too. ^_^; haha... Known bug/issue or something new! Either way :D Thought I'ld let ya know :D

Thanks for your report mate - yes its an old bug but thanks to a hint from Rommel I'll hopefully have a fix in place in the not too distance future.

The other issue seems to be somewhat beyond our control - it occasionally seems to happen when you first change grip/bipod positions in a mission and then if you reselect the correct weapon the problem goes away for the rest of the mission. As its very difficult to reproduce the bug consistently is very difficult to work out exactly whats causing it so if you get any other information please let us know.


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About missing helmet, I just tested with Chernarus civvie, Russian civvie and Takistan civvie. Only Takistan civvie cause the missing helmet thingie. But I guess it shouldnt be an issue, since ppl not normally play as civvie anyway... just for testing purposes.

So to be clear, the cause of missing helmet is Takistani civilian as a player. Not because of Takistan map, as I previously stated.

Thank you again

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just tested it then with a takistan civilian and a dpcu soldier setting my self as the player of the civilian and the dpcu soldier as AI and the helmet worked fine on the AI. When you tested did u test with out other mods or was it just with @aaw_oa and @cba?

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Hmm... thats weird.. I just tested it only with aaw and cba... and beta patch. maybe I should try to remove those

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Using AAW infantry in OA ACE Domination the weapons showing up in the ammobox are Eastern, yet for non-AAW classes they are still showing as the US equipment. Any ideas?

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Modeled them on. I felt that normal maps alone didnt do enough to capture the uniforms shape

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Hey guys, this add on looks really interesting and so I'm looking forward to downloading it when I get the ArmA 2 package in the next couple of days. :D

Thanks to the AAW team for letting me know about this add on. :thumb:

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Australians At War: Combined Ops Updated to V003

Added DPCU Alice Pack

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