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Swedish Forces Pack

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Swedish Forces Pack 1.2

SFP 2015 & 1981 Public Beta

It didn't feel that long time ago but I guess its been, sorry for the delay. Since the first public release (August 2010), we been constantly playing at Anrop.se and I am happy to say that we feel the 2015 scenario addons is fully playable at this stage. Some addons requires and will get more work, but it should be enough to keep people happy and enjoy the mod.

So now its time to share the updated 2015, but as a bonus we will throw in the "second part" of the mod, the 1981 cold war scenario.

Based on the submarine U-137 that went aground out a Swedish naval base 1981 our aim is to fcous on what would had happend if the Soviet decided to take it back with force.

One island is included which we are far from completed, but its also a "call for help", we hope someone will download it, get inspired and join our crew. We really need someone thats skilled with making the satelite/mask mapping for the ground textures. The placement, missions we can do.

Including (2015 scenario):

* 2 Aircrafts, Saab JAS 39 Griffin and the Saab 105 in a "counter insurgency" configuration.

* 2 helicopters, the NH 90 and the A109.

* Swedish version of the famous Leopard 2 tank and the Swedish Cv 90 IFV.

* The Xa-203 wheeled APC.

* The RGM 32 patrol vehicle.

* Soldiers in desert, woodland and winter uniforms.

* Several weapons.

* Combat boat 90 and the HMS Visby Corvette

Including (1981 scenario):

* Aj 37 Viggen Aircraft, famous for being the first plane outside NATO locking on the SR-71 Blackbird.

* Sturkö Island

* 3 helicopters, (Alouette II, Uh-1, Ch46)

* The world famous "S-tank", the only tank without a turret.

* The Ikv 91, support tank.

* Several all terrain vehicles.

Our team is also looking for new talents and we are looking to fill this positions:

* ACE/config expert. (To make a separate fully compatible config for ACE)

* More players

* Mission editors

* Config fixers

* Documentation writers

* More modellers, esp for the 1981 scenario

* Textures, to improve our current models.

* World editors, to help out with the Swedish island currently in progress.

Download links

http://hosted.anrop.se/sfp/sfp_6h_june.7z 700 mb


Combinded Arms (Arrowhead + Armed Assault 2), CBA and ACRE 1.2.10 or 1.2.1





Edited by granQ
Released new version.

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The High Quality No-Bugs version links to http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BI_Tools_2 which is wrong?

Epic post OP, looks quite good for a first release. Roadkill, you require an open mind to use this mod, not sure where you can download that either... I'm sure someone can link you here :p.

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I think that's correct LOL. now to test the community's famous sense of humor

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Hehe granQ lets see how Opfor units are scared about swedish vikings and see how many people are downloading the HighQuality No-Bugs variant!! :D

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Epic post OP, looks quite good for a first release. Roadkill, you require an open mind to use this mod, not sure where you can download that either... I'm sure someone can link you here

Well i didnt see the joke....

Edited by R0adki11

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well i was just stating the link was wrong simple, no need to make fun of me

The link wasn't wrong man, it was a bit of a joke. :)

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New on front page at Armed Assault.info

Link to mirror :

Swedish Forces Pack 2015 (v Public Beta) : http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=addons&id=1518

Old Bear note : due to the requirements and size, we are unable to host the High Quality No-Bugs version but we are feeling every "laid back" gamers are going to be happy with the version we host on Armed assault.info mirror.

You make my day, man !

thanks as always OB.. and extra thanks for the note about the high quality on the front page. Made me smile :) Updating first post.

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but nooo....me already haz HQ pack installed...can this be fixed by the OP pleeease?



Where can i download the open mind addon?

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Good stuff, like the sound too. Radio man and Medic nice work, vehicles too, thanks.

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hopefully people will play it (so i feel that i havent thrown away X^2 hours for nothing)


pufu, you need to download the nobug HiQ addon and use it for X^2 hours then you will get the openmind addon or atleast the Humble mod. :D

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I am sorry but this is just BETA? The full relese is going on 6 august? It is rigth? Becouse i very want to test swedish corvet class - VISBI. Please Tell me about it.....))

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ah no.. things felt "ready".. so no more stuff on friday.

However, we will start add the scripts, the code, tweaks and the nice goodies and release in patches.. probably starting next week.

Visby is inside, but nothing special... well sorta. I disabled the door so can't walk inside because it isn't used.

The team needs a break now but we will be on it soon again.

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ah no.. things felt "ready".. so no more stuff on friday.

However, we will start add the scripts, the code, tweaks and the nice goodies and release in patches.. probably starting next week.

Visby is inside, but nothing special... well sorta. I disabled the door so can't walk inside because it isn't used.

The team needs a break now but we will be on it soon again.

Thank you! And good luck you and your team too! I hope you will fixed all bugs in the next BETA version of this your! I playng with your mod an have only one word it is great!!

See you soon! :bounce3::yay::yay::yay::yay:

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Nice to see this mod. Im getting OFP Flashbacks.

The Gripen seems to be a little light on weaponry, is it supposed to have so few Hardpoints?

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GranQ, SFMT: looks great! If you can tell me or point me to good resources for the following, I'll add support for your units to the PlannedAssault mission generator by this weekend.

- Swedish army fireteam and squad composition: size, roles

- Swedish army machine gun and AT team composition (if applicable)

- whether the Swedish army employs 81mm mortars and/or 105mm towed howitzers


(for more on the mission generator, see this post)

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arkengel, sadly that few hardpoints is the normal yes. However the "next generation" gripen will be covered in next patch when we fix the internal of the gripen.

William, oh you asking the wrong guy :) Maybe theShadow can help with that but I have no clue... thanks for taking the time for the mission generator. Its a great tool, i am very impressed.

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I know its a little petty but why does the SAAB 105 only have a pilot and not a co pilot,just wondering in RL is the copilot for observation?

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irl its only a trainer. You can put a cargo but I hope to make the co pilot possible to use a flir turret. My hope is that a pilot can fly, the co pilot navigate, handle radio traffic, check map and with his flir spot enemy trrop movements.

However planes + turret have bad repution in ofp..

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normal swedish squad consists of.

Squad Leader (Sergeant)

Team Leader (Corpral)

2x Rifleman (AT, Marksman, Radio, depends a bit on if they have vehicles and the mission)

AR soldier (Light Machinegun)

Rifleman (can be a medic)

so normaly 6 man squads.

MG squad have a MG and a assistant MG instead of the AR and a rifleman

AT replaces the 2 riflemen with AT and assistant AT

a fire support squad can have both MG and AT and is a 8 or 10 man squad

and so on.

Sweden does have 81mm mortars (and 120mm mortars) but no 105mm guns.

the saab 105 is irl only a trainer and weather observation plane so it´s some artistic freedom in this addon pack ;)

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