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What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?

    • The weapon sounds!
    • The vehicle sounds!
    • Environmental sounds!
    • Explosions, Soniccracks, Bullethits, the sound of danger!
    • The script features like the "distance sounds"!
    • Everything combined! The whole Mod itself is important.

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I dont have much experience with firearms, but in my opinion these mechanism sounds are a bit exaggerated.

Every artist explores their creativity and add's a bit of "them" in their style. Take a look at artwork and how much the same image varies from artist to artist. Part of artistic expression and adding their own personal touch (i.e. "signature") to a piece.

Sure, Jarhead could just go out and buy pre-made weapon sounds from packs on the internet or use sounds from other games and just tweak it here and there to make it uber loud and call it "realistic" or something. What's fun and refreshing about that? Jarhead gives the weapons character, and it works nicely, period.

At the end of the day, if tons of people get pissed off not being able to join servers with JSRS, then obviously he must be doing something right in terms of his presentation of sounds, no? :)

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Well I didnt say his sounds are bad or wrong, just pointed out something which sounded strange to me. Thats all. :)

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I have been using this mod for a while now along with the WarFx Particle Mod and the ACE 2 mod. This soundpack is bloody fantastic in every sense of the word, it's the best soundmod I have ever used in any of the Flashpoint/Arma series games since 2001. I actually feel like like I am being shot at in the middle of a war zone, and when a bullet goes by your ear it scares the living crap out of you, especially if you have been quietly observing the enemy; all of a sudden, CRACK!!! You have nailed the near and far bullet cracks and whizzes perfectly, especially with heavy machine guns on tanks, APC's, etc. The weapon sounds and explosions are great in my opinion, but everyone has their own preferences in this area, some like ultra realistic sounds, some folks like impressive loud sounds.

It would be great if someone could gain access to these military weapons via the Marines or Army and record each gun sound with very expensive mics and recording equipment; that would be a perfect scenerio. However you created or mixed these sounds you did an excellent job blending realism with sound immersion, for that I thank you! :)


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Have you even watched the video??? What did I said: FPS Script FOR ALL VEHICLES.

Woohooo :yay: Good keep it UP man! Thank you :)!

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Well I didnt say his sounds are bad or wrong, just pointed out something which sounded strange to me. Thats all. :)

As LJ mentioned, they might be a little exaggerated, but you can hear the various parts moving when you shoot on a real weapon. I always hear the "sproing" of the buffer spring on my ARs when I shoot them. I have a piston AR (think kind of like an AK) and I can hear the piston moving...or more accurately, I hear the difference between the piston on that gun compared to the gas of my other DI guns. On both my M1 and M1 Carbine, you can hear the slide/bolt slap back and then return to battery. And if you have a suppressor, the mechanics of a gun are even louder because the "bang" is much quieter, so you'll hear the action moving back and forth easier.

I'm looking forward to the update, whenever that may be. Thanks again, LJ, for making a great game even better.

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Just watched your latest video. Super outstanding. This seems like it would really add to the experience of playing. Nice job. Seems like an EPIC amount of work!

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Hi LJ, i see you're working your magic again. I haven't played ArmA2 for a while so i guess it's another reason to play it, when you've released your next master piece. Don't overwork yourself, i'm sure us mere mortals can wait 5 years for the next release! That's a joke by the way. :p

A pat on the back is surely overdue! Take care buddy!

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Am I wrong or the ifrst weapon is a Galil Sar ?? Were do you get it ??

Btw great sounds !!

*sinister look at LJ, complete with Stewie Griffin giggle* :D

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I always hear the "sproing" of the buffer spring on my ARs when I shoot them.

I love that sound. :P But you'll rarely if ever hear it on a collapsible stock, due to a much shorter buffer tube and lighter buffer.

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LJ thank you a lot for you great job,

The gameplay immersion it's really raised when played with JSRS.

I would like to ask if is possible to make the bullet hit sound louder, I know that it's your mod, so it's just my point of view if you notice that it's too low the volume of bullet hit effect ( on metal, concrete wall, land, and glasses ... etc. ) try to shot with M16 on glasses or on metal, and the try the same with vanilla ArmA, you will notice big differences, JSRS bullet hits are sometime unaudible, I use a lot "audio" during pvp gameplay and without ear bullet hits It's more hard to understand if bullet are direct toward your position...

Last question, what the distance PBO do, it's possible to play without it, so weapon will use fade of same sound ? or without you just don't hear sound from distance ( I'm testing now without, this night warfare I will try to see )

Because with distance sound I lost a lot of perception of enemy shooter position.

Thanks again for quality release "dlc"


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Thanks guys for the kind words ;) Awesome!

Yah Rubberkite, I know what you mean, but I have no time or interest in rework them again atm^^ Maybe when TheCapulet comes around with his new recordings, I might be able to create something ;)

So, now listen guys, I have a serious problem with this fading curve of the normal weapon sounds. You remember this?


I thought someone was posting a config entry to fix or change this fading curve for the normal sounds? Cause I wanted to add a fourth distance sound, but this overlapping (dopple hearing firingsounds) is totally anoying. Does anybody have an idea how to get around this fading curve? So we have a stabil volume till a certain meter range and than its just muted... know what I mean?


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That's beyond me, sorry.

I would guess that that is just the limitation of the method you are using.

It would be extreme, but you could just make all normal weapon sounds silent and script the close range too. IIRC, you are using event handlers for the sounds, right?

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Really great work Jarhead!

Yesterday i testet your Soundmod and really must say: best Soundmod i've got Hands on ever...

It will take a while for me to adopt my ears to it and be able to differ all the Vehicles by their Sounds.

To me you did a milestone in ArmA Sounds. Großartig!.

... thank's a lot for your work, and keep it up


PS.: Got the same problem with the positional estmation where Shots where fired from, but i hope that will

get better the longer i use it.

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Hey LJ...We played a PvP game with 90+ players, ACE and JSRS and i got these kind of errors:

2536x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_smoke\reload.wss'
1926x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_grenade\reload.wss'
1112x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_sa61\reload.wss'
654x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m40\bolt.wss'
294x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_gp25\gp25_reload.wss'
237x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_dshk\reload.wss'
40x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_ak107\ak107_reload.wss'
38x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_ak74\ak74_reload.wss'
23x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_ags\reload.wss'
21x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m40\reload.wss'
20x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_pkt\reload.wss'
18x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m2hmg\reload.wss'
15x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_mk19\reload.wss'
14x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_pk\reload.wss'
9x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m4a1\reload.wss'
3x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m60\reload.wss'
3x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_m4aim\reload.wss'
3x   Cannot load sound 'jsrs_strela\reload.wss'

These lines in about 2 hours of game...Hope it helps to improve your fantastic work! Keep it up ;)

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Are you using the latest version? Also, were all the players on the server using the latest version?

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Yep, i'm using the latest version, i can't confirm for the others but i think so. Anyway it's from my rpt

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LJ... Been playing with other mods but put your back on and again... Thanks for the very hard work. This mod is still one of the best. :-) Thanks

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Thanks fREAk. and Mikey74 ;)

@Giallustio: These errors are caused by the netframe, or net... what ever, dont know it anymore. Someone told us about it ealier, its because of arma engine, netframeengine what ever, dont know. I cant fix that, or I would have to delete all these entries. All reloading sounds, all dry sounds and so on. Dont knwow why this is happening, but be sure: Its not because of JSRS. You will have this with every soundmod adressing the reload or dry entries ;)

@Hellfire257: Even the script have a limitation to it. I was doing it like you said, the first distancescript was played after 50 meters already. But its a strange. The engine cant handle the script right. I only hear every single or every fifth shot of a gun. So if someone in around 70meter is shooting his full auto MG, I would only hear every third or fifth shot of it. And I dont know why. If he is shooting with single shots, its working fine. Same goes for every other distant sound. Most anoying on the m230 of the Apache...


PS: Now I was about droping the first script in after 100 meters, seems to be cool. But still this fu**king overlapping form the normal sounds... I cant fix that damn curve.... maybe a new entry or so..... hmmm.... something like

begin1[] = {"\JSRS_AK47\AK47_s1",2,1,500};

begin2[] = {"\JSRS_AK47\AK47_s2",2,1,500};

begin3[] = {"\JSRS_AK47\AK47_s3",2,1,500};

begin4[] = {"\JSRS_AK47\AK47_s4",2,1,500};

plus and entry like "mute after 100 meters" or so^^ like begin1[] = {"\JSRS_AK47\AK47_s1",2,1,500, -400};^^ Or begin1[] = {"\JSRS_AK47\AK47_s1",2,1,500-100}; ^^ Hahaha, would be cool if it would be that easy^^

Also I found these entries:


nameSound = "";

sound[] = {"",1,1};

soundBegin[] = {"sound",1};

soundEnd[] = {"sound",1};

soundLoop[] = {"sound",1};

soundContinuous = 0;

soundBurst = 1;

drySound[] = {"",1,1};

reloadSound[] = {"",1,1};

reloadMagazineSound[] = {"",1,1};

emptySound[] = {"",1,1};

soundBullet[] = {"emptySound",1};

lockingTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.000316228,2};

lockedTargetSound[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1",0.000316228,6};


But I'm not sure if this is somehow usefull for me...

Edited by LordJarhead

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I checked my rpt for any errors, and didn't find any errors (belonging to jsrs^^).

I played allon, latest version (AddonSyced). Hope that helps.

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Could it be something like this:

minRange = 10;

minRangeProbab = 0.05;

midRange = 20;

midRangeProbab = 0.58;

maxRange = 50;

maxRangeProbab = 0.04;

Or maybe, Just found it:

discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800};

discreteDistanceInitIndex = 2;

Damn.... still not sure....

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I have no idea how that stuff works, but I will say that if you are using event handlers, then you are bound to have problems somewhere along the line. It isn't a clean solution at all, but it is the only solution you have sadly. Firing lots of event handlers in quick succession might cause problems.

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Well, the eventhandler are not the big deal to me. If they just drop in after 100 or 200 meter, so be it, then its enough to hear every third sound instead of a whole mg burst round. But these normal sounds are making me crazy^^ There might be a way, I'll see....


What about using the normal sounds as distance sounds? I have the FPS script, I could make these FPS sound havin the echo and reverbs of a normal weapon sound and make the normal sounds like a distance sound, short, more bunch, no reverb or stuff like this.... yah I shall try it.

Edited by LordJarhead

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@LJ when out of ideas, ask a BIS DEV. Dwarden or Suma should at least be able to redirect you to someone familiar with this. I´m sure they´ll have some spare time to help make the greatest Soundmod of all times even better.

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