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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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Working in a combat environment in which they could die at any moment from any number of things, I doubt "this is gay" is on their mind.

Edited by NodUnit

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PLEASE dont kill me, however i just bought it on steam for me and my mate so we shall see the frontline cannonfodder and report back! Oh noes!

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PLEASE dont kill me, however i just bought it on steam for me and my mate so we shall see the frontline cannonfodder and report back! Oh noes!

Now DIE!!!!:shoot:

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Edited by NodUnit

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Just got the game, played 20mins

Im not sure what the hissy fit was about the language, i mean its nothing we haven't already heard from in any modern day war movie like Jarhead and a few others that slip my mind, if anything i was expecting worse.

Graphically it looks crap imo, thats with settings maxed, but i think im just too used to Arma worlds looking spectacular and natural without trying to hard. There was a statement previous about playing on mars and that rings true, but then i think it was the time of day with sunset or sunrise... dunno... i want to see what it looks like in day time, vistas feel over the top.

It definitely feels like a game, what i mean is it obviously doesn't have that feeling of "Authenticy or Realism" about it as Arma does, but then i wasn't expecting it to.

It does have all the nice eye candy that i like to have in some games, personal weapon sounds seemed weak and under powered... but animation and weapon cradle hand model felt top notch, i still dont like the running moving animation with weapon but for me its slightly improved from DR.

AI from the 1st 20mins of playing seemed... active, they did use cover well at times, and moved.... a lot? there were a lot of times though where i picked them off from out in the open, Jury still out as i haven't really played it but not expecting anything revolutionary.

What i did like was the squad command system... very easy to use and i think a big improvement from DR

Everything else seemed polished as you would expect.

Anyway thats what i got from 20mins game play.

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Now DIE!!!!:shoot:

I deserve that! :mad:

Btw, said on steam its now available (UK) isit?

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played for 4 hours today...personal review:

First the bad (true) pionts:

- Where as the models look very interesting and full of funky nice personalised detail feels like the texture resolution could be better, but I guess thats what you get when you do cross-platform dev.

- viewdistance is a little crap implemented, distant places look barren, but when you get closer they get better.

- building are empty of all things, looks weird

Thats it...thats the only bad things I can find...

Now for the rest:

- Dumb AI - total crap, its not worse if not better in most other games out there, especially friendlies surprised the hell out of me when they look for cover, search through homes, run to each others help and save my ass by very effectively popping enemies when my AK jams while im in the open. Enemy AI hides back into building when you open fire at them from a large distance, drops doen on the floor and actively kills me and my team. Does sometimes get confused, but not in a dumb way, but in a way that would suggest confusion in combat from lack of training.

- No bullet drop and no general ballistics - utter bullshit. Hitting targets at 200+ m is not that easy.

- Missions are very long and enduring. Four hours and im on mission 4. Other fire teams have their own battles around you, their own villages they clear.

- Atmosphere is there, looks all very dusty and bland, the sky looks great. Huge ass explosions from JDAMs look awesome (not Blastcore awesome but still)

- The sergeant is actually quite funny. Dont really get what the big fuss there was about in the first place to be honest.

- very polished in terms of animations, mission design, voice acting and general immersion, sounds.

- very neat design of GUI, thought through command menu.

But dont misunderstand me...its not Arma, not even close, its in no way a simulation, its a game. If you are a gamer, its will appeal to you. If you fly DCS: A10 for breakfast, and think ACE2 is not real enough, then this isnt for you.

So yeh, Im really stumped at all the shits that been said in this thread...I suggest all you wannabe "Yahtzee"'s out there actually go ahead and give it a try...given of course you can take away the time from smelling your own farts and have a "friend" that "has bought" the game that you can come and "try it out".

Edited by Soul_Assassin

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Tried it. Its a complete sham.

The leash they keep you on makes the tether in DR feel like the Outerra engine. Seriously, its the worst Ive ever seen.

Convoy gets attacked and your told to defend while enemies keep appearing from behind and around a structure maybe 100m away -you cant even try to approach it or the fuzzy screen of death appears.

Bridge battle -your guys on one side, enemies keep "appearing" on opposite side -your supposed to just have a shootout from that placement and trying something creative like, I dont know, crossing under the bridge OR over it -death by fuzzy screen. I'm talking a 30-50m deviation.... It's horrendous.

Pretty sure it's their entity count acting as shitty overlord to keep you from actual seeing these guys spawn. This engine just flat out sucks for anything above the arcade shooter paygrade -and thats what it is: the old shooting gallery games with a tripped out vista and pretty good death animations.

If you like your games remotely tactical -avoid like STD Mary.

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Just prove the theory of no such thing as bad publicity, only bad sales. I guess it looks like the sales are going along quite nice if not excellent... just because we wanted to see it for ourselves how bad it's actually is...

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we wanted to see it for ourselves how bad it's actually is...

I fell into that into that zone, I do Admit, however i did have a few drinks to make me do it, however my friend said it was good, however we both agreed that calling it a similation is a bit silly, kind of like calling portal 2 the cutting edge of current science.

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Well, as long you guys had fun with it, I think it's okay. I will also admit that game looked kinda fun, just that I wont buy it at full price release. Maybe wait for a promo or something. Or better yet a demo... though that is highly very unlikely.

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@all people that now wrote about their experience with OFP: RR

i do believe you that, depending on the expectations, this game "can" be fun and measured by those expectations even does some things right. But the most important question wasn't answered, at least not directly. The question all rage against CM is based in this thread, even in this forum:

On the Box it says "Operation Flashpoint". So when i buy it, do i get a Operation Flashpoint?

When i buy a Lamboghini i don't expect it to have a 60hp engine.

Don't answer this question, it was pure rethorical. We all know the answer even without playing/testing the game.

It isn't about what the game is or isn't, it is about what the name promised it to be.

It is about that there was a awesome game released in 2001 which we loved and still do and now the name is raped again and again by this bad company named Consolemasters.

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Myke;1903559']@all people that now wrote about their experience with OFP: RR

i do believe you that' date=' depending on the expectations, this game "can" be fun and measured by those expectations even does some things right. But the most important question wasn't answered, at least not directly. The question all rage against CM is based in this thread, even in this forum:

On the Box it says "Operation Flashpoint". So when i buy it, do i get a Operation Flashpoint?

When i buy a Lamboghini i don't expect it to have a 60hp engine.

Don't answer this question, it was pure rethorical. We all know the answer even without playing/testing the game.

It isn't about what the game is or isn't, it is about what the name promised it to be.

It is about that there was a awesome game released in 2001 which we loved and still do and now the name is raped again and again by this bad company named Consolemasters.[/quote']

^^ This :cool:

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It has nothing to do anymore with OFP it has the name and that's all. For me it's a no buy for several reasons. The biggest gripe I have is . . . that all freedom to play went down the drain with DR and RR follows in the same footsteps and got even less features.

The second reason is that I don't support CM's business model. Dropping support immediately tells me everything. They won't get my hard earned cash for that simple reason.:mad: Anyone who's is buying this game, even if it's only out of curiosity, is directly supporting them.:(

just my 2 cents

kind regards

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The second reason is that I don't support CM's business model. Dropping support immediately tells me everything.

Exactly, just that alone should make people avoid their products.

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The second reason is that I don't support CM's business model. Dropping support immediately tells me everything.

I'd be more concerned about the lies prior to release.

Even if they drop support early on you at least get what was advertised....

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Everyone who here acturally brought the game have help the evil affort of CM to stay in business and making rip off games, shame on you!:mad:

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The second reason is that I don't support CM's business model. Dropping support immediately tells me everything.

Would you be happier if they released totally bugged game and had to patch it two years to make it playable?

I don't really get why everyone here thinks that patching is actually something good and releasing a flawless game that doesn't need more than 2 patches is bad...:rolleyes:

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It has nothing to do anymore with OFP it has the name and that's all. For me it's a no buy for several reasons. The biggest gripe I have is . . . that all freedom to play went down the drain with DR and RR follows in the same footsteps and got even less features.

The second reason is that I don't support CM's business model. Dropping support immediately tells me everything. They won't get my hard earned cash for that simple reason.:mad: Anyone who's is buying this game, even if it's only out of curiosity, is directly supporting them.:(

just my 2 cents

kind regards

Nah, im purely supporting my FPS gaming addiction... thats how BIS also gets my money, and ive given them a fair bit over the years and will continue to do so if they keep producing what i like (not sure bout the helicopters tho). there are many games that ive brought that i have regretted, but as much as the ragers want me to believe, CM's version of OFP isnt one of them, it doesn't come close to anything BIS produce but its closer than anyone else in the market... and for that fact alone, im in.

Maybe a question should be "How was the name lost in the first place" i mean im no business man by any stretch but you either chasing skirts or $$$ to sign away your biggest asset?

Everyone who here acturally brought the game have help the evil affort of CM to stay in business and making rip off games, shame on you!:mad:

?? ok... shame on me :nono::rofl:

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The head honcho's at CM probably don't think of how they could get money in the long term IE community support but rather how can we rake in the most right now. And with that ethic probably lose more sales than they could have gained.

Thing is community support is a major asset, everyone knows someone who has bought a game they had no interest in prior, simply because there is a mod created for it that appeals to their interest and by doing so sales go ^. Even after the community makes mods for things, and you the developer releasing something similar or exactly the same, chances are there is a great number in the community that would still buy that DLC or expansion pack.

Edited by NodUnit

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I don't really get why everyone here thinks that patching is actually something good and releasing a flawless game that doesn't need more than 2 patches is bad...:rolleyes:

Try ArmA2 Co 1.59 and you'll understand.

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I don't really get why everyone here thinks that patching is actually something good and releasing a flawless game that doesn't need more than 2 patches is bad...:rolleyes:

Oh yeah, because the newest patch for DR fixed the 100% GPU load, yes?

Oh wait...

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