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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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I think it was Maruk who said they make millions of dollars off each game they release.

abliet arma or OFP.

Take Zippers words

Arma is still selling

Dragon crap aint and hasnt for the past 6 months.

I think i recall one of the devs posting they didnt make as much money on ARMA2 as they expected, one of the reasons for the DLC drive.

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No. If anything, that post would have been about the DLCs continuing if they sell enough. I believe Arma 2 has sold just find.

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but you don’t have to break your thumbs to pull it off.

What kind of PC GAMER breaks his thumbs playing an FPS with mouse and keyboard, unless it's a copy/paste from another console Press Release ?

Given the lack of flyable stuff in RR, I can't even give them the benefits of doubt thinking he plugged an xbox controller on his PC to drive/fly...

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Screws have a habit of becoming unscrewed. How wierd is that?

With all the glue you're using, you can probably lock those screws down with a tiny dab of glue. The large surface area finger tight screws, at any rate.

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I believe Arma 2 has sold just find.

Would be interesting to see some actual figures about the number of units sold. I can't imagine that figures like that are a company secret, seeing as many publishers mention them.

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A headshot is not a Headshot in Codemaster FPS games

silly PC gamer

This review reeks of PR garbage composed by CM.

I bet you all the game wont even look like those screenshots, probably alot worse.

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No. If anything, that post would have been about the DLCs continuing if they sell enough. I believe Arma 2 has sold just find.

Could swear there was a set a posts somewhere (maybe in this or one of the other CM threads) where one of the devs said ARMA2 didnt sell as many as hoped/expected.

I think people were going over the reasons why like ARMA1 not living up to OFP etc.

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Unfortunately it seems to be the nature of the beast with previews/reviews, why absolutely lay into a game (even if it is bad) and ruin your relationship with it's developers/publishers? Next time they release something, don't count on getting the exclusive you need...

The review industry is purely created by the people who make the products to promote their own work further, sceptical I know but if you ask most people they say they won't buy something based on an internet/magazine p/review so the idea that informs a reader on a purchase only works in a limited capacity at best.

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Once again, look at the comments section to the PC Gamer preview.

Even if 50% of those commenting were from this forum (which I doubt), it shows just how badly CM have shafted their reputation on the PC platform in general, but with the 'Flashpoint' IP specifically.

If I were a PC Gamer editor, I'd be thinking about whether keeping CM happy is worth taking the damage to the e-zine's reputation.

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Could swear there was a set a posts somewhere (maybe in this or one of the other CM threads) where one of the devs said ARMA2 didnt sell as many as hoped/expected.

I remember a post saying sales of Arma 2 were not enough to allow continued patching at a quality level acceptable to Bohemia.

It appeared a few weeks before the first DLC was announced.

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I remember a post saying sales of Arma 2 were not enough to allow continued patching at a quality level acceptable to Bohemia.

It appeared a few weeks before the first DLC was announced.

Funny guys BIS are. lol

Anyway, I really doubt Red River ammounts to much. Recently re-installed BF2142, had to go through some bad times with EA chat support to get a key back though. Poor me :rolleyes:

Better than DR, even when BF lags so much online (for those who saw my "FPS" picture a while back, its worse in BF online lol) :D

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I remember a post saying sales of Arma 2 were not enough to allow continued patching at a quality level acceptable to Bohemia.

It appeared a few weeks before the first DLC was announced.

Highly doubt that ArmA2 sold/sells bad, mainly as like OFP its a game that always sells even after years, not in huge numbers but it will still be selling in a year and more as i see it.

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Hehe , nice little storm in the comment section of the PC Gamer preview .

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Hehe , nice little storm in the comment section of the PC Gamer preview .

For me, to be honest, there is no such thing as bad publicity, only bad sales... those bad publicity could probably be used to their advantage... ppl would buy and check it out themselves out of curiosity... to prove a point or whatever...

but on the other hand... I look forward how this one will die upon release... if it's released

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For me, to be honest, there is no such thing as bad publicity, only bad sales... those bad publicity could probably be used to their advantage... ppl would buy and check it out themselves out of curiosity...

I agree, even bad press is good press. The very fact that this thread is already 267 pages long proves that people around here are more inquisitive about Red River than they care to admit.

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I agree, even bad press is good press. The very fact that this thread is already 267 pages long proves that people around here are more inquisitive about Red River than they care to admit.

After the mess that was DR, we already know this game will suck.

Were only here to take the piss now, nothing more nothing less.

Lets not forget support for DR was dropped within what 2 months? I know it wasn't long... this will be no different, the gameplay sucks arse, doesn't matter how you dress the turd up tbh.

Edited by Eble

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Did the gameplay really suck?

My impression was that DR at its best was like a more hassle-free, low-key version of a pitifully unimaginative, easy, small-scale Arma mission.

I think most people actually like the co-op.

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The gameplay was hindered by terrible design choices, namely the typical FPS-style view, the animation-based recoil, the M203 always having to reload as you cycle between it's different options, and worst of all, the radial command menu. Just... The command menu in general. It was terrible.

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The gameplay was hindered by terrible design choices, namely the typical FPS-style view, the animation-based recoil, the M203 always having to reload as you cycle between it's different options, and worst of all, the radial command menu. Just... The command menu in general. It was terrible.

when i saw the ia and models of the ia i really asked my self do soldiers really walk/run this way? and i had the feeling in that game that i was like flooting on the screen not walking or running, but i have this in a lot of fps games. Arma II is somehow the only game where i don't have that kind of feeling.

now i don't play much other games so far only ofp arma II made it for me to stay on my pc :cool:

oh i also have stalker i like that game because it has a good storry, but i have the same deal with the feeling like i'm flooting above ground not walking ...

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There are many parts of DR I like. Most of it, the ideas rather than actual elemt that ended up ingame.

Like the Radial Command Menu, It was a good idea, I find ArmA II's command system cumbersome, and I like the quick and easy to use Radial idea. The way they implimented it in DR was terrible.

Zipper, If you want to swap your HE round to your HEDP round in a M203, you need to remove the HE round first. Thats supposed to happen :P

DR had ALOT of potential, And could have been a very good game. Its small-scale design was, good, but its overall design decisions were, very bad indeed.


That feeling is because in most games you're first person view is just an overlay onto the game world, whereas, in ArmA II the view you can see in first person is the full 3d model which you see from 3rd person as well. Its also the model with the collision physics in it. So you're not "floating" in arma2 unlike in say DR, where your view is "floating" above the ground.

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Zipper, If you want to swap your HE round to your HEDP round in a M203, you need to remove the HE round first. Thats supposed to happen :P

He meant switching firing modes. It forced you to go through the GL grenade types, always having you wait to load each.

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No it didn't, you could hold down ( ' ) [Apostrophe] and it would let you choose the round you want. Then it would load that round.


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Like the Radial Command Menu, It was a good idea, I find ArmA II's command system cumbersome, and I like the quick and easy to use Radial idea.

I wish Bohemia would implement a similar style of command menu, the general concept is a great idea but needs refinement.

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I wish Bohemia would implement a similar style of command menu, the general concept is a great idea but needs refinement.

Yeah, DR one was very cumbersome. It was a good idea at base, but very poorly done. Lets see how Project Reality handles its Command Radial, and see if thats a good thing in ArmA.

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Well, I didn't want to hold it down to just quickly go from semi to full auto, and then perhaps to the GL if needed. In most other games you either press a corresponding number (Source games) or one single button to quickly cycle (Arma 2). Much more intuitive. Even BC2 had a better system. I found out that menu which pops up upon holding the fire mode selector key later after playing the game, but I rarely used it.

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