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About Deathstruck

  • Rank
    Master Gunnery Sergeant


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  • Location
    Kaer Morhen

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  1.  will Bumareng apc will be added in ARMA 3 IN FUTURE


  2. Could i use RUAF 2035 PKP in another mod? with credits ofc Thanks

  3. Hi, I want to ask question. 


    I would like to share your Arma 3Pilot model for gmod, if you allow me. Someone else has already shared your mod, I just want to share your Pilot model and if possible, I want to use your images. I'll put your name in the Credits section.

    Thank you.




    1. Jofel5252


      Someone else transferred your mod to gmod, I wanted to ask anyway


  4. Hi there, I just want to ask if it is possible to implement the BMPT-72 to 2035 RAF ? no one has yet made one

  5. Deathstruck

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    Apologies for reviving this ancient topic but does anyone have a working link for the launcher? All the links and mirrors as of 2022 are dead and I legit can't find any single working one. 😞 Thank you in advance! EDIT: Nvm, managed to find the file, had to venture deeper into google and found it on some (dodgy looking) chinese website. 😄
  6. Deathstruck

    2035: Russian Armed Forces (5.3.0)

    A new small-ish update (5.3.0) is up! Mostly fixes for reported issues (radio protocol), tweaks (Armata armor) and compatibility with the new DLC and so on. Dropbox, Steam, Armaholic and ModDB links have been updated. Changelog: VERSION 5.3.0 (09-08-2019) - Fixed the Russian radio protocol - Fixed the missing optics - Tweaked the T-14 and T-15 endurance - Added compatibility with official AK weapons, ammo and attachments - Other minor fixes
  7. Deathstruck

    Project injury reaction

    This is pretty damn awesome! Realistic reactions to gunfire/explosions is something I have been missing in ArmA games for a good while. Looking forward to the release.
  8. Deathstruck

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    @Professor Death Those winter guns (especially the long rifle) seem to be from our mod (2035 RAF), but I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the Used Addons? Just wondering. :)
  9. Sounds stellar. Cannot wait. How compatible will it be with other mods? Say, if I wanted to use Extended Effects alongside your mod, will it work from get go or will it need some kind of compatibility/merged config.cpp?
  10. Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8600K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60GHz 16GB of RAM DDR3 3000MHz MSI GeForce GTX1080TI 11GB 1TB of SSD space Windows 10 Home, x64 I install the game, apply the patch, click the launcher (or the main .exe) and nothing happens. But after some research I concluded it may be because of the Starforce protection that apparently does not play nice with newer Windows?
  11. Very nice! If you're still working on this, I'd be definitely interested in a mod version as well. :)
  12. I still got the old retail box, but the game for whatever reason just won't launch (Windows 7 and 10). I even tried setting up an VMWare station with Windows XP and the result is the same.
  13. Deathstruck

    2035: Russian Armed Forces (5.3.0)

    A tiny hotfix (5.2.1) is out. Steam Workshop, Armaholic, Dropbox and ModDB links have been updated. Changelog: VERSION 5.2.1 (09-01-2019) - Tweaked infantry textures - Tweaked some of the accessory models - Fixed some minor animation bugs with weapons and armor
  14. Deathstruck

    2035: Russian Armed Forces (5.3.0)

    No, thank you for your interest and support :) Holidays are coming and progress will probably slow down, but we definitely still have some stuff on the backburner that will *eventually* see the light of day. One day.
  15. Definitely looking forward to the next versions which hopefully will make it more usable for regular gameplay! This might be the best 3rd person camera mod out there. :)