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Think they'll ever give the jets an overhaul like helicopters? I love playing around with the Wipeout on Wasteland servers and when I'm not doing that I spend most my time playing DCS

But at the moment there isn't much choice when it comes to fixed winged vehicles and to be honest they feel far too simple to fly. They also feel a bit weird, like they're flying through jelly or something.

I'd definitely pay for a jet overhaul DLC, what about you guys?

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I'm not very interested in fast air, but I'd like a general 'aircraft' DLC which included civilian planes as well as jet improvements and maybe a cargo plane. Really I just miss the civilian prop planes that have always been in the series until now :(

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I would be all for it if it came with proper HUD & weapon "simulation" very much like ACE2 did with the Apache, Warthog ect... on Arma2.

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Interactive cockpits for all flying vehicles, proper radar, better flight model for jets, civilian aircraft, cargo plane ie c130.

The interactive cockpit would be a big draw. And perfect to keep that feature for dlc owners only. I could see it generate alot of revenue.

Frankly I'd like to see all above in the new expansion. then they can have my 30+ dollars.

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Hardly , the Marksmen DLC will be the last "small" DLC

after that there will be a big expansion pack

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A two seater fighter jet. With second seat full control over dropping bomb.

Yes and no. The Yak-131 is a CAS version of the Yak-130, which the To-199 Neophron is based off of. I honestly don't see why they never added in a Two-Seater as well, they had one in Arma 2. The most annoying part is that it seems like even though Arma remains Arma, the fact that Arma 3 can't do some important things that Arma 2 can do is a massive question mark, considering Arma 3, in it's right a the next game in the series, should be it's successor.

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Not sure about having interactive cockpits only for DLC owners. IMO if such a feature is ever planned to be introduced. It should work like the AFM in heli DLC. As much as I love CAS and jets, I wouldn't want to be using an interactive cockpit.

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How about as well as the menu disable like AFM. A quick key to disable the cockpit interaction. so you could do start up then disable after take off without the need to pause.

Have used the interactive cockpits with mods. And they add some really cool immersion. But I also see why someone would rather not have.

And yes Darkside, bugs me that no two seater jet be good fun. I guarantee, if one was put in, it would be Greatly appreciated by all.

As far as jet dlc goes will just have to see what this expansion has to offer.

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Just a way to drop bombs accurately, like

would be nice.

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I'd love to see some more aircrafts, such as a Transport plane. I am truly hoping for a few to come along with the Addon. We currently have no proper way of mass-deploying paratroopers (No, Helicopter-Based short range jumps don't count as "proper"). I doubt, however, that there will be any DLC for these kinds of things. And personally i don't need a interactive cockpit since i like an overall easily acessible system. Belive me or not, dear arma-veterans, but flying in arma seems to be quite hard for new players already. So, interactive cockpits could be a Feature, but no forced one.

I'm fully agreeing, however, on a few more airplanes. I understand that due to the mapsize we don't need a huge mach-3 air superiority fighter. But small CAS/AA Patrol Aircrafts, maybe troop transports (where's the VTOL?) and bigger transport planes (C-130 sucessor) could come in aswell as a civilian machine. Islands like Altis call for a seaplane aswell. However, if at all, i suppose this would be part of the Addon, and not of any extra DLC.

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- NATO fighter jet [with carrier ops support]

- OPFOR fighter jet

- NATO cargo plane

- Civilian plane [small one]

- NATO aircraft carrier

- NATO destroyer [carrier escort + SAM cover over see]

- NATO SAM system

- CSAT SAM system

- few tweaks on weapon lock/guidance mechanism

this would be more than enough in my opinion for ARMA 3 environment if such DLC would ever happen... till that "modded" toys...

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A while ago I might've said yes. But the problem is, there would need to be an immense overhaul of how countermeasures, radar, guided weapons (both atg and ata), SAMs, and distant rendering work. If we could have something like VBS3's subpixel rendering that would allow us to see aircraft 10 miles away, maybe. But until these things are fixed, there really isn't much point in seeing a new flight model. I do hope that the Expansion will give us a civilian plane or maybe some cargo planes for NATO and CSAT. Maybe we could also see a MiG-21bis for the FIA or something. Still in operation today, but still older than the L-39 (AAF's jet).

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Maybe we could also see a MiG-21bis for the FIA or something. Still in operation today, but still older than the L-39 (AAF's jet).

From an official point of view. I don't see how the Mig could fit in there. I'd imagine on such a small island Republic a rebel force couldn't sustain an air force of any scale.

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A while ago I might've said yes. But the problem is, there would need to be an immense overhaul of how countermeasures, radar, guided weapons (both atg and ata), SAMs, and distant rendering work. If we could have something like VBS3's subpixel rendering that would allow us to see aircraft 10 miles away, maybe. But until these things are fixed, there really isn't much point in seeing a new flight model. I do hope that the Expansion will give us a civilian plane or maybe some cargo planes for NATO and CSAT. Maybe we could also see a MiG-21bis for the FIA or something. Still in operation today, but still older than the L-39 (AAF's jet).

Cough, L-159 ALCA (AAF's jet), Cough.

Though, a Mig-21 i wouldn't like to see, that's a bit too old, in fact, older than any jet we saw in Arma 2, which wouldn't quite make sense showing up in 2035... There are new, more affordable jets, or trainers that now fulfill the roles of old time aircraft that a nation like Altis could, probably afford, seeing as they are mainly using European aircraft, a budget jet like the Gripen, might suffice just fine. However, I would put a single finger on anything close to "Jets" DLC, for the purpose of adding more content, and not features. I say they fix the Fixed wing in and throw in a few extra jets free in the future. The Fixed Wing model somehow got worse from Arma 2. Somehow...

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I honestly do not see the value in spending a sizeable amount of resources on fast air at least in arma.

For it to be worth it fast air would have to be a more integral part of the arma formula and so many of the games mechanics would have to be completely reworked and I don't envision a DLC being that ambitious.

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Cough, L-159 ALCA (AAF's jet), Cough.

Okay, L-159. They're very similar.

From an official point of view. I don't see how the Mig could fit in there. I'd imagine on such a small island Republic a rebel force couldn't sustain an air force of any scale.

I suppose. We really haven't gotten much background on exactly what Altis is like, to be honest. Is it a tiny, poor, nearly empty wasteland of shepherds? Is it fairly modern? Is Altis its own republic? Is it no longer part of Greece? What is Greece's economy like in 2035? And MiG-21s aren't very expensive. I don't know what condition it's in, but I found one for sale for $70,000.

Or maybe if we get civilian planes, the FIA could get an armed variant, similar to the Iraqi's armed cessnas?

Just throwing ideas around here.

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The Republic of Altis & Stratis. It has zero connection to Greece.

If you draw a triangle between Malta - Libya - Greece you can then place Altis + Stratis right in the middle of that.

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The Republic of Altis & Stratis. It has zero connection to Greece.

If you draw a triangle between Malta - Libya - Greece you can then place Altis + Stratis right in the middle of that.

Is this something the game made up? Because when googling "Limnos", the very first sentence of the description is "Lemnos is an island of Greece".

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Is this something the game made up? Because when googling "Limnos", the very first sentence of the description is "Lemnos is an island of Greece".

Off-topic:You can see the actual location in the intro and inside the silo where are the scientists.

I would pay for a plane DLC: cargo plane, air superiority fighters F-22; J-20, bombers. And free features for everyone (FixedWingLib CGF)

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I don't think interactive cockpits are needed in arma. I was more interested in a more realistic flight model and an overhaul of the radars and missiles.

Right now the jets just feel wrong in the air imo, I can't put my finger on it but something doesn't feel as nice as other jet games. Feels really floaty. But they made the helicopters feel really nice with the Helo DLC.

Civilian planes would be amazing for transport, maybe a nice big B-52 clone too. Something big and cumbersome that would require escort from jets to get anywhere.

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A while ago I might've said yes. But the problem is, there would need to be an immense overhaul of how countermeasures, radar, guided weapons (both atg and ata), SAMs, and distant rendering work...

i'm completely with demongod... as long as there is no overhaul of all those things planned, no more vehicles should be added which completely screw the balance in MP games

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I mean it would be very cool to have but i think they should make a DLC pack of guns! but +1

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I'm fully agreeing, however, on a few more airplanes. I understand that due to the mapsize we don't need a huge mach-3 air superiority fighter. But small CAS/AA Patrol Aircrafts, maybe troop transports (where's the VTOL?) and bigger transport planes (C-130 sucessor) could come in aswell as a civilian machine. Islands like Altis call for a seaplane aswell. However, if at all, i suppose this would be part of the Addon, and not of any extra DLC.
If you're fine with one CAS fixed-wing aircraft per faction and the omission of "air superiority" fast air, then that's already achieved. ;) It's transports, civilian or military, that are the main remaining omission... though I'll note that config-wise Arma 2's MV-22 was literally just a fixed-wing aircraft with vtol = 3; and accompanying animations unlike the C-130.
From an official point of view. I don't see how the Mig could fit in there. I'd imagine on such a small island Republic a rebel force couldn't sustain an air force of any scale.
The two basic models for real-world "rebel air power" are either captures-from-government with help (not necessarily foreign) for sustaining them or converted civilian aircraft with weapons, so for the former the FIA could have seized or snuck a MiG-21bis out from a lesser-tier AAF base, or had one smuggled into Altis and/or Stratis, and for the latter just proxy rockets or bombs onto whatever fixed-wing aircraft the Civilians receive.
Cough, L-159 ALCA (AAF's jet), Cough.

Though, a Mig-21 i wouldn't like to see, that's a bit too old, in fact, older than any jet we saw in Arma 2, which wouldn't quite make sense showing up in 2035... There are new, more affordable jets, or trainers that now fulfill the roles of old time aircraft that a nation like Altis could, probably afford, seeing as they are mainly using European aircraft, a budget jet like the Gripen, might suffice just fine.

The Buzzard actually makes sense in the context of the Arma 3 backstory: the AAF is only a few years out from the Jerusalem Cease Fire, presumably has relied on "the international community" since for external security, and is "weighed-down by on-going counter-insurgency operations on Altis". The priorities implied by those conditions point towards armed trainers or trainer-derived attack aircraft, and the Buzzard is basically the 2035 iteration of this trend.
I suppose. We really haven't gotten much background on exactly what Altis is like, to be honest. Is it a tiny, poor, nearly empty wasteland of shepherds? Is it fairly modern? Is Altis its own republic? Is it no longer part of Greece? What is Greece's economy like in 2035? And MiG-21s aren't very expensive. I don't know what condition it's in, but I found one for sale for $70,000.

Or maybe if we get civilian planes, the FIA could get an armed variant, similar to the Iraqi's armed cessnas?

I can buy the idea... so long as you weren't looking for ATGMs. :p I say that since the overall package of said armed Cessnas includes everything from an EO/IR ball turret (or what BI and these forums seem to colloquially call "FLIR") with laser designator to defensive countermeasures.

For that to be in the hands of a faction which would (if its Editor-presented classes are representative of what they have in-story) otherwise only have small arms, RPGs, 82 mm mortars, inflatable boats, M2-armed technicals, and unarmed small trucks would much more strongly suggest the captures-from-government model instead of the converted/weaponized civilian aircraft model, considering the much lower technical/training bar required for the FIA to operate and sustain the aforementioned equipment.

Is this something the game made up? Because when googling "Limnos", the very first sentence of the description is "Lemnos is an island of Greece".
Slightly over two years ago Altis was renamed from Limnos explicitly because of a certain real-life incident, and correspondingly the in-game INDFOR's affiliated government is the Republic of Altis and Stratis.

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IMO additional jets are not needed in Arma. Yeah, it would be nice to have them if they would just pop out of nowhere but since the game focused on infantry combat and there is so much to improve in that aspect, jets are simply out of scope and it would be unreasonable for BI to spend resources on making some laughable parody to DCS (or Silent Hunter, or Steel Beasts, or You-Name-The-Game-That-Implements-Something-Better-Than-Arma-Does).

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