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Found 14 results

  1. Hello there! I've recently set up a dedicated server to play Reforger with my group in a private setting. The server runs and seemingly operates as it should, (no unusual errors in server logs) and everyone can connect and play on the server without issues, except for myself. When I set "gameHostRegisterBindAddress" to my public IP, it prevents me from not only connecting to my server, but seeing any other Reforger servers available in the server browser. Leaving this form blank, (defaulting to allows me to connect and play no issues, but for everyone else trying to connect, the server displays a ping of 999+ and rejects their connections. I wouldn't consider myself an expert of hosting/managing servers, especially dedicated ones like this, but am I missing something to enable connections both locally and externally, or is this just not possible with Reforger's current state? If anyone has any recommendations, I would be grateful for any and all of them! If I can provide any additional information which could help solve my issue, I would be happy to provide it! Reforger is a fantastic platform so far and I'm just really excited to play the next generation of Arma as soon as possible :P
  2. Since some time ago, Arma used to run fine and start without issues. However, as of recently, I cannot start into the Eden editor, regardless of what options between LAN or Internet, ports, with/without password, unmodded, modded, with/without DLC. I have verified files, and removed most main Arma folders and done fresh installs, but still consistently freezes the moment I click host when in the hosting tab of Arma 3. I have not seen anywhere of anyone else having these issues and I'm stumped as to what to do. I have to forcibly close the game through task manager as it doesn't trigger a non-responsive popup or even crash popup, the game simply freezes up, including ram and CPU usage sits at where it's at.
  3. Hi, i have a server from zap-hosting. i am new to the server game, so i have no clue what could be wrong. My Target is just to have a Server with a mission, but i get config errors and the server goes offline. I would appreciate if someone would have a working config which i can change to my needs. Server log [6n[6n[m [H [H[?25lENGINE : Creating engine. [?25h[HE [?25lENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\cygwin\home\zap1204197\ g622766\reforger\saves\logs\logs_2024-05-03_11-09-35' to filesystem under name l ogs[77X[77C ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\cygwin\home\zap1204197\ g622766\reforger\saves\profile' to filesystem under name profile[16X[16C ENGINE : Initializing engine.[45X[45C [?25h[?25lENGINE : CLI Params: -maxFPS 60 -profile C:\cygwin/home/zap1204197/g622766 /reforger/saves -config C:\cygwin/home/zap1204197/g622766/reforger/server.json ENGINE : Addon dirs:[54X[54C ENGINE : dir: './addons'[49X[49C ENGINE : dir: 'C:/cygwin/home/zap1204197/g622766/reforger/saves/addons' ENGINE : Available addons:[48X[48C ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (pack ed)[77X[77C ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F85 9' (packed)[69X[69C [?25h[?25lENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 3) to fil esystem under name ArmaReforger[49X[49C [?25h[?25lENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 1) to fil esystem under name core[57X[57C RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/d ata/resourceDatabase.rdb)[55X[55C [?25h[?25lRESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/reso [?25h[?25l urceDatabase.rdb)[63X[63C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lRESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\cygwin\home\ [?25h[?25l zap1204197\g622766\reforger\saves\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)[17X[17C [?25h[?25l RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=logs path=C:\cygwin\home\zap [?25h[?25l 1204197\g622766\reforger\saves\logs\logs_2024-05-03_11-09-35/resourceDatabase.rd [?25h[?25l b)[78X[78C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE : GameProject load [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : Loaded addons: [?25h[?25l ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' [?25h[?25l ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F8 [?25h[?25l 59'[77X[77C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : GameProject load[49X[49C [?25h[?25l INIT : GameProject load project data @"./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj [?25h[?25l "[79X[79C [?25h[?25l RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/local [?25h[?25l ization.st" in property "StringTableSource"[37X[37C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : Loading custom engine user config '$profile:.save/settings/Reforg [?25h[?25l erEngineSettings.conf'[58X[58C [?25h[?25l INIT : GameProject engine user settings load @"$profile:.save/settings/R [?25h[?25l eforgerEngineSettings.conf"[53X[53C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : Engine user settings config loaded[30X[30C [?25h[?25l ENGINE (W): No module info used, trying to identify -> 0x95340000[12X[12C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Basic screen setup:[46X[46C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Back buffer width x height: 0x0[32X[32C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_UNKNOWN (0)[13X[13C [?25h[?25l RENDER : MSAA : none[31X[31C [?25h[?25l RENDER : GPU_DUMMY (0xFFFF) (Enfusion dummy render) with 1 GPU detected, V [?25h[?25l RAM 128MB (fast 128MB), shared 128MB, driver version Unknown version, stereo not [?25h[?25l available[70X[70C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Detected output devices:[41X[41C [?25h[?25l RENDER : * 1 device/s connected to Dummy:[32X[32C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Dummy output (Dummy device for our dummy render.), 1920x1080 ( [?25h[?25l offset 0x0), 60Hz[63X[63C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2[38X[38C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=32, shortJobContextCount=16, short [?25h[?25l JobThreadCount=15, longJobThreadCount=7[41X[41C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lAUDIO : Audio device created [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[H [24;1H[?25lENGINE : Initializing inputs. [?25h[?25l NETWORK : Initializing networking.[41X[41C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lSCRIPT : SCRIPT : Initializing scripts [?25h[?25l SCRIPT : SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init[24X[24C [?25h[?25l PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.075800 ms[21X[21C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lPROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 22.169200 ms [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created. [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lGUI : Using default language (en_us) [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lGUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. [?25h[?25l INIT : INIT : Loading StringTable[31X[31C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lPROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 20.126200 ms [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lSCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l SCRIPT : Module: GameLib; loaded 271x files; 492x classes; used 462/2097 [?25h[?25l kB (22%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE"; [?25h[?25l CRC32: 2d6792ab[65X[65C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lPROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 32.883700 ms [?25h[?25l SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts[28X[28C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lSCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Components/SCR_XPHandlerComponent.c,34": 'OnPlaye [?25h[?25l rSpawned' is obsolete: Use OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S instead[22X[22C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/GameMode/Respawn/SCR_WaveRespawnTimerComponent.c, [?25h[?25l 103": 'OnPlayerSpawned' is obsolete: Use OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S instead [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[HA[24;1H[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/Inventory/SCR_InventoryMenuUI.c,522": No need [?25h[?25l to use 'Cast' for up-casting[52X[52C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[HN[24;1H[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/ScreenEffects/SCR_DeathScreenEffect.c,55": No [?25h[?25l need to use 'Cast' for up-casting[47X[47C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[H [24;1H[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Workshop/SCR_WorkshopItem.c,715": 'GetSizeBytes' [?25h[?25l is obsolete: Use Revision.GetSizeBytes() instead.[31X[31C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[HP[24;1H[?25l SCRIPT : Module: Game; loaded 3864x files; 8184x classes; used 18026/4194 [?25h[?25l 3 kB (42%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE, [?25h[?25l ENABLE_BASE_DESTRUCTION,DEBUG,RESPAWN_TIMER_COMPONENT_DEBUG,DEBUG_NEARBY_CONTEXT [?25h[?25l _DISPLAY,DEBUG_CONFIGURABLE_DIALOGS,DISABLE_WEAPON_SWITCHING,SCRIPTED_AIM_MODIFI [?25h[?25l ER_DEBUG"; CRC32: 5ddb87c7[54X[54C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[HP[24;1H[?25lPROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 2271.278800 ms [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lINIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version bu [?25h[?25l ilt 2024-03-20 2:55:42 UTC.[53X[53C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lBACKEND : Loading dedicated server config. [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l BACKEND : Server config loaded. [?25h[?25l BACKEND : Loading dedicated server config.[33X[33C [?25h[?25l BACKEND (E): JSON parse error: Invalid value. (Line: 3 | Char: 25)[11X[11C [?25h[?25l BACKEND (E): There are errors in server config![30X[30C [?25h[?25l BACKEND (E): Unable to continue with a broken DS config! Shutdown![12X[12C [?25h[?25l ENGINE (E): Error while initializing game.[35X[35C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE (E): Unable to initialize the game [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE (E): BackendDebug:: HttpClient Cleanup [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE : Game destroyed. [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[Ht[24;1H[?25lRPL : Pip::Destroy [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lRESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ==== [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lRESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds 1 [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h Server config { "adminPassword": "XX", "dedicatedServerId": ar-gm-%profilename", "game": { "autoJoinable": false, "gameProperties": { "battlEye": true, "disableThirdPerson": true, "fastValidation": true, "missionHeader": { "m_eDefaultGameFlags": 6, "m_eEditableGameFlags": 6, "m_iPlayerCount": 40, "other": "values" }, "networkViewDistance": 1000, "serverMaxViewDistance": 2500, "serverMinGrassDistance": 50 }, "name": " Test Server", "password": "XX", "playerCountLimit": 32, "scenarioId": "{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf", "supportedGameClientTypes": [ "PLATFORM_PC", "PLATFORM_XBL" ], "visible": true }, "gameHostBindAddress": "XX", "gameHostBindPort": 2221, "gameHostRegisterBindAddress": "XX", "gameHostRegisterPort": 2211, "mods": [ { "modId": "5965550F24A0C152", "name": "WHERE AM I", "version": "1.1.0 " }, { "modId": "59751AA829BB0968", "name": "MME - MODERN MILITARY EQUIPMEN", "version": "1.0.4" } ], "region": "EU-FFM" }
  4. Good Day So I've been hosting games Arma 3 since yesterday, and my friend is experiencing a peculiar problem. When he joins my server, you must select your squad/team; it is blank... (as seen below ) We tried waiting for 5-plus minutes, we've both verified the game files, we've double-checked our mods, and we've been attempting to play without mods as restarted our PCs and Wifi. Some of the official scenarios work plenty to have the same problem. So far, only one modded scenario out of 20 plus minus worked but then the in-game menu was glitched, where you choose your layout, he was stuck at the cut scene with only the option to leave Note: I have the best internet out of my friend group, so I always host for a stable experience. PC specs Win 11 5600x RTX 3070 32 Ram 2TB m.2 SSD Photo & Video: 1: blank menu https://share.icloud.com/photos/02dUp0EoUGK1BGDwr6bcKg6Cw 2: retrieving data stuck at 0% (when he leaves a mission/abort) https://share.icloud.com/photos/02c0_ih5pV-sTMrtyGb1d36qw 3: video of the in-game bugged menu https://share.icloud.com/photos/09763uYbeC9mKAIVFVL9bGy0A
  5. I'd like to host a server in-game for myself and some friends to play on with the vanilla radio system. However, the vanilla radio system has a default VON quality level of 3, 1/10th of the possible quality. So my question is how would I be able to pass "VonCodecQuality=15;" to a non-dedicated server that is run through the main menu server browser? I found a total of one source on reddit of a guy who asked the same question, and the answer he got was "just run a dedicated server lol." I'm really hoping this isn't the only possible answer.
  6. silverfox57

    Session error

    When I am hosting a server PC Only, my friends can join but I get the following message: Session error Connection has failed. Do you want to join the last played server? Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=3 'CONNECTION_FAILURE' Check console log for more details. Is there fix for this issue?
  7. I just got the game last night, tried to play it, and literally every one of the 4 game modes say”no suitable servers found”. So I gave up for the night and decided to try again today. To no surprise, the same thing happened. I figured I could convince a few friends to try it with me since the “host server” option was my only choice. I tried it, and once again, it’s unplayable because after I set up a game, they can’t join me via search OR direct connect. Wtf?
  8. withSix ending its service by the end of the week https://medium.com/withsix/farewell-2f0257e7aab7 so if you want to save anything from its network. now is the time.
  9. Hello guys. So my friends and I are creating a surreal milsim server together with the least knowledge of coding and scripting. Our will is pretty far serious and realistic. We have a different way of playing our military simulation. So here I am to ask you some crucial questions that matters for our server's developpement. I rent a server with 40 slots on HostHavoc. I barely know how to code so I count on the host panel to take care of most of my mods. What I want is a Realistic Milsim with grades, promotions, multiples units such as recon, infantry and mecanics, airborn and sea. What do you suggest ? I have already RHS mods, CBA and Task force radio installed, and currently have a issue with it. The command line doesn't read it. So my questions are, how can I configure properly my server ? Do I really need a scripter to handle the scripts and missions ? If yes, I hire you monthly. How can I make my mods to work and appear in the server ? If anyone can help me with that stuff I'll be very happy and grateful to you. Reply or send me a PM and we could talk on Discord. I really need someone. Thank you very much.
  10. Hi, for a few months my game has been broken.. which is shitty since i paid for the game and all the dlc's. it happend from one day to the other.. no changes or new mods installed or anything.. whenever i join servers, it says connection failed. whenever i try to host it loads for a sec, then it goes back to server browser. when i host through eden, game crashes. No errors at any time.. which is weird. tried with or without mods.. reinstalled 100%, removed/unsubbed all mods and manually deleted ALL arma 3 related files for a Fresh reinstall... still doesn't work my rig aint the problem, i have a top of the line BEAST of a gaming rig.. all new parts and 150FPS+ in most new games. All my software and drivers are up to date. HEEEEEELP O.o
  11. TF Thief

    Server Hosting

    Ok, so I clicked on the "create server" option, and it took me to the download site with the 64 bit and 32 bit and Linux 64 bit downloads, and I got both the 64 and 32 bit downloads for my windows laptop just in case, and I can open the zip folder and see the contents, but that's the most I can do???? How the heck do I turn downloaded folders into a full on multiplayer server?
  12. Is there a minimum requirement for servers to be able to use your loadouts? I'm currently trying to host a server for myself to test combat patrol with my loadouts but it seems you can only use the default kits. Is this a bug or am I unable to use the loadouts due to the nature of the server?
  13. Hello all, Me and few other people are starting up a King of the Hill server. What makes us somewhat different is we would like to offer people that have a battleye or vac ban a second chance and play on our servers. Also, we plan on pushing custom content out as well to compeat with the other big name servers. We are looking to build up a good community and reward people by joinning, playing on the server, and just having fun. I don't want to spool alot that we have planned, but we will be having mini games once a week inside the game itself to help you earn rewards on the website and in game goods :). We have filled out a Arma 3 Monetization application so we can give you great content. Please come over and take a look and join our community. The server will go live most likely Feb 17 around 7PM CST GMT -6. We are looking for some developers to help out. We do plan on (at a later time) paying our devs, but for now we are just trying to get things off the ground. Thanks for reading and hope to see you soon! -Optimus Unreal Servers -Check out our Website: http://unreal-servers.com/
  14. Hi, I am looking for a hosting company (dedicated or not) for a vanilla Arma3 server for 100-120 slots. This server will be used for a massive clan, with members from all over Europe, so a centralized server would be preferable (France, Germany etc). I've had a dedicated server before, running Dayz Epoch, with balticservers.com, but although the machine was a Xeon, there was some 'rubbering' ingame so i am having some seconds thoughts about dedicated servers. I have no idea how the server specs have changed during this last year that i went MIA from Arma, so i guess i am wondering if its worth the trouble to even bother with a full dedicated server instead of a web-panel based one. Any input would be highly appreciated.