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Everything posted by Neviothr

  1. Nice mod, thank you for this!
  2. Found another bug, the word "if" at the start of the line, and the word "then" after "//" break the comment. Removing one of the previously mentioned words fixes the issue.
  3. I found a minor bug, // Note is pink in CPP and HPP files, but not in SQF files.
  4. Thanks for the update, CUP Team!
  5. Neviothr

    [RELEASE] ColorPalette

    This is very useful, thank you!
  6. Neviothr

    Malden DLC 2035 - Official Feedback Post

    How's performance compared to other BIS maps (Stratis, Altis and Tanoa)?
  7. What about the FCS? Are you keeping your's (like RHS did), or are you removing it (like ACE3 did)?
  8. Neviothr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I mentioned the FCS system, not the whole of RHS.
  9. Neviothr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Ah, yes. Let's bash the guy who came here to ask questions ;)
  10. Neviothr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Exactly how? Last time I had to use them they were more broken than advanced.
  11. Neviothr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Why is it unlikely?
  12. Neviothr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Will RHS be removing their FCS system from all vehicles in favor of the vanilla one? Just like ACE3 https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/5152.
  13. Great progress, thank you for all the hard work!
  14. You also might want to look at the updated version. https://github.com/Neviothr/ArmA/tree/master/NEV_Addons/nev_debug_menu
  15. Neviothr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I used to request torrents before the mods were uploaded to the Steam workshop. Yet I own a legit copy of A3. :P
  16. Neviothr

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Apparently, Steam downloads all 4 mods in one package instead of 1-by-1. Is that new?
  17. Those look really silly, in a good way.
  18. Config.cpp: class CfgPatches { class mid_addon { name = "Mid's addon"; author = "Mid"; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class mid { class myTag { class myCategory { file = "myFile.sqf"; postInit = 1; }; }; }; }; myFile.sqf: myTag_fnc_myFunction = { // Your code here }; More info here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Functions_Library_(Arma_3)#Adding_a_Function
  19. Neviothr

    Persistent Non-Dedicated Server?

    Could this help?
  20. Neviothr

    You've played to much Arma when:

    When you right click on the recycle bin only to discover a "create PBO" option.
  21. Thank you for your help, but unfortunately, @bull_a I wasn't able to get your code to work properly for me. And having this been the 6th or 7th time I've tried creating weather sliders - I've decided to settle for a much dumber, and inefficient solution. debug_menu.hpp: class RscSlider; class RscButton; class nevDebugMenu { duration = 99999; idd = 80000; onLoad = "call NEV_fnc_onLoad"; class controls { // A slider to change the overcast value class overcastSlider: RscSlider { idc = 80003; x = "SafeZoneX + (960 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (285 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(200 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_HORZ; tooltip = "Change overcast"; }; // A slider to change the lightning value class lightningSlider: RscSlider { idc = 80004; x = "SafeZoneX + (960 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (330 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(200 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_HORZ; tooltip = "Change lightning"; }; // A slider to change the fog's value class fogValueSlider: RscSlider { idc = 80005; x = "SafeZoneX + (960 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (375 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(200 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_HORZ; tooltip = "Change fog value"; }; // A slider to change the fog's decay value class fogDecaySlider: RscSlider { idc = 80006; x = "SafeZoneX + (960 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (420 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(200 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_HORZ; tooltip = "Change fog decay"; }; // A slider to change the fog's base value class fogBaseSlider: RscSlider { idc = 80007; x = "SafeZoneX + (960 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (465 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(200 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_HORZ; tooltip = "Change fog base"; }; // A slider to change the rain value class rainSlider: RscSlider { idc = 80008; x = "SafeZoneX + (960 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (510/ 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(200 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_HORZ; tooltip = "Change rain"; }; // A slider to change the wave value class waveSlider: RscSlider { idc = 80009; x = "SafeZoneX + (960 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (555 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(200 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_HORZ; tooltip = "Change waves"; }; // A button to commit weather changes class commitWeather: RscButton { text = "Change Weather"; x = "SafeZoneX + (810 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (420 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(100 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_BUTTON; style = ST_CENTER; action = "call NEV_fnc_commitWeather"; tooltip = "Commit weather changes"; }; }; }; NEV_fnc_onLoad: NEV_fnc_onLoad = { _dialog = _this select 0; // Overcast slider _overcastSlider = _dialog displayCtrl 80003; _overcastSlider sliderSetRange [0, 1]; _overcastSlider sliderSetPosition overcast; // Lightnings slider _lightningSlider = _dialog displayCtrl 80004; _lightningSlider sliderSetRange [0, 1]; _lightningSlider sliderSetPosition lightnings; // Fog value slider _fogValueSlider = _dialog displayCtrl 80005; _fogValueSlider sliderSetRange [0, 1]; _fogValueSlider sliderSetPosition (fogParams select 0); // Fog decay slider _fogDecaySlider = _dialog displayCtrl 80006; _fogDecaySlider sliderSetRange [0, 1]; _fogDecaySlider sliderSetPosition (fogParams select 1); // Fog base slider _fogBaseSlider = _dialog displayCtrl 80007; _fogBaseSlider sliderSetRange [0, 1]; _fogBaseSlider sliderSetPosition (fogParams select 2); // Rain slider _rainSlider = _dialog displayCtrl 80008; _rainSlider sliderSetRange [0, 1]; _rainSlider sliderSetPosition rain; // Waves slider _wavesSlider = _dialog displayCtrl 80009; _wavesSlider sliderSetRange [0, 1]; _wavesSlider sliderSetPosition waves; } NEV_fnc_commitWeather: NEV_fnc_commitWeather = { // Overcast _overcast = sliderPosition 80003; 86400 setOvercast _overcast; // Lightnings _lightning = sliderPosition 80004; 0 setLightnings _lightning; // Fog _fogValue = sliderPosition 80005; _fogDecay = sliderPosition 80006; _fogBase = sliderPosition 80007; 0 setFog [_fogValue, _fogDecay, _fogBase]; // Rain _rain = sliderPosition 80008; 0 setRain _rain; // Waves _waves = sliderPosition 80009; 0 setWaves _waves; forceWeatherChange; } If anyone knows how to make the above better, feel free to share.
  22. I have this slider: class RscSlider; class nevDebugMenu { duration = 99999; idd = 80000; onLoad = "call NEV_fnc_onLoad"; class controls { // A slider to change the overcast value class overcastSlider: RscSlider { idc = 80003; x = "SafeZoneX + (960 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; y = "SafeZoneY + (285 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; w = "(200 / 1920) * SafeZoneW"; h = "(30 / 1080) * SafeZoneH"; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_HORZ; tooltip = "Change overcast"; }; }; }; I want to set it to a certain position whenever the dialog is loaded. This is how NEV_fnc_onLoad looks: NEV_fnc_onLoad = { _dialog = findDisplay 80000; _slider = _dialog displayCtrl 80003; sliderSetRange [80003, 0, 10]; sliderSetPosition [80003, 5]; } Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work. The slider appears fine, is moveable, but when the dialog is loaded, it's in the leftmost position (0), while in theory, it needs to be in the middle of the slider (position 5). Does anyone know how to fix/achieve this? Thanks.