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Everything posted by UK_Apollo

  1. UK_Apollo

    Vehicle - Glass Problem

    Make sure the glass selections in the p3d (LOD 1 etc) are not part of any other animated bones from the model skeleton.
  2. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Great answer Evrik, couldn't have written it better myself. ;-)
  3. Build with mikero tools - the logs can tell you which file is missing or where in the config's to look. Ensure that all those .paa's are present in the correct location on your P:\ drive. Try putting a "\" in front of the texture paths: e.g. hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Arma3_Iron_Skulls_PMC_Air\Data\pmc_ghosthawk_ext01_urban_co.paa", "\Arma3_Iron_Skulls_PMC_Air\Data\pmc_ghosthawk_ext02_urban_co.paa"};
  4. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    It's just cosmetic for those that really enjoy immersion and allows for a different look in screenshots.
  5. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    There are already RN grey Merlin's (HC4 and HM2) and RN grey Wildcats (HMA2) in the pack. However, if you'd like to re-texture them for your community use, you're able to do so using hiddenSelectionTextures. hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3"} This can either be applied at run time using setObjectTexture or via a config overwrite pbo. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectTexture
  6. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    I've also seen the camera lock up in Eden, but it hasn't seemed to be related to any particular modset, and there were no helicopters involved. I assumed it was an odd game engine bug. I was able to resolve it without closing the editor by right clicking on a vehicle and choosing 'Edit Vehicle Appearance', whereby the camera was reactivated. We've got a ton of vehicles on our to-do list, but priority tends to rest with current or recent serving models, although personally I agree and enjoy the older vintage from when I was a youngster.
  7. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    That's right Realthinged. Also note that the blue lights work even better at night when the driver also switches on the main lights. Not only will they be blue and flash, but they will illuminate nearby objects too.
  8. UK_Apollo

    Forums Upgrade

    I'm also suffering from the 502 errors, very sloooooooow forum page loading times (5-10s) and unable to login via Tapatalk on mobile. Win 10, Chrome, UK. Android mobile
  9. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    No, it's really simple to set-up. Just put the flag proxy, such as "\a3\data_f\proxies\Flags\FLAG_auto" in the model and set it using forceFlagTexture. We have it on a userAction for a player in the vehicle so they can raise and lower the flag as required during the mission. You can check the state with: condition = "(getForcedFlagTexture this == """")"
  10. We already discussed the process in outline via PM, but don't have time to take loopdk through the detailed steps of how to get into modding unfortunately. As I understand it, it's actually a generic question about how to create a config overwrite pbo which inherits a weapon or vehicle from another mod and then reskins it with a texture of his choice, using the hiddenSelections provided in the original mod.
  11. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Weapons

    As loopdk mentions, these are the optional files that need to be moved to the main addons folder if you are running @ace3:
  12. UK_Apollo

    UV Editor doesn't work @ Object Builder

    After clicking the UV button, right click on the UV Editor in the Windows taskbar and select maximise. It's a weird bug that happens every now and again.
  13. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Glad you're enjoying the mod. :-) If you are seeing a white flag (I'm resisting the obvious joke here), it's probably because you are running an older version of @cup_terrains_core which contained a bug that broke flag rendering. They updated in the last few days to v1.4.0 which fixes this issue. You should see a Union Jack flag: Ways of changing the flag texture were discussed in this thread mid-September; here is a recap:
  14. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Not specifically related to the recent question as it may not be applicable, but as a general comment on "pay-to-play", we have a clear policy: https://3cbmod.wordpress.com/released-mods/license-and-disclaimer/ "...As an addendum to our standard license, we expressly prohibit the use of this software for any “pay-to-play” monetization scheme and/or server. 3CB has always provided mods freely to the open Arma community, this will not change. We will not charge or be part of any monetization scheme..."
  15. UK_Apollo

    AirplaneX / suspension / PhysX

    Could it be the effect of engine torque / p-factor, which makes most prop aircraft yaw to the left without rudder input to correct? I know you said the engine is off, but you're showing 2375 rpm and forward movement (16kph).
  16. UK_Apollo

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yes, we at 3CB do. @rhs_afrf3, @rhs_saf, @rhs_usf3, our 3CB mods, @ace3 + about 40 other mods, bikey'd with no problems.
  17. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Well, there is an easy way for you to find out. Only run: @cba_a3 and @3cb_baf_vehicles Then try the method Nick gave you and see if it works. If it doesn't work, paste your rpt file on hastebin.com for us to look at.
  18. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Units

    I guess it's because we Brits eat our carrots and don't need no silly NVG's. Also because the AI isn't smart enough to realise they could take the NVG'S from their backpacks and put them on their heads. From a human player perspective we prefer not to spawn with them in place.
  19. UK_Apollo

    AirplaneX / suspension / PhysX

    Just a quick suggestion on the suspension dampers. In model.cfg, suspension distance moved = (offset1 - offset0) x distance between memory points in the axis So if your memory points in "gear_n_damper_axis" are not spaced 1m apart, then the suspension travel will not be 0.3m total as you might be expecting. And then the maxDroop and maxCompression values from config.cpp won't match up either. It's personal preference, but I set translation axis memory points at the distance apart I want, then use offsets of 0 and 1 (or -0.5 / +0.5). If you haven't lost sleepless nights over physX configuration, you're not a proper vehicle modder. ;-)
  20. UK_Apollo

    AirplaneX / suspension / PhysX

    The sum of the sprungMass values from all of the wheels needs to add up to the total mass of your entire vehicle (from the Geometry LOD). In a car, the centre of mass (or Centre of Gravity) is often located near the middle of the vehicle and the suspension is then set-up for an even sprungMass across all 4 wheels. On your Spitfire (looks beautiful!), you obviously have only 3 wheels - I'm guessing CoG might still be central, so perhaps you would then use: nose wheel sprungMass = 1/2 Total Mass left main wheel sprungMass = 1/4 Total Mass right main wheel sprungMass = 1/4 Total Mass The springStrength's are calculated to provide your vehicle with enough damping to cushion the landings - not too strong or it'll be too bouncy, not too weak or it will compress the springs and smash into the bottom of the wheel bays. For many vehicles you can use an approximation of 25 x sprungMass and work upwards from there. The springDamperRate tells you how fast the springs react to input from landings/bumps and the value is often related to both the sprungMass and springStrength. Here's a formula to use as a guide: springDamperRate = 2 x squareRoot (springStrength x sprungMass) maxDroop and maxCompression should be related (and often equal to) to the suspension travel defined in your model.cfg. You can leave playing with the latStiff and longitudinalStiffnessPerUnitGravity until later in the process.
  21. UK_Apollo

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Congrats RHS team, that's a tremendous amount of hard work. Well done!
  22. It sounds like you have an old pbo being loaded from a location that you don't expect and they're conflicting. Launch Arma without loading your buggy pbo, go to your rpt file and look at the pbo list that is being loaded.
  23. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Thanks again for the bug report, helicopterenthusiast. It does appear to be a bug only present when the copilot activates the searchlight, before the pilot switches on the main lights with "L", caused by an inheritance issue with the BIS base helicopter. I've now fixed this in our dev build to remove this edge case and it'll be in the next release.
  24. UK_Apollo

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Can you do me a favour please? Hop in a Wildcat as pilot at night, switch on the lights ("L"), then move across to the copilot seat and try the searchlight. Not saying that there isn't a bug because I can see the issue too, but there are multiple test configurations and you may have found something we didn't check (copilot operating the searchlight on the ground without a pilot present).
  25. You don't have any "Componentnn" named selections. Structure > Topology > Find Components