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About john85oc

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  1. The AWS mod should give u this option in Zeus and Editor u can find under empty -> Supplies -> Fir Objectes -> "Missile Carrier for rearming" should it fixed
  2. Do u have the Engine off? If u have on u cant rearming u. Do u have the the supplies available? the Missle reak under Supplies?
  3. john85oc

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hello RHS Team, the weblinks on Homepage dont work anymore its this shutdown or its thgis a error? https://www.rhsmods.org/mod/2 Error says Whoops, looks like something went wrong.
  4. Hello, @nzdfcrash i was updating my Texan 2 from a 2015 + 2017 fix version to youres last version, i hope u still maintrance it for my mind the Texan and PC9 need some update and improvements like Grundtaxing to right its a bit slower then left -> whould nice if u can look for fix it but i think this its this jet DLC thing what i am not a friend are. then i have a "Get out" bug i need start engien and roll a bit and then make off again to get "get out" with introacor its need take controll after roll a bit forwand and make it then off... to get the "Get out" thing whould nive if it can fixed too. then what i see its a jumpinmg if u crashed with players and ki the wrack slide on ground or sinking intro the map. (i think this was fixed long time ago? hmm or maybe its come back again no idea) I have this testing with just CBA and ace the this mod and with a full modset also thanks 🙂
  5. john85oc

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I can understand both sides here: But u Guys should see it from the Arma3 Playerside too They...we wait long time like updates 0.5.7 what in the Feedback Tracker page still not relased yet its. This its very sad becuse there its a lot of Worktime u spend in and many whould like those bugfixes. To say (so i have it understand a bit) this will never comes out its a wrong thinking. RHS have it say they focuses work fopr Arma4 this its OK and yes i whould wish to see updates for Arma3 too But i can wait without askings for updates. and i wait for the M916 truck as well coz this whould be nice for logistics and more 😄 I Hope RHS u guys dont give up yet. its will very cool and nice if u can work for both arma3 and arma4...sooo many Groups and users are still present here. 🙂 But i can understand if its make very much Work for one of this or but of it i am not a modder i dont have not this know how what need or what need not. But can u not like if u have something new like a model in reforger what comes too in Arma4 make for Arma3? whould this not a bit time reduce if this can work? as i say i a m not modder i no have plan of this. but i can image that its can be hard too. But i am sure u can find ways
  6. Hey will u take us soon a update and support for the last CDLC what is coming out?
  7. john85oc

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    The Fire thing its nice and i whould wish in the Base-Game of Arma3. This its nice for all servers. Form Roleplay to Milsim. Ohhh and this says a Only Milsim player 😄 This would allow you to be part of a firefighting effort, something that was missing from the start. Like the Navy section.
  8. john85oc

    Maritime Patrol

    Ohh yes please Arma need more ships and Maritime Action toooo
  9. Hey I got Report of my Clan that we not can make a Air to Air Refuel, with EG18, and F18. We used the KC-135 from the USAF mod. The Problem its the KC153 say Access denied coz the Probe not used, but we used it and requst then. I do myself with F16 a Refuel but thats now maybe a half year ago without Problems. The AV8B can but used the Wrong system its used the Boom not the other what should. Can u please check it and repair it?
  10. start the engine and try it then and u need the needed equipment like Sniper pod etc
  11. Hi Firewill i got a bug with the new F15EX, and this its the only one. I try to rearm, and change weapons and this dont work AMS say to beginn "Starting" but nothing happend, then i open AMS agian and change weaopns then comes the ams messange "AMS in use already" in german say it something other but the fact its Weapons dont change or reaming with the AMS, i think something its broken on config for the F15EX or in the AMS. can u please check it? in the other F15 versions its this problem not i have it yestern say on the F15SE, there runs AMS Normal.
  12. Hi on the F16 its more broken, the skins of 77th Fighter Squadron are broken there missing a lot of parts like the wings.
  13. give it to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee 😋 sooo hyped
  14. john85oc

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hello the A-29 have wrong animation on backseats I fly it yestern from front and Backseat on the backseat are the controll animations inverted i not know its already a knowing report.
  15. Wow! they looks so nice this map.