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About uncookedzebra

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. uncookedzebra

    Arma 3 Revive Question

    O nice. I found the REVIVE_ENABLED in the functions viewer but had no idea how to access it. the format I found it in used REVIVE_ENABLED(player,true/false)
  2. uncookedzebra

    Arma 3 Revive Question

    That is the case. Players will enter incapitation mode once after receiving max damage. After the one time they will force respawn. I am looking to have it unlimited times.
  3. uncookedzebra

    Arma 3 Revive Question

    Yes, just using the vanilla Arma Apex. When I say pick up I mean when a player is switched to the incapacitated state and then another friendly player holds space to "pick them up" to set the incapacitated player to a healthy state. This is using the End Game Revive System.
  4. I have been using the standard revive system for most of my missions for Arma 3. The problem I am running into recently for a mission is that once revived you no longer can be picked up again if downed. I understand that for realism that is awesome but for a less realistic and more forgiving mission multiple pickups in one run would be nice. I searched for a function that can set this but no luck. Anyone have an answer, besides using a different revive system? Thanks in advance.
  5. I have been using the standard revive system for most of my missions for Arma 3. The problem I am running into recently for a mission is that once revived you no longer can be picked up again if downed. I understand that for realism that is awesome but for a less realistic and more forgiving mission multiple pickups in one run would be nice. I searched for a function that can set this but no luck. Anyone have an answer, besides using a different revive system? Thanks in advance. Accidental Double Post. Please remove.
  6. uncookedzebra


    Always a life saver Larrow.
  7. I know this is from Karts and it's been awhile but is there anyway to get BIS_curatorRace_winner from the BIS_fnc_moduleObjectiveRaceFinish or otherwise Race- Finish in the objectives folder. I want to use the user who wins the race.
  8. uncookedzebra

    Grimes Building Occupation Script

    @normre I would like to point out in Line 110 it says case GUER: { _sclasses = ["I_Soldier_F"]; }; When it should be case Resistance: { _sclasses = ["I_Soldier_F"]; }; See: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Side Sorry for digging this one up but I would like to see this script updated on Armaholic :)
  9. Had two tabs opened posted to wrong forum.
  10. uncookedzebra

    BIS respawn bug?

    Okay I was checking if there was a work around. Thanks! :) Hopefully a fix will happen soon.
  11. uncookedzebra

    BIS respawn bug?

    I have noticed a bug that happens to 1 in 100 people that connect to my server. The player, once loaded in cannot select a spawn location in fact the standard UI doesn't even show. The only indication that they are in the respawn screen is the countdown. The ESC menu doesn't pop up either so their options are either to ALT+F4 or and admin kick. It's only happened to me a handful of time and haven't had the brain to screen shot it. I am using the BIS Revive option which I enabled in ED3N editor. Also I used the spawn at custom position along side the respawn location module in ED3N as well. My Description.EXT ReviveMode = 1; //0: disabled, 1: enabled, 2: controlled by player attributes ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0; //0: basic, 1: advanced, 2: realistic ReviveRequiredTrait = 0; //0: none, 1: medic trait is required ReviveRequiredItems = 2; //0: none, 1: medkit, 2: medkit or first aid kit ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 1; //0: first aid kit is not consumed upon revive, 1: first aid kit is consumed ReviveDelay = 6; //time needed to revive someone (in secs) ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2; //speed multiplier for revive performed by medic ReviveForceRespawnDelay = 3; //time needed to perform force respawn (in secs) ReviveBleedOutDelay = 120; //unconscious state duration (in secs) The weird thing is that there is no RPT indication that there is something wrong. :/
  12. Well none of my diag_logs are firing. Does it have to do with the isServer? if (isServer) then { _handler1 = addMissionEventHandler ["HandleDisconnect",{ diag_log "DISCONNECT FIRED"; _player = _this select 0; diag_log _player; diag_log "DISCONNECTED"; _flag = _player getVariable ["flag",objNull]; deleteVehicle _flag; }]; };
  13. I don't even get an error in my RPT. Any idea why this isn't firing? init.sqf if (isServer) then { diag_log "SERVER SETTING UP"; //server function for sending stats to client fnc_getkills = { _who = objectFromNetId (_this select 0); _uid = _this select 1; _player_name = _this select 2; _retrieved_id = ["read", [_player_name, "UID"]] call _inidbi; diag_log _retrieved_id; diag_log "SERVER RUNNING KILL UPDATE"; //Test for new player if (_retrieved_id == false) then { diag_log "SERVER SETTING UP DB"; _deaths= 0; _kills= 0; _inidbi = ["new", _player_name] call OO_INIDBI; ["write", [_player_name, "UID", _uid]] call _inidbi; ["write", [_player_name, "deathcount", _deaths]] call _inidbi; ["write", [_player_name, "killcount", _kills]] call _inidbi; }; kills = ["read", [_player_name, "killcount"]] call _inidbi; (owner _who) publicVariableClient "kills"; }; fnc_getdeaths = { _who = objectFromNetId (_this select 0); _uid = _this select 1; _player_name = _this select 2; _retrieved_id = ["read", [_player_name, "UID"]] call _inidbi; //Test for new player if (_retrieved_id == false) then { _deaths= 0; _kills= 0; ["write", [_player_name, "UID", _uid]] call _inidbi; ["write", [_player_name, "deathcount", _deaths]] call _inidbi; ["write", [_player_name, "killcount", _kills]] call _inidbi; }; deaths = ["read", [_player_name, "deathcount"]] call _inidbi; (owner _who) publicVariableClient "deaths"; }; }; Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: This is being ran on a dedicated box btw.
  14. I will try Diag_log to see whats going on.