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General Kong

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About General Kong

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant

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  • Location
    Tipperary, Ireland
  • Interests
    Playing and Modding Arma 3

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  1. General Kong

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I would love a mod that will basically take the ammo that an AI uses and basically add that back to its inventory, like when it uses a magazine/UGL round or whatever, it will appear in its inventory to replace it
  2. because beforehand it had those lines and still showed up only in Red, but now it works with those lines, so thank you for the help for the SUV, sadly it did not fix what seems to be the same problem for some other vehicles
  3. So I changed around the code I removed the other colours from the textureList, and changed the EventHandler, and it is still not working
  4. nope, directly copied from the SUV config, only thing changed was all of them being set to 1 in the original config, I set only Black to 1 and all the others to 0 in mine
  5. no idea, it seemed to have been "Grey" I am assuming for the SUV, since that is how it is spelt in the original SUV config
  6. SO I have set up the config like this, were the SUV is supposed to show up only in Black https://ibb.co/X3w4B46 However in game it shows up like this https://ibb.co/R3dk0J5 Anyone can enlighten me to the reason this is happening?
  7. Really do hope that this new approach works out, am looking forward to your AI Overhaul for a while now, but if it does not work out, then I can only speak for myself and say it was a pity, but you tried as much as you can, and appreciated everything you have done regardless
  8. General Kong

    Middle East Crisis

    glad to see you still at work 😄
  9. General Kong

    Community Texture Templates.

    If anyone has any retexture templates for the AKM and AKS-74u it would be really appreciated
  10. General Kong

    New Asset Request: UGV Mortar System

    The BEst places to put your request would be either Here: Here: or on the Feedback Tracker
  11. General Kong

    I think that ArmA 3 Vanilla Zeus can be fixed.

    not only up to Bohemia Interactive to decide, but the mod makers themselves, as it is their work
  12. General Kong

    Prarie Fire discussion

    asked the question on the official discord, and they confirmed that the 75gb thing is both the base game and SOG PF, the CDLC itself should be about 24-ish gigs in size
  13. General Kong


    sorry for the late reply, yea if it is too much, then I can understand if you dont want to tackle it, thanks for the consideration though