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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. For some reason my FTP will not upload this mod to my server. I have no clue what's going on with it, but it continuously fails to upload.
  2. Has to run serverside or can it run clientside only?
  3. ski2060

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    When using a mapname parameter for setting up DCG pools, is the Map Name Case-Sensitive? As in do I need to spell out FALLUJAH or will Falluja or fallujah work?
  4. Hmmm wierd. any time I attempt to bring it up I get a "Please excuse our maintenance" page It must have just come back up. It wasn't working for me for like 4 days.
  5. ski2060

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    So, I am attempting to get this to run on my server with a serverconfig.hpp showing the pool of available units, pulled from EDEN with the DCG Export function. I am also running ALiVE in the background to generate an ambient warzone between multiple factions. When starting the mission with DCG enabled on the -server mod line, we cannot join the mission and get a " 'value/ is not a value' " error sending us back to role selection. Is there anything else we need besides the serverconfig.hpp and DCG running on the server? I set the Mission parameters in EDEN for DCG under the settings tab. EDIT: Got DCG workign with ALiVE . Had a stupid error on my part. somehow my upload of the newest DCG to server didn't take, and I had a version from February on it. Once I fixed that problem it worked right away. No problems running alongside ALiVE, and it helped keep up the constant warfare on the map we were looking for.
  6. @oukej I am trying to get some information from the Arma 3 Wiki, but it is not connecting and giving me a BIS Forum Maintenance page for the last 4 days or so. Any idea what's up with that and when we can expect the WIKI to be back up fore reference?
  7. Will do. So far he had no luck, but I'll do some more extensive testing later tonight when I get home from work if possible. Do vehicles need specific anchor points on the textures/geometry in order to have explosives attached to them or is it just an AttachTo command for them?
  8. You did place a Userconfig folder with TFAR userconfig inside it on your server correct? And you should have down the Enforce TFAR usage module in your mission at the least. It helps to have the other modules down also to set your Side configurations.
  9. @Jonpas Regarding Underwater Interactions, are Explosives able to be attached to the underside of boat/ship hulls now? Unit member attempting some underwater demolitions and the charges are falling to the sea floor instead of attaching.
  10. So, are there actually any Datalink Sensor missiles in the game as of yet? Are all vanilla Radar Seeking missiles only on Active Radar lock?
  11. Couple ways. With the Rearm module down, an aircraft and an ammo HEMMT nearby you can load up individual pylons with individual ordnance. You have to use Interaction on the ammo truck and take it over to the aircraft. In Zeus, you can drag the Loadout module onto whatever aircraft you want to modify. It will then give you a Loadout GUI. Then you can go crazy with it.
  12. Soooo.. ACE Team? Might want people to know that ACE updated today. 3.11 is out now, y'all. Change Log https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/releases/tag/v3.11.0
  13. Yes. Extensively. I have conversed with Pookie multiple times. I am just saying that having some static or mobile radar sites in Vanilla Arma 3 would be a great addition with the new changes made to allow Datalink targeting from non-radiating launcher sites. This would allow actual SAM sites in pure vanilla missions like Invade and Annex, or Domination and such.
  14. Yes. With the new updates a ground based radar would be a great addition. Multiple Ground radars at that. Mobile sites (towed or self) and fixed sites, either radome or tower, would add a bit more depth. Multiple mods have this covered now, adding a couple of assets to the base game would be awesome.
  15. @ Random BIS Dev : does this: "Tweaked: Using ammunition with the Datalink does not require line of sight on the target anymore Tweaked: Using ammunition with radar does not require active sensors anymore " Indicate that remote targeting of enemy forces via Datalink is now possible and no direct LOS is required to prosecute the attack? So a datalinked radar vehicle can pass information to a launch site over a hill, and said launch site can now fire even though the LOS is blocked and may be obstructed completely? Also, regarding the second bullet point. Does this indicate that third party units equipped with Active Radar Home weapons can now fire those weapons at a target illuminated by someone else?
  16. I have a question regarding ACE Mine detectors use with the current mine Detector mechanics. Do the ACE mine detectors allow you to target mines and have them appear on the new Detector MFD/Screen available to players in game? Or does the use of ACE preclude the use of the new Mine Detector completely? My unit is testing mines out and it seem that just recently there was a change that made it impossible to spot mines in the Detector MFD. Anyone else having issues with mine detecting using ACE and RHS?
  17. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Wow, no love for the hotfix? Thanks RHS, uploading to my server now so I can check it out after work. I'll be checking out that SU25 with it's improvements for sure.
  18. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    For missions built in EDEN, there are the site spawners that generate entire SAM sites or AAA sites. You would need to set up your mission to do the generation though.
  19. Oh, I was low. Coming in fast on a strafing run, sub 300 meters. I have been informed by my pilots I am an idiot, so it was probably just me. ;) It just felt much less responsive than it was before the patch. I will defer to my unit pilots and see what they say about it with more testing.
  20. I did a little flying with the new F18 last night and this morning. Climb characteristics seem to be off a bit. When pulling up from a gun run it seems like it will not climb whatsoever. It is very resistant to come up, and is almost like the downward pull it has while in afterburner.
  21. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    @Reyhard Thanks for that information. I look forward to trying that out as a PMC/Host Country pilot in some missions :D As far as the TV guided missiles, I assume those are CCD fire and forget style? They lock onto a target silhouette and track it as best it can? Not necessarily a TGP guided weapon, correct?
  22. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So how does one go about lasing with an SU25? I couldn't get into a TGP or camera view. I may just be ignorant of the procedures for it though.
  23. I am glad to hear that someone is working on an ACE compat mod. If you guys get it working would you please share it on Steam? I will probably be running VME PLA on my unit's experimental server to test it out and see how viable it is. We too use ACE and RHS, and would love to see some comparable performance between the different opponents. And great work on things Pookie and VME crew!
  24. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    BluFor. I can't properly test it right now for repeat behavior since I'm still stuck at work and can't really fly via VPN :p I haven't had the behavior repeated with just your mod running. It may be an issue with one of my unit mods or something. I'll double check everything when I get home tonight and can properly go through it all.
  25. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    MIM 23 was the culprit.