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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. Yes, you need to install the Firewill Air Weapon Systems mod (that provides ALL the weapon systems for Firewill's aircraft) on your server. It is a pre-requisite mod.
  2. Holee SHiiit.. I love those new Dual Use weapons! Thank you so much for getting those working. Stand off weapons for dayyyyyys now! If used in Dual use mode , do the GBU/EGBU have to have a GPS target point set or can they by dropped in a general area and pick up terminal guidance via Laser/IR? Is the GPS initial point mandatory?
  3. Eden>Attributes>Environment> Date. When you pick a date for your mission on the right side it shows the moon phase. You can scroll through the dates to see how close to a full moon you are, and then adjust backward or forwards on the day to get the desired moonlight level.
  4. Sorry, man I missed this due to holidays etc. It's been crazy here. I'll get this downloaded and see if I can set a mission up to test it out soon. Interesting design concepts. I'm really waiting on HALO and FROGS Dedi MP work so I can integrate that stuff into my Experimental server for the unit, as I really love the work you did with those.
  5. My unit is running the settings NVG at .5 or .4 and with at least a Half Moon. Anything darker on the moonand it is damn near impossible to see the ground. We've taken to using half moon or higher, and then adjusting with Overcast if we want to have it darker for NVGs.
  6. Anyone else having issues with ITGT not opening? I cannot get it to open regardless of Custom User key being bound, so it makes GPS weapons useless.
  7. https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/arsenal-framework.html The code to add ACE Arsenal to items is the first thing on that page.
  8. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Holy Crap, that is awesome stuff Reyhard! Any chance those movable waypoints and map will be integrated into any other aircraft?
  9. RTFM. Changelog mentions that modules were removed for CBA settings. Learn to love them.
  10. @Alganthe, I think he would like to know what those settings affect if changed one way or the other. iV Ghost has one answered. Thanks! What does the first one refer to regarding unconscious treatment animation?
  11. That error is apparently happening to ALL custom maps after the 1.78 patch. It's going to have to be fixed by BIS or each map maker if BIS changed something to do with map generation.
  12. ski2060

    Prei Khmaoch Luong

    All Apex terrain and assets became decrypted today alongside the Tac-Ops release.
  13. Well, that will come in handy also. I was just wondering how to do ambient battle sounds and weapon fire without actually spawning units. Mainly to give players a sense that there is a large battle going on in the distance from their current location.
  14. From Today's changelog: Tweaked: The ambientFirefight function was expanded to be more versatile WHAT is ambientFirefight? I assume random shooting between opposing units, but what exactly does it do and how does it function? Is this a scripting function to produce cinematic combat back and forth without all the casualties of AI actually shooting at each other?
  15. I have a friend working on a project for our unit. He is attempting to place cargo items onto a vehicle using AttachTo to make the vehicle a bit more realistic looking, and look like it supports other functions (Ammo, Fuel supply Etc.) The problem he is having right now is that on destruction of the parent vehicle (RHS MRZR), all of the items placed with attachTo are left behind at the location. What scripting would he need to use in order to remove those items? We're thinking that a script running with waitUntil looking for destruction of the vehicle, then vehicleDelete on all the items to delete them is the proper way. Is this a correct line of thinking or should we be looking for a different script/funtion to achieve this?
  16. If this is for use in MP Zeus missions, would the MPKilled and addMPEventHandler be used instead?
  17. ski2060


    Pook, the .p3d error is still happening in Vanilla Arsenal with just your mod loaded. This is from this morning. Also, unit member reports that when using the Take command the net objects are being replaced with random other objects, like different nets, or mines.
  18. ski2060

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Yes you can. You just need to change the setting for them, or if you are using the Parameters turn them off there.
  19. If only the new Civ modules were MP Compatible. Why, oh Why hast thou forsaken the MP groups, BIS? New Animated briefing tools look nice also. Seemed to work fine in the first mission I looked at.
  20. Pooks SAMS does a god job at implementing Radar and Launch sites, but it is a large download and not a lot of people will want to use a mod like it due to the realistic ranges and site scripting. Now that Arma 3 is coming to the end of it's Official Dev Cycle with no more BIS DLC being developed after TANKS, the community will have to carry it until Arma 4 or the next Sandbox MilSim. Small mods that can take advantage of and leverage the sensors we currently have in the game will help. I am no coder, but I think I may have to delve in and see what can be done for RHS/CUP Terrains Radar sites. If anyone can direct me to the BIS wiki page showing how to configure models as vehicles, that would be appreciated.
  21. You need to make sure you have a rebreather rig, and place an O2 bottle inside it. NOT in your binocular slot. Place it Manually in the chest slot. Before you get on the plane, be sure to turn on the valve so you can breathe. It's either on the scroll menu, or you can set the action to a Key by configuring your keys for the LEAP addon.
  22. Question: Could the CUP and RHS Radar Towers/Antenna be set up to function as Radar Emitters with Data Transmission to SIDE for each Side? Would they have to be configured as AI Crewed vehicles like the Vanilla Satic Launchers from JETS to work? Or can they be set up to work without having AI crew? Some of them have rotating Antenna arrays. Would those be eligible for configuration to an Emitter AS IS?
  23. There are 40-60Km maps out there people play on. I'd up the fuel range to minimum 40Km on a full tank. An actual 6x6 Polaris that this is based on has an unloaded range of 130 Miles. That is like 200 Km.
  24. ski2060

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Sensei: VIP rescue error. Playing on Malden last night. Delivered VIP to area nd he did nothing. I noticed that the Mission marker was in the air about 100 meters. I had to puthte VIP in a Littlebird and get him up to height and then the mission completed. You may want to make sure that the mission is placing markers/trigger areas at ground level.