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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. Ummm most likely near the end of testing they will put in all the airframes to for us to test.
  2. That is a known issue with the dropdowns. Use your down arrow key to get to select the options near the bottom.
  3. It can be done. Firewill is incorporating GPS Map and the TGP view into the cockpit MFD's of his planes as we speak. If he can do it, BIS can do it. Or maybe he can share his code work for other modder's Airframes.
  4. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Pook, any teasers for how you plan to integrate SAM Pack into the JETS DLC framework? I really think it will help bring your stellar work to more people by making it more compatible with vanilla entities.
  5. ski2060

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Base keybind should be CTRL+Numpad / . Try that and see if it works for you.
  6. I didn't say BIS was developing them. But, I guess I could have said Community Dev group. If it's just one guy then... oops. That one Guy is releasing a bunch of large maps for flying on.
  7. Aaaand a dev group is releasing a slew of maps with little ground objects, high res sat textures, and most importantly they are HUUUUUGE. Looks like they start at arund 80 KM and go up to 143x143KM. I've flown on a couple and they are great for Air combat.
  8. So, the last 2 upates to DEV I missed are show totals of arounf 500-600 MB. Why did I just get a 4.5GB update? Anyone else just update? My last update was 2-3 days ago and none of those updates are this big.
  9. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    It depends on which maps you are looking at. I just played on Sulamaniyah an Aleppo an both had areas that could easily house small airbases. I was able to take off from rough ground with both F-16s and F-15s without any problems.
  10. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Compositions for these maps? Forward Air Base. Easily the most needed. Something with a single runway, a couple of shelters/fabric hangars, and modular buildings for Radar/Control. That will give players the ability to set bases for their players very easily. After that? Couple simple villages, that can be copied to make larger areas.
  11. ski2060

    E-130J Guardian AEW&C

    That might be a bit much. 100km maybe? Any way to set a toggle for Radar Range for your aircraft? Possibly have 3 ranges? 20/50/100 km?
  12. I hear you about having a good SAM system in Vanilla. We still have 2 months until release. Maybe BIS can be talked into either a SAM Launcher for each faction with a good range and target capability (possibly limit it to things over 200 meters and/or over 100KPH). Or they can work on the current AAA vehicles to extend their lethality. I think Oukej mentioned that he was aware of the shortcomings of the current AA vehicles.
  13. ski2060

    E-130J Guardian AEW&C

    I don't know if you have seen them, but there is a group making mods with very large maps in anticipation of the JETS DLC coming out. These maps range anywhere from 81x81Km out to 143x143 KM right now, with the possibility of going to 200 KM. These are very large maps with high definition SatMaps for a great look while in the air. I think your mods will be very useful for Combat on maps this large. Please keep your radars at a decent range (at least 16Km, if not double that for Active Radar) with much longer ranges for your AEW craft. You can certainly make it so that they only pick up Airframes above a certain speed and altitude to keep them from seeing every enemy on the map. Looking forward to the map markers making it into this.
  14. Well, right now that is that POOK's SAM pack does. It will mess up Aircraft if they are just flying willy nilly. I sure do hope he's working on updating his SAM system to utilize the new sensors an radar etc. I mean, being able to set your Active radar out as far as you want for modders.. well, Get ready for 50KM BVR engagements ;)
  15. Well..... crap. Oh well. Still looks good to me ;)
  16. If you haven't seen it yet. Jets will have 4 new airframes. 3 Air Superiority fighters and 1 UCAV. Tentatively out on May 30th. While the new F/A 181 BlackWasp from Saul looks great, I am indeed waiting for this mod also. We need a good V/STOL fighter bomber for work off of LHD/MEU ships and small island or improvised airbases.
  17. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    I have a torrent client on my computer. It recognizes the Magnet and tries to download. You have to have someone Seeding the downloads in order to actually get them though.
  18. You can place ANY object down and name it with that variable. It can be a box, Laptop, Desktop computer, lamp.. whatever. You just place an object down that you want to use for the Action Menu Command.
  19. I'm interested in that new GForceHeadVector parameter. I am assuming it's a parameter to force the pilots head to whichever side is taking the G-Forces, and changing their POV inside the cockpit? So.. looking at the new Jets pictures on the DLC order page, it looks like BIS has managed to integrate the TGP view into the cockpit MFD just like Firewill was able to do recently. Looks like we'll have quite a bit of time to test stuff also. Release date has been set at May 30th.
  20. Check in the Dynamic Loadouts thread in DEV. I am sure that there is documentation for it somewhere, as Firewill looks to have it implemented on his A10 and F16, at least in a preliminary fashion. If nothing then Oukej or one of the other BIS devs can point you in the right direction. Found this page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Vehicle_Loadouts#Scripting
  21. ski2060

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Kinda hard to download any of these to test if the Torrent Magnets don't lead anywhere, or there are no backup sources. I'd like to try one or 2 out in DEV, but your Download page doesn't even have a simple download for your Required Terrain Mod files.
  22. This is from Today's DEV changelog posted by Iceman: Added: AI radar rules (EMCON) are now in Eden Editor attributes . Is the above NOT what is being referred to? What EMCON radar rules is that referring to then?
  23. Anyone able to get the EMCON dropdowns in EDEN working? I just get a blank dropdown and 3 Checkboxes that have no attributes listed for them.
  24. That is a 64Bit update issue that is being worked on. BIS mentioned a hotfix coming up for issue with the latest update.
  25. I know how BIS works. I was asking whether those airframes (4 new jets) are going to be tested in the DEV build. I know the features we're testing now will be free for people.