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Everything posted by Montgomery

  1. Montgomery

    35th Chaos Company is Recruiting!

    The Discord link is not working.
  2. Montgomery


    In the past, the containers included with the mod would contain only the BWMod stuff and a few other necessary, vanilla items, such as first aid kits and tool kits. I noticed that now they come empty by default and there is a box you can check to add the BWMod stuff to the container. However, when you use this, the crate ends up with not only the BWMod stuff, but also everything else in the vanilla game. Is there a way to add just the BWMod stuff and those other necessary, vanilla items like before? Thanks, I love this mod.
  3. Montgomery

    Altis 90's

    I am having a problem using the AAF 90s in Vindicta. I keep getting this error, but I can't figure out what it is that I am missing. Update: It was a mistake in the command line of the server. Issue fixed.
  4. Montgomery

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    @PuFu @da12thMonkey Thanks for the response. I can't imagine the amount of work involved in creating an aircraft like that from scratch.
  5. Montgomery

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    @PuFu The UH-60s are labelled as Mike models, but they have none of the features of Mike model UH-60s. The ones currently in game have the wrong exhaust, wrong rotor blades, wrong interior, wrong weapons, etc. Do you see those aircraft being updated to actual Mike models in the future? Thanks to you and your fellow RHS modders for spending hours of your free time to make this awesome mod.
  6. There are less than 10 buildings that I am aware of. There are a few around the airfield and a couple of huts here and there. Everything else will have to be placed in the editor.
  7. Montgomery

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    @Foxone The contract called for the delivery of the first vehicles to SOCOM by 2016. I'm pretty sure they are currently being used. The old GMVs are certainly more appealing to my eyes!
  8. Montgomery

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    General Dynamics won the contract to replace the old GMVs back in 2013. There were some lawsuits and stuff filed by other companies that wanted the contract, but as far as I know, the production and fielding has been ongoing and I believe they are in use by SOCOM now. You can check out the Flyer 72 here: https://www.gd-ots.com/lightweight-tactical-vehicles/the-flyer-72/ General Dynamics has since won another contract with the U.S. Army for a non-SOCOM variant called the Army Ground Mobility Vehicle (AGMV). SOURCES https://www.gd.com/news/press-releases/2018/06/general-dynamics-ordnance-and-tactical-systems-awarded-contract-us-army http://marvingroup.com/story/flyer-72-evolution/
  9. @froggyluv @Lothear There are settings for vcom in 3 different locations. There are the CBA settings that you can only change in game from the addon options menu, there is the .hpp file in the userconfig, and there is the VcomAI_DefaultSettings.sqf file located inside the functions folder I believe. I'm still not sure which one takes precedence, but if you make the settings the same in all of them, you should get the desired result.
  10. Montgomery

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    I never have any problems running this map in singleplayer or multiplayer. It's a great terrain, one of my top 5 for sure.
  11. You can turn off the settings you don't want to use, such as the AI taking empty vehicles. The AI has a chance of ragdolling when getting shot. This too can be customized. This is all explained in the original post.
  12. @genesis92x I got this error in the middle of a battle.
  13. @genesis92x If I'm hosting a mission on my pc for some friends and I and we're running CBA, should I make the AI changes I want via the userconfig, VcomAI_DefaultSettings.sqf, or using the CBA settings?
  14. Congrats on the release man! Gonna try this out tonight!
  15. Montgomery


    @kodabar No worries man! Thanks for letting me know.
  16. Montgomery


    @haleks I'm new to Ravage, but I am an experienced mission maker. I've been looking at the wiki and some of it seems to be out of date. For example, the wiki tells you to use a trigger to make a safe zone, but there is a safe zone module in the mission editor. Is the wiki still the best place to get information and guides regarding Ravage mission creation? Thanks!
  17. Montgomery

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I'm excited about the new version of Vcom AI. It's nice to have AI that aren't clueless.
  18. Montgomery

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    As a former soldier in the U.S. Army stationed in ALASKA for 3 years I can say that wearing a balaclava under your nose IS NOT something normally done.
  19. Montgomery

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Please bring that mask up over the nose. I don't know why that became a thing in ArmA, but it isn't a thing in real life. I'm pretty sure you would have a hard time finding pictures of war fighters wearing a mask under their nose like that in real life.
  20. Montgomery

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    Looks great bro. Good luck, I wish you and your team much success.
  21. Montgomery

    Nametags Help

    Can you guys help me out. When I get into a mission, I have 3 different nametags on players. I know one is an ACE nametag, one is a BIS nametag, but I can't figure out what the third one is from. I believe it is the lowest one in the image below. Thanks!
  22. Montgomery

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Direct Action Penetrator
  23. Montgomery

    NATO/Russian AK SOPMOD Pack WIP

    This project looks awesome @warlord554. I love AKs!
  24. Montgomery

    Bad ArmA Trends

    I consider myself somewhat experienced. I'm approaching 40 years old. I spent about 7 years in the Army. I spent a year in Iraq. I read a lot about military history and I watch a lot of military documentaries. There are two things which I consider "bad arma trends" and I wanted to see how other members of the community felt about it. The first one is wearing NVGs without a helmet. In all my time, I have never seen or heard of anyone doing this. I'm not saying that I'm an expert. I'm not saying that no one in the history of the military has never done it. Have any of you ever seen or heard of any military unit wearing NVGs without a helmet in real life? The second one is the masks that don't cover your nose. Again, this is something that I have never personally seen during my time in the military. When I was in the military I spent time in a variety of environments, from extremely cold (Alaska) to extremely hot (Kuwait and Iraq). The closest thing we ever had was called a neck gaiter, but I never saw anyone have it just covering their mouth. It was always pulled up to also cover their nose. What do you guys think? Are there other "bad arma trends" that aren't realistic that bother you? Please be civil and let's not let this thread turn into a bunch of rude remarks.
  25. I only flew in and out of TQ a few times, but here's what I remember . . . . hot, flat, and a lot of Marines.