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Everything posted by oukej

  1. Atm the table is outdated. Sorry about that. I.e. Macers have 8km range now. We've been well aware of this questionable connection between game rules and an option which relates to performance and visual settings. The main reason was to reduce unfair advantage that one could have with "silent" passively guided weapons if those could be locked beyond what the target can see (aerial vehicles can be seen and tracked up to the terrain view distance). Also in MP environment the server can enforce view distance, so the rules can be fair for everyone in MP. This way we also tried to create room for radar guided and LOAL munitions so they have a role in Arma's scaled down combat range (especially when it comes to long and mid range weapons). So - the current solution is not ideal, it has its pros (weapon balance, fair MP, a bit of authenticity) and cons (game rules according to PC performance). Thanks a lot for the write-up. Hopefully we'll have a chance to make some adjustments and improve the balance of the (vanilla) weapons or make it more interesting.
  2. tankTurnForce and the following related properties
  3. You can toggle 16,8,4 and 32km range via Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+] depending on on what side you have the sensor display opened. This has been more of a deliberate deviation from realism to make the cruise missile more visible (players can't shoot it down and don't have many options how to react to it anyway).
  4. One special heads up about one important change we've done to the vanilla uniforms and heads recently
  5. 04-09-2018 EXE rev. 145008 (game) EXE rev. 145005 (launcher) Size: ~148 MB DATA Tweaked: Deleted the head shadow from Character / Uniform models. Added shadow LODs to proxy head models themselves. Fixed: AN/MPQ-105 and the MIM-134 turret were clipping with the platform (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T131356) Fixed: Hunter and HEMTT headlight flares were not visible (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127810) Fixed: Bad collision on Airport Control Tower (Metal) ladder that was forcing the avatar into a free fall animation ENGINE Tweaked: Default sharpen filter post-process reduced to 50 Tweaked: Increased the number of available sound controllers (added CustomSoundController6 to CustomSoundController32)
  6. Sorry, but here you've just turned my words upside down in a false implication so it only Not what I said.
  7. Sadly no, we're sorry. The feed panels have been removed from the UCAV Sentinel and the VLS (should be on dev branch soon). I will not take that opinion from you :) Yet we've - B01 and us - tried to answer requests of our players. Like we did in most if not all previous updates. The requests we're still able to fulfill at this point, with A3 technology as it is. Long range anti-air, smaller vessel to accompany the carrier, with interiors, ... Moreover a lot of effort is simply a labor of love that goes way beyond initially planned work. And comes for free. Arma is also a platform - as a platform it needs a variety of building blocks. And we believe that in some cases it's better to release a rough building block (or a working example) rather than keep it in a drawer. Out there it can inspire someone, someone can use it as a foundation for his or her own jewel and do something extraordinary. Perhaps someone might have been missing exactly that one building block. Awesome! That's why we love Arma too, why we love our community and why so many of us come from the community too or feel as a part of it. Feel free to share your solution with us!
  8. The VLS with a cruise missile atm is not an artillery weapon (Artillery computer does not support guided munitions). Similarly to the SAM sites and CIWS we've decided to utilize the UAV tech. to achieve certain gameplay and usability. Change from artillery-like control has been a necessity from tech. pov. We're sorry about that if the MLRS artillery from early dev-branch suited your needs better :(
  9. VLS can be used and controlled via the UAV terminal.
  10. Nice! Thank you! We are aware of it. This is a behavior of autoSeekTarget (lock-on after launch). If you have a marked target (no matter what vehicle sensor acquired it) the munition with autoSeek will automatically fly towards the target's position. It's not actively tracking the target, it's just flying towards the position. And then in lockSeekRadius the missile will try to acquire a target with the missile's own sensors. If there's no such target available the missile will still fly to the initially marked position. I.e. if the initially marked target moved, the missile won't be able to follow it, unless the target can actually be tracked by missile's own sensors. It's partially a desired behavior, although not ideal from gameplay pov. The only other option atm would be to remove LOAL capability from HARM missiles. Similarly to the point above, there's no way atm how to limit missiles with autoSeek in their initial or "fly to a position" phase. Do you have a video, please, or exact steps? So we're testing the same thing :) (e.g. what missile, how many units in front of the missile, distances...). It should fly towards the last known/estimated position. If the target is still within missile lock cone it should. Thanks a lot again for all the notes!
  11. It's used on Tanoa airports (main and south-eastern) and it makes the AI take-off in the opposite direction of landing - so the AI can land from sea and take-off towards sea, avoiding the steep glideslope required for landing over the hills from the other side. Understand the nice motivation, but I have to say that most probably there won't be any change to the command. I am sorry.
  12. Vanilla AI (without additional scripted behaviors) has never (in any Arma) been able to select munition (magazine) depending on the situation. AI has only been able to select different weapons and their firemodes. Since A3 the munition can specify what is its purpose, but the AI will only prioritize targets differently with it, it won't switch between munitions. Our progs have tried to add this (a capability of the AI to pick munition depending on the situation) at points during the A3 development but the whole AI target selection, weighing and prioritization, combined with weapon, muzzle and weapon fire modes, reload times, etc. has proven too complex already to add another layer of complexity.
  13. Not planned as a sandbox feature, we're sorry. (We've actually considered the risk of releasing these defenses vs. not having an option to use them against missiles.)
  14. The Venator cruise missile will only "track" the datalink target. So there still has to be some friendly vehicle reporting and updating the target position. It's something like (benevolent) mid-flight corrections. The combination didn't work well. Or at least if it was made as an artillery weapon the word "vertical" in VLS couln't be held true ;) If you want (if you want player) to simple target an area (without any reporting unit at the AO) atm you'll have to "prepare" some (empty) targets and use the reportRemoteTarget command.
  15. Fixed in the next dev-branch update. Thanks everyone for the feedback and notes!
  16. Not in the upcoming patch, I am sorry. Will quote the changelog here once this change happens.
  17. oukej

    AI must have better autonomy.

    The brain components have been used for parts of AI behavior that could've been isolated. However, their modding potential may not be as big (compared to other things) and the settings have been quite polished in vanilla. They control variables of reaction with countermeasures (inc. smoke when suppressed), suppression and the so called aimingError (how much AI aim gets distracted by various events). They do not affect the actual decision making much which is what you'd probably want to play with the most. We simply can't do everything. We always try to leave things open for customization (there are still many, many hardcoded elements from the past). Even if we face the risk that we won't be able to provide any further support. This mainly applies to properties simply exposed in config which do not require any additional maintenance. Arma in its openness and scale wouldn't be possible otherwise. For the PIDs and AI brains the diagnostics are available in the https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Diagnostics_Exe
  18. We are aware about this bug. Thin components (either thin modeled or with defined thickness in material) that are next to each other or with only a small space between them (<10cm) can be skipped during the penetration. In this case the bag gets registered during the penetration but the next component - armor - doesn't.
  19. Targeting, missiles and sensors are still a bit WIP ;)
  20. oukej

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    There's also an initiative for you to try configuring the vehicle PIDs. We'll be happy to hear your thoughts or even go ahead implementing your PID settings for indiv. vehicles which would have better behavior than the current vanilla default. You'd have our big thanks - and from players too! Moreover you'll be allowed to claim #CommunityFixedItForYaBIS ;)
  21. oukej

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Primary reason for lately low "investments" in AI in A3 has been a way too low cost-benefit ratio (spend days, weeks fixing seemingly simple issue) and relatively high risk connected to code changes (fixes causing issues on remote places). AI devs have been the first ones to put their hands on Enfusion, building up the AI from the very foundations.
  22. You were not mistaken :) The missile can find and track down targets on its own. Pre-launch (targeted via "T") or post-launch (autoSeekTarget & LoalDistance). Having the anti-radiation sensor on a vehicle is just a matter of convenience - this way the player can cycle through targets via Next target action - "R" (aka tab-lock).
  23. The antiradiation sensor (which allows marking) is necessary in order to be able to use "R" to cycle through targets. Otherwise the missile could still be locked via "T" but there comes an inconvenience of having to aim at the target. With long range engagements expected from SEAD this wouldn't be much useful. So to answer the question - yes, at least Jets' jets are getting the antiradiation sens. as well.