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About jgaz-uk

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    Master Sergeant


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    Ex RAF now Old Git

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  1. jgaz-uk

    Overview Picture

    Yes tried both .paa & .jpg Always first load up you get the missing image message, (reload the same mission again & you see it) the only thing that will work first time is one of the default vanilla hidden images; e.g. loadScreen = "\a3\missions_f\data\img\mp_coop_m01_overview_ca.paa"; loadScreen = "\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\C_m01_overview_CA.paa"; loadScreen = "\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\C_out1_overview_CA.paa"; loadScreen = "\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\C_out2_overview_CA.paa"; loadScreen = "\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\C_EA_overview_CA.paa"; loadScreen = "\a3\Missions_F_EPA\data\img\C_EB_overview_CA.paa"; Those & a load of others 😧 any number of those work as they are taken direct from the A3 on everyone's computer. Dont know why its set up like that? the mission makers included overviewPicture always works first time as long as its the right size.
  2. jgaz-uk

    Overview Picture

    "On dedicated servers when selecting mission, the custom overview pictures will give an error "yourpic.paa" not found" has there ever been a solution found for this old problem, anyone know???
  3. jgaz-uk

    3CB Factions

    Problem is with squad loadout scripts, without the tick box option for the vanilla squad means each units loadout has to be edited individually. 3cb mod has some excellent stuff but it can be a bit intrusive, overwhelming, re other mods, & vanilla stuff.
  4. jgaz-uk

    3CB Factions

    PS dont suppose you could add some Female none combat civilians ( as in A2 & Arrowhead) to your Factios list? 👩‍🎤👸🙋‍♀️
  5. jgaz-uk

    3CB Factions

    OK Tks for your time. Was using a single set of .sqf for each type of unit; MG, Medic, sniper commander, etx,etc executed in a unit's init, old school time saver, for quick mission making. will work something out. cheers.🧐
  6. jgaz-uk

    3CB Factions

    All 3CB units. have the option (with tick boxes) to disable random units, & the set 3CB loadouts. But there is not those disable tick box options for vanilla or say CUP units etc, & so we have found that 3cb is changing a scripted loadout for those when one is set. So was hoping for a script to disable that, other than not loading the 3CB mod.
  7. jgaz-uk

    3CB Factions

    Is it not possible Evrik?
  8. jgaz-uk

    3CB Factions

    When editing using None 3CB units with scripted loadouts, & 3CB is running on the server, 3CB will override that loadout, adding extra stuff. Medics are a particular problem. Question; is there a basic script that will disable those changes for when using other mods & default units; say for the units init or even in the mission init? 3CB has some really good features, as in units, etc & wouldn't not want to use it, but it really does seem to override a lot of vanilla, & other mods, exceed its remit so to speak. Asking so basically the mission maker can dictate what gear/equipment a unit has & not 3CB.
  9. jgaz-uk

    ArmA 3 Updates

    It's a Mod is it not? so not in the actual game. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2359977960 Bis could maybe acquire that, & make it really part of the game itself! Was thinking more about the Arma 2 & Arrowhead collection of Civilian females, (not soldiers) with all ages & nationalities. for the immersive realism of the A3 Game.
  10. jgaz-uk

    ArmA 3 Updates

    Bis in your next update how about adding some female Civilians? to finally bring some reality to the the Gay world of ArmA 3,. There where females in all the previous 5 versions of ArmA, & they have always been in Dayz, so why not add them to A3 as a tribute to your loyal customers, as a 20th anniversary gift Also Rolling back Thermals to previous version, or the option to run older version, would be very welcome also! 😍
  11. jgaz-uk

    Update 23/08/2022 Thermal

    Basically it seems ArmA 3 thermals, are crap & will remain crap. which is a real shame on you Bis!
  12. Just tested your last beta fix on the DLC SOG maps & everything worked fine just how it should. Even after setting in the AIS_SETUP "heal only if players have firstaid" dropping the vanilla firstaid & using the SOG firstaid item. The only thing I noticed is; I still had the same number of them after healing several units. I can live with that 😉.
  13. Edited AIS_SETUP to AIS_MEDEVAC_STATIONS = []; So medivac heal only is disabled, that removed error messages I got as I didn't create a medivac object. And that last beta update fixed it YAY! Original problem with classname in the SOG DLC seems to be now fixed, as when tested it worked with vanilla firstaid & the SOG firstaid nice work sir! Many thanks Psychobastard.
  14. Created a new mission on one of the SOG maps using beta virsion files & now getting stabilise option, but after only get the drag option & nothing else. had a few error messages come up about AIS_Medivac stations, like Medivac_Blackfish, 10 ? Will try later your latest download.
  15. As it was only the S.O.G. Prairie Fire, where your revive wouldn't work (different firstaid class names) I tested your beta update using that. Did a quick test using an AI squad with DLC: S.O.G. Prairie Fire, did NOT get the usual "stabilise" option on injured units. not tried with other players yet.