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Everything posted by Strike_NOR

  1. Strike_NOR

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    When do I get to start hugging you guys? Say no more! Keep up the good work :)
  2. The effect looks good :) It doesn't seem like a "re-used" effect, which is nice. Both the flash and black puff effect are nice and believable! snoops will most surely be pleased ;) Intriguing. I can't wait to see what you will bring to the platform with Tanks DLC :) Thanks to you and your entire team for contributing, both DLC and mod-wise :) Top notch work! Aww... I guess it's and option for modders then, since you are able to create an effect at the location of the submunition dispersion. Carry on :)
  3. While this gif is dope reyhard, I must ask for verification :P It's the black smoke puff that's new right? I can't remember that occuring before! Looks great! Any potential for adding cluster bomb "casing" debris with this new feature? Thanks for polishing the details :)
  4. Strike_NOR

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hello! Yesterday when firing up my "mod mix" which includes RHS, bloodlust, NIarms etc.. I got spammed by some "armorconfig" errors when starting the 3den editor, and when selecting various units in 3den. I'm just curious why so, it got introduced after one of the latest devbranch updates. I have had absolutely 0 conflicts or error spams with my mod collection (which is rather clean tbh) before these devbranch updates, and none of the mods I am running were updated before the errors appeared. Just letting you know in case you are getting more reports of this. I will check again later tonight with a vanilla + RHS mods only setup and see if they still appear.
  5. Strike_NOR


    Cool beans. "And remember kids, duck and cover!" :)
  6. I already bought IF for ArmA2. Will buy it as DLC if the price is fair :)
  7. Strike_NOR

    Vehicle Interiors - Feedback

    ?????? Why did you quote me to say this? I am not suggesting anything here. I am against spending time on animating crew actions. I am not suggesting clickable cockpits for vanilla vehicles. There are already mods that support clickable interiors. Devs are better off focusing on platform upgrades (core game mechanics) and improvements rather than introducing "high cost/low usefulness" things, if you ask me.
  8. @oukej Well I'll be damned. Have these been available since A3 launch? If so, maybe the bumpiness of vanilla vehicles is just a tad too little. Somehow I feel that, even on greek islands, running offroad in 60/70 km/h should wreck your hatchback/pickup quite fast. Don't get me wrong, I am not asking for that 100% realistic approach, where it is impossible to drive a normal car offroad. But civilian vehicles, or light vehicles should technically be penalized quite hard for attempting high-speed offroad driving. I'm just thinking what would happen to my poor VW if I drove it off the road onto a nearby cornfield in 70 km/h. The slight bumps in the field would probably cause mayhem to my suspension and wreck the vehicle. So here is my point. I found a great video that shows the difference between two trucks at two different speeds ~110km/h vs ~50km/h. One truck with an advanced suspension system, the other with "stock" suspension. It makes a HUGE difference. The terrain type seems similar to what we can expect the ArmA 3 greek terrain to be like. But even so, the modified vehicle in the video still bounces a lot at these speeds, way more than vehicles currently do in ArmA 3 :) I was just thinking, that All Terrain Vehicles, tanks and such should have a significant advantage when moving offroad, while regular cars, trucks and smaller vehicles suffer from a little more violent bouncing. I was thinking the newly overhauled physX suspension could compensate for more "terrain roughness". It may be a far cry to ask for adjustment at this point though :) EDIT: "Defines how much dampers react to random little bumps on surface. It's only visual effect, doesn't influence drive simulation, only taken into account when calculating damper animation." Aah, I see. My wording was a little bit bad. What I meant was that the bumps are not visual on the terrain mesh, but DO influence drive simulation. I would like to see them cause vehicle bounce, but only have a severe impact when going fast (like 40-50 km/h). If you are driving say, the hatchback, offroad at 40 km/h, you are going to have a bad time :) That's what I meant to say. Edit edit: And thanks for taking the time to look up these things and answer :) I know you must be extra busy this friday, with Super Miller Land being released and all :D
  9. I would love to see BI implement some "simulated roughness" to the offroad terrain. When going offroad, small bumps (not visual, only simulated) will impact the suspension, causing some very gentle movement to the vehicle suspension. This, coupled with a mild speed reduction would make driving, aiming and shooting a bit tougher when choosing offroad. Right now it feels like it somehow got overlooked.
  10. Strike_NOR

    Super Miller Land

    HAHA. My weekend schedule is cleared! :D Super Miller World ftw! You never cease to amaze Ruppert-san XD
  11. I noticed that the HEMTT seems to be the only truck where, when accelerating, the front suspension compresses. When decelerating, the rear suspension compresses. Most other vehicles "lift" in the front when accelerating, and compress in the front when decelerating. I actually recorded this ingame, but haven't posted the video on youtube yet. I think this is an error.
  12. So while trying to test the new soundsets for vehicles introduced in latest devbranch update, I found out that your mechanics have incorrectly assembled some vehicle transmissions ;) Namely the Strider and Ifrit automatic transmission gear selectors. They are not behaving in a very healthy way :) Bugtracker here: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T127578 Video here:
  13. Strike_NOR

    Simple but effective Magazine repack

    Have you been taught this in the military? By design, the safety-handle (which releases the firing pin to trigger the fuse) is designed to arm the grenade AFTER it leaves your hand. To cook the grenade in real life, you would have to use both hands to arm it, or be really cool-headed to release the handle with the same hand you are holding the grenade in. The potential to screw up is huge. And, if the fuse is bad, it could explode much faster, or later than you hoped for. I am just trying to get an answer if this is actual recommended practice in any armed forces. To get back on topic though, I think the simplest possible form of magazine repack would be do let magazines of the exact same type merge by user action. Super-useful for those of us who likes to reload between encounters to always have 30 rnds (or whatever) available if needed. I think being able to combine different ammo types (5.56 FMJ, vs 5.56 tracer, or 5.56 subsonic) into the same mag is impossible. Therefore, a poor workaround may also be counter-intuitive. Let's say you have 15 tracer rounds, 10 regular and 5 subsonic. It would be rather lame if you combined the three mags into one mag of pure 5.56 tracer? Realistically speaking the magazine should contain 15 + 10 + 5 bullets of different types. Therefore the simplest way I see, while keeping some form of realism, is to combine mags of the same type.
  14. Strike_NOR

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    @MrSanchez Hi again. You've probably thought of it already, but in case you figure out some way to make the zombies target civilians again, the 'newly introduced' "Civilian presence" module would probably work very well with the zombies. They populate areas of player choice and react by running away from threats, hide and look more chaotic. :)
  15. Which is pretty much the standard procedure during night time engagements. The officers need something to do, right? Flares also disturb anyone who are equipped with NVG as the goggles may become over-exposed to light. NVG are therefore excellent tools to stay hidden as long as possible, while keeping some degree of situational awareness in the dark.
  16. I assume you mean you want to vanilla arma 3 nightvision back? Nightvision is often hyped to be some amazing device that turns pitch black into green, crisp daybright conditions. This is false. A much better and accurate description is "Light amplification goggles", because that is in fact what they do. They use available light and amplify it. If you are in pitch black conditions (no nearby cities, no moonlight, etc), it will not have any light to amplify. Also, having used military NVG equipment myself, I can confirm that the image is often very grainy and depending on gogglet type, you lose depth perception completely. A way to mitigate this issue is to use IR strobes, or flashlights. If the enemy are "low tech", they cannot see the IR light, but your NVG goggles can see it. Therefore you can illuminate an area with IR light, and see that through NVG (don't think this is simulated beyond IR strobes and Lasers in ArmA3 though). So, NVG goggles are actually not always ideal in dark conditions, sometimes you are better off using flares and flashlights.
  17. Strike_NOR

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys! Congratulations on your release! That's a pretty meaty changelog there! Can't wait to try out those PhysX improvements, sounds and jet/heli map functionality! Thanks for putting in so much hard work to make this high-quality total conversion mod for us :) I guess all the hard work of people asking "when is next update?" finally paid off. ( ).
  18. Agreed. Don't know how much this would tax the system (keeping track of flat grass when many players are prone and crawling about), but it would sure be nice with 5 minutes. Also, on the topic of grass I have noticed a few things regarding helicopters: Up until recently, I thought helicopter downwash only affected smoke and trees/large vegetation (see them bend/flutter) when the helicopter is above. But by coincidence I noticed that the grass does flatten when a helicopter is subjecting it to downwash. However, the effect is much like when infantry is laying prone, it just "warps" downwards to become more flat. Is it possible to tweak the effect to be more "wavy"? I mean, like ripples from a pond, but with high frequency. Kind of the same effect you can see on large wheat fields when wind is swooping over them. That would be extra cool immersive :) You can see the effect I am talking about really well at the mark in this video: It makes the grass "ripple" like waves, wafting back and forth. By the way, this seems to be your typical russian party. Random chicks, disorganized, Adidas, some random military guy and probably a lot of vodka. Helicopter for extra USSR feel. Shame it wasn't a Mi-24. PS. Dslyecxi, is that you? ;)
  19. Hey oukej. Thanks for answering! Great to hear what your thoughts and ideas are behind your design choices. The bullets are nice to divide things into chunks instead of random wall of text that = setdammage 1 to developers ;) It's easy to get carried away when you feel strong about a game or some of it's aspects. :) -How do the missiles act in relation to drag when turning? Do the missiles bleed off speed quickly when maneuvering? IRL this is a common tactic for MRM and LRM threats. The missile aim point you talk of is "lead pursuit", where the missile tries to meet the aircraft at a future point. -Do ARMA missiles use proportional navigation algorithms? Proximity fuses generally work by either laser or radar emitters in the missile body circumference that detect nearby surfaces, triggering the fuse. The warhead is normally surrounded by hundreds of pre-formed fragmentation fragments that shred nearby aircraft almost like a gigantic shotgun effect. This means that the missile will effectively always detonate as it passes the aircraft perpendicularly, which means the closest it will ever be to the target during its flight. Generally this cloud of shrapnel generally leads to any of the following: pilot injury/death engine seizure/fire fuel tank leaks/fire hydraulic systems failure (control loss) sometimes, structural failure (control loss) The aircrash investigation on MH17 is quite interesting to watch, especially because they rebuilt the cockpit in the netherlands. Shows you how lethal BUK missiles (SA-11) are.
  20. Strike_NOR

    Simple but effective Magazine repack

    This is very good firearm simulation. I agree, but probably needs a game engine, or inventory system that supports this on a completely different level than ArmA 3. While grenade cooking came to be in early games like call of duty etc, I really have to ask. Is this an urban legend or actual tactic? Can anyone with real grenade practice comment on this? I always felt it was very hollywood-ish to cook grenades, seeing that fuse-reliability/production differences are always a risk. It is a risk that jeopardizes you and your teammates, at the only advantage of giving the enemy less time to react. You are still clearing the room or area and forcing the enemy to retreat or suffer the consequences.
  21. Well there are a few issues with the way missiles work in ArmA 3, at least according to missile effectiveness and lethality. And there are still some glaring issues with the way aircraft and other vehicles take damage. While offering a much deeper and varied damage model than most games on the market, there are still some issues that may be there for gameplay reasons, but throw away realism. This may throw off players because it doesn't always apply to our expectations. In real life, shoulder fired missiles are often successful because they are hard to detect, and therefore hard to counteract. Most pilots resort to timed flare schedules that constantly release flares at intervals, in case a missile has been fired. Hollywood wants us to believe that you get a "missile warning" for all missile types and that they are best "shaken off" by slick maneuvers. Reality is quite the contrary. We enter a hostile area, we anticipate surface to air threat, and drop flares preemptively. In arma, however, pilots have the major advantage of being warned (partially realistic as such systems exist today, but also most likely for balancing reasons). This allows the pilot to conserve flares until the warning sounds, then spam flares to shake the missile. Seeing that the success probability of shaking Titan AA is rather high, jets and helicopters become very untouchable). The other way of avoiding missiles is by outmaneuvering it. Since engagement ranges in arma are often unrealistically short, missile speed, range and maneuverability are adjusted to fit the scope of the game. This means that missiles can be hard to shake without flares. This also leads to a very black-and-white scenario each time: Either flares are dropped and your missile is defeated, or the target doesn't drop flares and the target is defeated. But that is not all. Missiles are very often proximity detonated, which means that if the missile does not score a direct hit, it can detonate by proximity sensors up to as much as 10-20 meters away from the target. This ensures that even if flares are used or the target outmaneuvers the missile, it can still detonate and cause fragmentation damage. This is much more common in real life, because hitting a moving target at such high speeds with very sensitive controls/sensors can be extremely difficult. Therefore many times the missile will proximity detonate and shrapnel will eat up the aircraft. Then comes the damage model part. Arma is lacking a major damage feature that severely effects aircraft: engine and fuel system fire. Any damage caused by incendiary, explosive or fragmentation warheads is very likely to perforate the engine or fuel tanks and cause fires. Engines are extremely delicate and prone to causing fires. Fires are accelerated by all the oxygen available when flying through the air, and are the most common cause of aircraft loss in combat. So why are aircraft tanky? well.. they are warned of incoming missiles and can deploy flares at the right moment every time the missiles are so far off course when tricked by flares, that proximity fuse doesn't always work proximity fuse causes indirect damage type (ArmA HE damage) and works kindof strange. they cannot catch fire, and damage to engines usually only decreases thrust a little bit. I think that for both realism and balance reasons the following tweaks are a possible solution: Titan AA spoofed by IR easily, but only select aircraft have missile warning system (unarmed aircraft for instance). Titan AA missile less maneuverable, to balance against no pilot warning and make the lock-and fire more skill-based (you have to wait for the right moment to fire). When missiles are spoofed, they don't deviate course very much (to increase hit probability on stationary aircraft, or head on attacks) Proximity detonation range = splash damage outer radius (if you see the missile explode, then the aircraft has sustained some level of damage) Proximity detonation mechanic (missile explodes when distance to target stops decreasing, and starts increasing) to insure detonation as close as possible to aircraft. Aircraft in general, should be damaged beyond saving at 1 direct hit (impact detonation). They should be able to sustain one close proximity detonation but still fly home badly damaged. Introduce new missile for Anti-Air vehicles. Like a SRAAM or something radar guided. A missile with much higher hit-probability, but warns the pilots at time of lock/launch. Fires. I think that would force aviators to plan their attacks, and loiter less. When lining up for a strafing run or bomb run, they should start using flares in "continuous mode" where they drop flares once every 1-2 seconds. Then deactivate upon leaving the threat area (just like real life). They no longer get "free warnings" to alert them when to use flares. Damage has greater consequence and as such you have to be more careful. Anti-Air vehicles would generally "scare away" aerial vehicles like they are intended to, rather than just spam missiles at them and hope for a shot where the pilot forgets to use flares. Shoulder-fired anti air threats should be a haunting feeling for pilots, that you never know when you will be fired upon, just that it's very likely to happen if you expose yourself too long. Therefore you launch flares at intervals to survive.
  22. Sigh... Mickeymen, if you will not listen to experienced arma modders, or community members with actual tank crew experience, then I fear our efforts to convince you are pointless. And take note that what we are simply trying to say is that the devs can't adapt your idea just because you think it makes sense. For instance. If you want to be able to heal inside vehicles, for consistency purposes and according to yourself, this should be possible in all crew positions for all vehicles (jets, helis, cars, tanks, trucks, boats etc). Each of these crew positions have custom sitting animations (sure there are probably some re-used ones here and there, but the majority are unique). Each of these crew positions have a custom "idle animation", and for each healing animation, there would have to be a smooth transition from the idle animation to the healing animation. Then you have to ensure, for quality purposes, that the soldier model does not clip through the vehicle while healing, leading to even more diversity in animations. Now think about how many vehicles there are in ArmA, then how many crew positions. Quick maths is to just count the amount of crew positions in total for the entire game, then you have the amount of new animations you have to make. What @x3kj is saying, is that it is ludicrous to say that "it is a simple task" to do this. Making just one animation and quality-assuring it ingame could probably take hours of time - I would not know as I only do some 3D modeling, but I assume it is a lot of work to get to "arma 3 standard" quality, without Inverse Kinematics or Motion Capture hardware. And finally, take it from me, who has over 10 years of military experience. The moment someone gets injured, the priority is to take care of them and secure them. You cannot "heal" a person in line of fire. You can apply tourniquet, bandage and evacuate. Or else you are going to increase the casualties rapidly. We emphasize stopping massive bleeding and removing the casualty from the combat for further treatment. In many ways, the medic system in "Squad" (game) is a much more accurate representation of how a medic functions. Each soldier can stop his own bleeding, or the bleeding of a teammate, but they cannot regain health. The medic has to administer "field surgery" in order to increase HP again. If it worked like this in ArmA, I would not have issues with applying bandages in a vehicle, because it is not a "godmode" healing method, it only stops you from passively dying of bloodloss. I have written some suggestions about how to improve the medic system in ArmA 3, but I think it's too late for that now. To summarize: Asking for healing "the arma way" with FAK's in vehicles is begging for exploits (100 FAKs in a tank = crew godmode) Asking for accompanying animations for each crew member is ludicrous We have explained why it is a bad idea for gameplay reasons. We have explained why it is an unrealistic idea based on experience. We have explained why it is a resource-demanding task based on modding experience. While we can't speak for the devs, I am fairly sure they agree with our views on the matter.
  23. While I do think it's strange you can't heal inside vehicles, it certainly makes things complicated for devs if you want animations for all vehicle crew positions in all vehicles. It may actually be good for gameplay reasons to not be able to heal in vehicles. Forcing players to retreat for a while to patch up to take the stress away from the opposing force. Also, when you think about it, it's not very realistic to perform field surgery in a combat vehicle fighting position. Bandaging cuts or minor puncture wounds, yes. But most likely, if something made its way through armour to get to you, chances are whatever it is has enough energy left to maim you. Dedicated medic vehicles though i can support. Like a MEDEVAC APC or MRAP which grants passengers in the correct seat (stretcher) healing while protected by armor.
  24. Strike_NOR

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I notice this with some vehicles with mounted troops. I place a default mechanized group and set a few move waypoints on the map. At mission start they all "get in" the vehicle and move to all waypoints. However, if I manually move all infantry into cargo before mission start ( to save time) the vehicle just sits there forever. If i place just 1 soldier from group outside the vehicle, he will get in at mission start, then the vehicle moves. Odd..