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About HitmanFF

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    Master Sergeant


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    Project Manager

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  1. HitmanFF

    (Permanently Erased)

    Personal maintainability could also be a reason to have sufficient comments/headers in your code. I've worked on scripts since OFP, a lot have been transferred to Arma/Arma 2/Arma 3 and are in existence for well over 10 years. Being able to read comments in the code does help in understanding why on earth I did what I did back then.
  2. HitmanFF

    PvP Advance And Secure

    Would like to, but we have a (friendly) match tonight already :)
  3. HitmanFF

    PvP Advance And Secure

    Thanks, A separate channel for English speaking players would be good. I will join, and see if other members of FUSION are also interested. My French is way too limited to communicate efficiently in such circumstances ;)
  4. HitmanFF

    PvP Advance And Secure

    Hi salmon, AAS games greatly improve from team work and communication. Do you have e.g. a teamspeak server that can be joined during these games? Btw: Do you mean Thursday 28th or Friday 29th for the first session?
  5. HitmanFF

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Could we have the Linux servers via wine unstickied? With the latest linux update to v1.22, performance issues are solved, so there is no real need to run the arma 3 server via wine anymore.
  6. After several runs I can confirm that you can consider this issue closed!Thanks for solving and making the linux server fully fit for production.
  7. Will you update the tracker to work with steamworks query?
  8. Did you check steps as mentioned in this post? It did help me to get the server to show up in the steam client and in-game.
  9. We could only do a relatively short test of ~30 minutes, but we had steady 48-50 fps on maps that would only yield 6 fps on previous linux versions, all maps tested working fine as well. Linux server is performing quite well now!
  10. HitmanFF

    my start file for linux

    What does this mean for the performance of the linux server? Is that also back to default?
  11. HitmanFF

    my start file for linux

    It's worked just fine for me as well! Adding -maxmem=3072 looks to be the differentiating factor, changing from 6 fps on a light weight map to 50 fps.
  12. Question already asked by you, and answered here
  13. Your findings are consistent with reports in the linux server thread. We'll have to wait until BIS have improved performance of the linux server.