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Everything posted by froggyluv

  1. Ah nevermind -found it getAllHitPointsDamage
  2. PS: Were you able to prevent dodging animations from ghosting thru walls/objects other units etc? Man thought these threads woulduv merged
  3. Man just watched that video again and what a game changer. Forget about the awesome new indoor nav mesh and CQB dodging type AI combat -that long distance battle toward the end just looked so engaging when its normally a pretty tiresome affair. On top of all that you have this new prettied up Action menu/Order GUI - noticed even a BI AI dev responded on your youtube page. This is real deal man, its the direction Arma has desperately needed to go for a long time and frankly i cant wait to try out this new toy
  4. Holy....dude. That video was chalk full of so much AI goodiness I'm giddy
  5. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Audio camo mod ^^^ I worked on once, things like heavy trucks and tanks moving by as well as rain lessening the chance an enemy could hear you. Good stuff
  6. Is there any way to get a printout of the custom damage report for Vehicles? For instance "Right hull penetrated by xxby missile blown transmission" -kinda stuff. Like how strategy games do it
  7. Also I dont know if it matters -but the email verifier on your troubleshooting website (Phabricator?) is not working properly. Ive sent multiple email verification requests but they never arrive. Hopefully you can still see my troubleshooting report P.S: I found some strategic ways to get your AI AT team to take out a tank using alot of Stealth, Hold fires and getting particular players at particular angles and distances. No way an AI led squad can do this as of now 😄
  8. Spoke too soon -still major issues with AI AT Teams -created ticket on your site .kju
  9. @.kju Much like visiting the doctor -the German AT Grenadiers successfully killed a Tank when given an ambush position off the side of a forested road - in short, they worked 🙂 Ill test them further but that was pretty cool. They still die a bit getting too close maybe a handleDamage (reduction) bump if hit by their own weapon
  10. https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/190809-iron-front-in-arm3-lite-preview-versions/?do=findComment&comment=3348572
  11. Hi .kju were you ever able to solve the grenadier AT aim problem?
  12. Hey bud dont really play much anymore but last i did - really enjoyed the LOS site check for grenades and felt like it worked 'often enough' so that it still had a human effect to it -in which they didnt always know a grenade was nearby. Just for my own use also added a "Grenade!" shout and "!" icon if it was seen -kinda like Metal gear Solid 😄 What might be a nice middle ground would be to blend the two triggers - that of Line of Sight alongside distance but only use the distance or increase its effectivness depending on Skill level of detector. (im a big proponent of varying skill AI bonuses in case nobody noticed). Foe example if just a band of low level militia -they only get a LOS check. If trained troops, both and Elite troops almost 90% based purely on distance -or something to that effect
  13. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Nice one man - trying to get the AI to fight even remotely intelligently indoors is like trying to change the trajectory of a river -a salute! problem is they really need to be fixed or attended to at engine level -like the way they just slowly rotate in place aiming at walls (guess because they're tracking), occupying the same space in 3d world (as other AI) and their inability to know to aim at likely pathways/Windows. Spent forever myself trying to get them to do more interesting things when buildings are involved but finally threw my hands up and just picked up Swat 4 again - literally a masterpiece of AI. Anyways best of luck man, its all worthwhile trying to advance this area and hopefully the Devs take notice and realize this series simply cant advance without addressing this issue
  14. froggyluv

    Enemy AI eye awareness marker

    Id start with Greenfists Detection Tool Youd have to create your own parameters and sound effects but that should get you started
  15. Is this the same mod that came out years ago with the rear naked choke and what not? Are you the same author? Why are you charging now and not then and why not show some of it to garner support?
  16. froggyluv

    Kujari: PMC ops

    Love the stats and hopefully medals.. 😄
  17. froggyluv

    Kujari: PMC ops

    Looks like a very, very nice mission - cant wait to try it out. SP as well?
  18. froggyluv

    Hell Let Loose

    Ive only recently been turned on to The Division which ALMOST has great AI -but not quite due to their game design plan to just make them bullet sponges. But their design is deep and love the way they are actually programmed to decipher cover depth down to the centimeter -imagine that Arma bots!
  19. Pretty cool i like how they can rapidly advance towards player/enemy but its hard to tell what their doing in the example mission as its just kinda open space with 2 different factions. Was better seen in more of a builtup urban area as they usually advance very slowly.
  20. Isn't PLP Poolpunk's tag?
  21. Looks great Leopard - whole lotta GUI button lovefest. And how dare you tease us with 2 unknown addons crucial to the SP experience?! We are Armaheads, not HalfLife 3 Monks, we have ZERO patience!
  22. Maybe try sharing the errors you're getting..?
  23. Your other hand will learn and become master of coding. In its newfound strength it will be your new best friend -with benefits..
  24. froggyluv

    "Old Man" campaign still a thing?

    The plan is in the Title. Its designed to have you wait till your actually an Old Man - then you may or may not get your pudding but either way you'll certainly be ornery about it