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Everything posted by Flash-Ranger

  1. Flash-Ranger

    Electronic Sports Masters™ | Masters CUP

    Find here the playlist of all the videos recorded !
  2. Flash-Ranger

    Electronic Sports Masters™ | Masters CUP

    Here is Quarter-Final UNA vs C.O.E
  3. Flash-Ranger

    Electronic Sports Masters™ | Masters CUP

    Semi-Final 88th vs ToK video !
  4. Flash-Ranger

    Electronic Sports Masters™ | Masters CUP

    Check out the Russian Stream of the Finals 88th vs HA ! Well done HA !
  5. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    Have been buisy last weeks ... but the system has taken a really nice look with the ESM tournament ! Check out the Final match of the ESM tournament !
  6. Works Perfectly !! Final version : player addAction ["<img size='1.0' color='#FFFFFF' image='Images\heal_ca.paa'/>",{Player Action ["HealSoldierSelf", Player];player setDamage 0;},[],-100,False,True,"","_target isEqualTo _this and _target isEqualTo vehicle _target AND damage _target > 0"];
  7. Hello, For some reason, my Healing system is not working when the player's legs are hit .......... Can someone help ? While {True} Do { WaitUntil {Alive Player;}; Sleep 1; While {(damage player) < 0.1} Do { Sleep 1; }; Heal_Act = Player AddAction ["<img size='1.0' color='#FFFFFF' image='Images\heal_ca.paa'/>","Heal_System\Action.sqf",[],-100,False,True,"",""]; Player SetDamage 0.26; While {(Damage Player != 0.25) And Alive Player} Do { Sleep 0.1; }; Player SetDamage 0; Player RemoveAction Heal_Act; };
  8. Mine worked as well, the only problem with mine was that it did't enable the action when the LEGS are hit ...
  9. Right but will this activate each time _This is damaged ? Or only once until he dies ?
  10. I'm trying to enable the player to heal himself each time he gets hit. The action give's him accès to a healing action that heals him completely. This works perfectly ... except when the legs are hit.
  11. Do you have any idea why my script doesn't work when legs are hit or damaged ?
  12. Still need Help please !
  13. Flash-Ranger

    Electronic Sports Masters™ | Masters CUP

    Join our Discord for more information ! https://discord.gg/hYQZ6Vs
  14. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    Listen to the Episode 25 of ArmaNET podcast ! https://armanetpodcast.podbean.com/e/armanet-ep-25-ctf-with-flash-ranger/
  15. Flash-Ranger

    Radar bug after 1.68 Update

  16. Flash-Ranger

    Radar bug after 1.68 Update

    You should go and see in the Feedback tracker if any of this has been reported already. If not create a new ticket
  17. Flash-Ranger

    Arma3 Videos

    Hello Everyone, Please sit back and take a look at my Peaceful Sky video. Follow me on Twitter : @FlashRangerArma
  18. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : (Send FeedBack : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com) 01/04/2017 : All maps -> Outro Update
  19. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    Hello everyone ! Here is my new CTF Video ! Check it out !
  20. Could you give the content of your showscore.sqf please ?
  21. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : (Send FeedBack : flashrangerarma3@gmail.com) 28/03/2017 : all maps -> Fixed respawn-zone flag detection
  22. Flash-Ranger

    Hide respawn position marker

    Try combining with this : (it extract from an other script so dont bother about the way it's presented) _Side_TeamGreen = CreateMarkerLocal ["Side_TeamGreen", [(GetPosATL Centre Select 0)+CambatZone_r*Sin _r,(GetPosATL Centre Select 1)+CambatZone_r*Cos _r]]; "Side_TeamGreen" SetMarkerTypeLocal "mil_box"; "Side_TeamGreen" SetMarkerColorLocal "ColorGreen"; "Side_TeamGreen" SetMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; "Side_TeamGreen" SetMarkerTextLocal CTF_TeamGreen_Country;
  23. Flash-Ranger

    FFtA3: From Flashpoint to ArmA3 [PvP]

    CHANGELOG : 25/03/2017 : all maps > - Fixed title problem - Fixed 1.68 disconnexion problem
  24. Flash-Ranger

    Hide respawn position marker

    That's it : Add this in the init.sqf file. "respawn_west" setMarkerAlpha 0;
  25. Hi ! For some reason, when a player disconnects, gets kicked, crash, he is replaced by an AI... I found this in the Init, would it be related to it ? OnPlayerConnected {If (_uid In ID_Players) Then {} Else {ID_Players = ID_Players + [_uid];};}; Is there a way of not getting an AI everytime a player disconnects ? Thx !