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Everything posted by hoverguy

  1. Hello @Husker-71, You have to push the Y key to unlock/lock your vehicle. You can always swap interaction keys in the master config file HG_Config.h [Link] with ones of your choosing, look for lockUnlockKey on lines 39 and 111. Thanks for using SimpleShops.
  2. v 1.2 Description Vehicle shop dialog Vehicle shop functions Installation/Usage/Download/Updates GitHub Notes Works in MP Screenshot Click Me Armaholic Armaholic Topic
  3. Description Weapon shop Gear shop Units shop Vehicles shop Dealer, trader... Installation/Usage/Download/Updates GitHub Notes Works in MP If you use RHS, weapons name in editor can't be used in the shop, see post #62 Screenshot Click Me Armaholic Armaholic Topic
  4. @Recaldy @pognivet Hi guys, wiki is back up https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki
  5. Hi everyone, Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine and we agreed that the Arma 3 action menu ain't that great or more generally: the way us, players, interact with the environment isn't that great, let's be honest. So I started to think about a way to improve the default interaction system and I decided to make my own. Later on that day, I came up with a little something that I decided to share a preview with you, the Arma 3 community. Let's have a look, shall we! Version #1 Version #2 - Houses Let me guys know what you think. Thank you.
  6. Hi everyone, Here's an updated version including houses, watch till the end... Thank you.
  7. Hello @Recaldy 1) I don't get any stutters, I can't reproduce the issue using the mission that I provide without anything added but enemies with: [this] call HG_fnc_aiUnitSetup; In their respective init boxes. 2) You have to find a way to add the above function to the dynamically spawned units, maybe you can... or you can't depending on the modularity of those scripts... check out if they provide any form of documentation somewhere. 3) Same as above 4) Just added it GitHub Push Also added a XP penalty when killed, configurable in HG_Config.h as usual, check out the GitHub
  8. Hi there @DarkSnake, The only available function is -> HG_fnc_moneyItem It creates a GroundWeaponHolder loaded with bank notes that you can loot.
  9. Hi @Jerris There's actually no way to easily control what's displayed on the HUD except for the XP and kills count, to make them not appear you have to disable them completely (enableXP & enableKillCount in HG_Config.h). To display your bank account balance you'd have to modify the HUD dialog file along with the function that controls it. Also, I recommend using the alternative HUD that looks best. (hudType set to 1 in HG_Config.h). What player are you talking about, the one provided with the mission is Blufor, please be more precise in your request. Thanks for using it!
  10. @ZappsZ conditionToAccess = "playerSide in [west,civilian,resistance]"; whitelistSides[] = {"west","civilian","resistance"};
  11. Hi @ZappsZ Just put it right under class RscTitles { Don't forget to add #include "HG\UI\HG_DialogsMaster.h" Somewhere before RscTitles class. Check this out -> https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/Implementation
  12. Hi @VitalyTurboVaz 1) There's one step that you're missing, when making more garage classes you have to modify the addAction call (https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/wiki/Usage#virtual-garage) this addAction["<img image='HG\UI\Icons\garage.paa' size='1.5'/><t color='#FF0000'>"+(localize "STR_HG_GARAGE")+"</t>",{_this call HG_fnc_dialogOnLoadGarage},"HG_DefaultGarage",0,false,false,"",'(alive player) && !dialog && player distance _target < 3']; this addAction["<img image='HG\UI\Icons\garage.paa' size='1.5'/><t color='#FF0000'>"+(localize "STR_HG_GARAGE_PARK")+"</t>",{_this call HG_fnc_storeVehicleClient},"HG_DefaultGarage",0,false,false,"",'(alive player) && !dialog && player distance _target < 3']; Notice the "HG_DefaultGarage" passed as a parameter to the function. Let's use your new class -> HG_BLUFOR_Garage this addAction["<img image='HG\UI\Icons\garage.paa' size='1.5'/><t color='#FF0000'>"+(localize "STR_HG_GARAGE")+"</t>",{_this call HG_fnc_dialogOnLoadGarage},"HG_BLUFOR_Garage",0,false,false,"",'(alive player) && !dialog && player distance _target < 3']; this addAction["<img image='HG\UI\Icons\garage.paa' size='1.5'/><t color='#FF0000'>"+(localize "STR_HG_GARAGE_PARK")+"</t>",{_this call HG_fnc_storeVehicleClient},"HG_BLUFOR_Garage",0,false,false,"",'(alive player) && !dialog && player distance _target < 3']; 2) A crate is spawned at your feet when you open the gear shop dialog. Whenever you buy something, let's say a uniform, and you already have a uniform equipped, your old one will be stored into the crate (along with its content). Note that only you can see the box, it's local. The main purpose is if that if you buy a uniform that's of less capacity than you previous one that was full then you have a way to get your stuff back. 3) I can't reproduce this issue, do you have a screenshot or even better a video?
  13. @LSValmont I came up with this for now, check it out -> https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/commit/8313ff8c425d99ae19fef13913753fb678255177
  14. @bong oh Hi, try this -> https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/commit/e3dd1219ef8bd249e6895aeface30cc3515e343e and let me know if it worked. @LSValmont No, thank you for using it. I'll have a look into this OLD MAN stuff tomorrow afternoon.
  15. Hi everyone, I released an update that includes a units shop. https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/commit/1af64c6870a4e555d9a1bb1071edcdf4c629bed7 I'll work on a "garage system" to store/retrieve units as well for persistency (database saving only). Also spawning a thread that monitors the state of a vehicle and updates the database accordingly.
  16. Hi @LSValmont Could you share a link to this?
  17. Hi @Kelsey Allen I added support for weapons in uniforms/vests/backpacks. Note that attached accessories and magazines won't show up in the list. I pushed the update on github, here is the modified file https://github.com/Ppgtjmad/SimpleShops/blob/master/HG/Functions/Client/Trader/fn_refreshTrader.sqf copy/paste it. Thanks for using SimpleShops!
  18. Hi @basba66 Yes it will, note that if you were using profile saving before switching to extDB3 all you vehicles will be "lost" (not really lost, still saved in profile just not in database). Hi @VitalyTurboVaz 1. That's actually a good idea, adding it to my todo list. 2. Could you be more specific?
  19. The answer is yes as long as the same profile is used by the server
  20. Hello @NikoWZRD The progress is saved in server's profile (if savingMethod is set to "Profile" in HG_Config.h), the only way to reset it is to either use that code above or delete the <name>.vars.Arma3Profile file To avoid the hassle you could just setup a database, this way you can reset everything in one go... or nil out variables on server start like so (only works with "Profile" as savingMethod): if(!isNil {parsingNamespace getVariable "HG_Profile"}) then { private["_vars","_strs","_str"]; _vars = parsingNamespace getVariable "HG_Profile"; _strs = ["hg_cash","hg_bank","hg_xp","hg_kills","hg_gear","hg_garage"]; { _str = _x; { if([_str,_x,false] call BIS_fnc_inString) then { profileNamespace setVariable [_x,nil]; saveProfileNamespace; }; } forEach _vars; } forEach _strs; }; Put that code at the end of HG\Setup\fn_serverInitialization.sqf On large scale missions I recommend using a database though...
  21. Hi @Robert Tyburne A little bit of explanation: Player buys a vehicle - Vehicle is spawned - A variable is set on that vehicle and is then broadcasted, that variable contains the owner steam64 ID and a random number that serves as a "plate" number (unique identification) - Vehicle is inserted into database or saved in server's profile and active variable is set to 1 Player opens garage - Server searches for vehicles owned by that player (in profile or in db according to savingMethod), finds them and returns those with active var = 0 - Dialog displays available vehicles Player stores a vehicle - Vehicle is deleted from world - The active variable is set to 0 (in profile or in db) Player disconnects (only works if storeVehiclesOnDisconnect is set to true in HG_Config.h) - Server scans all vehicles and filter out those that belong to the player (with the help of the variable set on it) - Destroyed vehicles are removed from the result - Vehicles are deleted - The active variable is set to 0 (in profile or in db) for every vehicle There is also this parameter resetGaragesOnServerStart that - When set to false, will switch the active status on vehicles to 0, meaning that they're available in the garage again - When set to true, will DELETE every vehicles (from profile or from db), meaning that garage will be empty for everyone So to answer your concern, storeVehiclesOnDisconnect is set to true by default meaning that you don't have to worry about vehicles not being saved because they're removed from the world as explained above. If you set both storeVehiclesOnDisconnect and resetGaragesOnServerStart to false, all the vehicles will stay available in the world when the owner disconnects and available in your garage once server restarts. The downside with the second method is: Let's say you disconnect, one of your vehicle is destroyed by another player, that vehicle will be available again when server restarts... simply because there is no thread that monitors what happens to the vehicle when you're not in game. Thanks for using SimpleShops!
  22. Hi community - Disclaimer - I am not the best when it comes to explaining things to others. So please forgive me. - What is explained here is subject to change (this tutorial will be updated accordingly). - When a tools update is available (on main branch), after having installed the update be sure to verify game cache, extract game datas, and re-install buldozer before trying to do anything else. - The way things are explained here is the way I do it, there are other ways. - Introduction In this "tutorial" I will assume that you already have the tools installed (this step won't be explained here) and your directory mapping is the following: Arma 3 D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Arma 3 Tools D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools - Step 1 - Work Drive Folder Now we're gonna decide where we want our Work Drive to be located, go to D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ and make a folder here, name it the what you want (mine is Arma 3 Tools [WorkDrive]). Your Work Drive directory is now the following: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools [WorkDrive] - Step 2 - Arma 3 Tools Directory Paths Setup Now that your Work Drive folder is setup you can now launch Arma 3 Tools from Steam. Once the window pops up, click on Preferences at the top then click on Options. Here you're going to setup your directory paths. According to what we previously done, the tabs should look like this: *Do not forget to uncheck Use default box as in the picture just above* Now click on Register, and you're done with this step. - Step 3 - Mounting Work Drive *Make sure both Arma 3 Tools (Arma3Tools.exe) & Steam (Steam.exe) executable are NOT run as administrator, otherwise your will be unable to mount your Work Drive* You can now click on Mount the Project Drive to mount your Work Drive, yay. - Step 4 - Importing Arma 3 Assets Click on Project Drive Management Then Extract Game Data Click on Run. When prompted, verify information and click Yes. Once the process is done, you get this: Now open your Work Drive (Computer -> P:), your drive should look like this now: *Image coming soon* - Step 5 - Installing Buldozer Now you can tick the Install Buldozer box. Click on Run. Once it's done close the little window and go back to Arma 3 Tools then click on Preferences then Buldozer Configurator. Choose the preset you want for both Object Builder and Terrain Builder then click on Apply configuration. Now open your Work Drive (Computer -> P:), your drive should look like this now: *Image coming soon* *While you're at it open steam_appid.txt and verify that its content is 107410* - Step 6 - Enjoy Everything is now set up, you can now begin to work on your project. Thanks for reading. - Related link(s) Work Drive (BIS) Project Space (BIS) Project Directory Migration (BIS) - Update(s) April 28th 2016 - First Iteration May 30th 2016 - Update 0.984 March 17th 2017 - Update 1.08 - /!\ Read last post /!\
  23. Hello @C.Hall I presume that you're using profile namespace as saving method and that the mission is not hosted in that case this code will reset saved stats for you: uid = getPlayerUID player; ["HG_Cash","HG_Bank","HG_XP","HG_Kills","HG_Gear","HG_Garage"] apply {profileNamespace setVariable [format["%1_%2",_x,uid],nil]; saveProfileNamespace;}; Load up the editor, open the debug console and copy/paste this code then exec local.
  25. Hello @Drifter The place where you put the functions provided in the wiki varies a lot... I cannot cover all the possibilities... sorry for that. You need the basic coding knowledge to figure out, you can open the file and see how it works so you get a better understanding. Thanks for using my shops.