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Description Weapon shop Gear shop Units shop Vehicles shop Dealer, trader... Installation/Usage/Download/Updates GitHub Notes Works in MP If you use RHS, weapons name in editor can't be used in the shop, see post #62 Screenshot Click Me Armaholic Armaholic Topic
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Old Man - What do the modules do and how to use them?
JoMiMi posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
What do the modules do that were added in the Old Man DLC and how to use them? How do you make malaria-infected civvies? -
Hi all, I encounter a problem with JIP players for a name tags script. When a player do JIP the name tags of currently connected players aren't shown until they respawn once. But after one respawn from other players the script works correctly even if the JIP player do JIP again. I tried many ways to find a solution but for now I'm still stuck with this... init.sqf : [] execVM "scripts\nameTags.sqf"; initServer.sqf : waitUntil {time > 0}; arrPlayers = []; initPlayerServer.sqf : _player = _this select 0; waitUntil {(!isNull _player) && (_player == _player)}; waitUntil {time > 0}; waitUntil {!isNil "arrPlayers"}; _playerID = "playerID" + "_" + (getPlayerUID _player); arrPlayers pushBackUnique _playerID; publicVariable "arrPlayers"; [[_player, _playerID], { params ["_player", "_playerID"]; missionNamespace setVariable [_playerID, _player, false]; _player setVehicleVarName _playerID; }] remoteExec ["spawn", 0]; initPlayerLocal.sqf : _didJIP = _this select 1; waitUntil {(!isNull player) && (player == player)}; if (_didJIP) then { { //waitUntil {alive player}; waitUntil {(!isNull player) && (player == player) && !((lifeState player) in ["DEAD", "DEAD-RESPAWN", "DEAD-SWITCHING"])}; _playerID = "playerID" + "_" + (getPlayerUID player); [ [player, _playerID], { params ["_player", "_playerID"]; missionNamespace setVariable [_playerID, _player, false]; _player setVehicleVarName _playerID; } ] remoteExec ["call", remoteExecutedOwner]; } remoteExec ["spawn", [0, -2] select isDedicated]; }; nameTags.sqf : if !(hasInterface) exitWith {}; MISSION_ROOT = getMissionPath ""; KK_fnc_trueZoom = { ( [0.5,0.5] distance2D worldToScreen positionCameraToWorld [0,3,4] ) * ( getResolution select 5 ) / 2 }; fnc_nameTags = { #define LIMITDISTANCE 2000 #define NAMEDISTANCE 250 #define ICON_sizeScale 0.75 idNameTags = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { { _unit = (call compile _x); if (!(player distance2D _unit > LIMITDISTANCE) && alive _unit /*&& player != _unit*/ && !isNull _unit && (vehicle _unit == _unit || (vehicle _unit != _unit && effectiveCommander vehicle _unit == _unit))) then { _distanceUI = round (_unit distance vehicle player); _icon = "pictures\WEST.paa"; _textSpaced = 0.0062; _targetPosition = _unit modelToWorldVisual[0,0,2]; _playerPosition = positionCameraToWorld[0,0,0]; _distance = _targetPosition distance _playerPosition; _fov = call KK_fnc_trueZoom; _dir = _targetPosition vectorDiff _playerPosition; _playerDir = _playerPosition vectorFromTo positionCameraToWorld[0,0,1]; //_cross = (_playerDir) vectorCrossProduct (vectorUp player); _cross = (_playerDir) vectorCrossProduct [0,0,1]; _drawUpNormal = vectorNormalized (_cross vectorCrossProduct _dir); // CHECK INJURED private ["_icon"]; if (lifeState _unit == "INCAPACITATED") then {_icon = MISSION_ROOT + "pictures\INJURED.paa"} else {_icon = MISSION_ROOT + "pictures\WEST.paa"}; // ICON _uiScale = (0.55 / (getResolution select 5)) * ICON_sizeScale; _iconSize = (1 - ((_distance / LIMITDISTANCE) * 0.7)) * _uiScale * 1; _drawUpIcon = _drawUpNormal vectorMultiply ((_textSpaced*2.8) * _distance / _fov); _drawPosIcon = _targetPosition vectorAdd _drawUpIcon; drawIcon3D [_icon, [1,1,1,1], _drawPosIcon, _iconSize, _iconSize, 0]; // NAME private ["_drawPosDist"]; if (_distance <= NAMEDISTANCE || {cursorTarget == _unit}) then { _drawUpName = _drawUpNormal vectorMultiply ((_textSpaced*2) * _distance / _fov); _drawPosName = _targetPosition vectorAdd _drawUpName; if (damage _unit > 0 && player getUnitTrait "Medic" && !(lifeState _unit == "INCAPACITATED")) then { drawIcon3D ["", [1,1,1,1], _drawPosName, 0, 0, 0, (name _unit) + " (" + (str (floor((1 - damage _unit) * 100))) + "%)", 2]; } else { drawIcon3D ["", [1,1,1,1], _drawPosName, 0, 0, 0, name _unit, 2]; }; _drawUpDist = _drawUpNormal vectorMultiply (_textSpaced * _distance / _fov); _drawPosDist = _targetPosition vectorAdd _drawUpDist; } else { _drawUpDist = _drawUpNormal vectorMultiply ((_textSpaced*2) * _distance / _fov); _drawPosDist = _targetPosition vectorAdd _drawUpDist; }; // DISTANCE drawIcon3D ["", [0.8,1,1,1], _drawPosDist, 0, 0, 0, format ["%1 m", _distanceUI], 2]; // VEHICLE if (vehicle _unit != _unit && effectiveCommander vehicle _unit == _unit) then { _drawUpVeh = _drawUpNormal vectorMultiply ((_textSpaced*4.6) * _distance / _fov); _drawPosVeh = _targetPosition vectorAdd _drawUpVeh; _veh = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf vehicle _unit) >> "DisplayName"); drawIcon3D ["", [0.443,0.776,0.443,1], _drawPosVeh, 0, 0, 0, _veh, 2]; }; }; } forEach arrPlayers; }]; }; fnc_toogleNameTags = { if (!isNil "idNameTags") then { systemChat "Name tags desactivated"; removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", idNameTags]; idNameTags = nil; } else { systemChat "Name tags activated"; [] call fnc_nameTags; }; }; waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "if ((_this select 1) == 219) then {[] call fnc_toogleNameTags}"]; Thanks to Whalenator for his multi-line with drawIcon3D ! Rather than using allPlayers command to get all connected players in order to draw the name tags, I used an array if string with the UID of each players broadcasted by the server. Normally the problem come from the initPlayerLocal.sqf where a JIP player ask all other clients thier UID and player object. Here is a sample mission for testing : nameTags.VR.pbo To activate/desactivate the name tags use the WIN LEFT key.
Hi there recently i have found that i can not add singleplayer tag to my mission in the eden editor when am in the upload screen and is forcing me to go with a multiplayer tag and that means my singleplayer mission are showing up in multiplayer but not in SP list under play at main menu
Hello, I have 3 remarks: 1) After 1.56 update, the tags are total disappeared. I think that is related to this: "Tweaked: Removed dependencies of difficulty flags "Friendly TAG" and "Enemy TAG" on flags "Weapon Crosshair" and "Extended HUD Info". Name tags are now displayed even when weapon crosshair and other HUD elements are disabled. In free look, name tags now display a description of the entity based on where the player is looking (instead of aiming)." 2) Long range scopes have zeroing limited at 1000m. No mater what sniper rifle, scopes like LRPS (2500 m) and TWS (1200 m) are limited at 1000 m zeroing. I observed this bug today, not sure if is 1,56 or some following minor update to blame. 3) Destroyed light bulbs are not saved correctly. This is an old story, appeared after 1.38 or 1.40. Many types of street lamps can be shot with a gun, but after save followed by load (obviously in single player), the lamps shine again. Only a very few types of lamps, 1 or 2, remain off. Not to mention bulb lights that are indestructible, like flashing light of road barriers or airport structures, lights of sea lighthouse (the main reflector and the entrance dor bulb), lights of gas stations. Thank you for attention.