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Community-Poll: Which ArmA2 Title do you own?

Which ArmA2 title do you own, or which one are you planning to have?  

247 members have voted

  1. 1. Which ArmA2 title do you own, or which one are you planning to have?

    • ArmA2 + ArmA2:OA
    • ArmA2:OA
    • ArmA2 alone

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This should be a straight community-poll regarding ownership of ArmA2 Titles.

Could be helpful for Addon/Mod/Mission makers, for BIS as a Community-Statistics or whatsoever :)


Only chose "ArmA2 + ArmA2:OA" if you either own both (aka "Combined Operations"), or if you own ArmA2 and strongly planning to buy ArmA2:OA in future, or if you own ArmA2:OA and strongly planning to buy ArmA2 in the future.

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Does it really matter?

Modders should cater to their own need instead of the community IMO.

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Does it really matter?

Modders should cater to their own need instead of the community IMO.

You probably forgot the mission and campaign creators.

For me its quite relevant whether or not i will implement which OA/ArmA2 content into my future missions/campaigns.

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You probably forgot the mission and campaign creators.

For me its quite relevant whether or not i will implement which OA/ArmA2 content into my future missions/campaigns.

I just put modders as a general term, I include mission makers and campaign creators. I love missions and campaigns :)

Why is it relevant for you?

The only reason I can think of is you want to reach the biggest target audience, which is a bit of a strange goal. I'd start making regardless of version, because if it's good enough, people will just follow your requirement instead of you following theirs.

People will whine regardless of what you do,.

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It does matter. People who own only ArmA II will not be able to play missions with AO content used by the mission designer. But I believe that most long term community members own combined operations.

kind regards

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Both. Just get Arrowhead and saw why its becoming the community standard. Hope BIS upgrade A2 stuff to OA standards, otherwise A2 is dead.

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OFP (Disc), ArmA (Disc), ArmA Gold (Disc), ArmA (Disc again), ArmA 2 (Steam), ArmA 2 (Disc), OA (Disc)

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Why do you have Steam and Disc version of ArmA 2 ?

Why Not! ;)

Have Arma2 + OA +all previous titles! :p


Just to add-aint touched ArmA2 since i got OA!

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and this is my gear ;-) :

- OA (DVD, Morphicon) since July, 2nd 2010 (OA installed into A2-Folder => CO)

- ArmA2 (DVD, Morphicon) since December 2009

previous releases :

- NO ArmA1 (because of low end hardware at this time, it was just suitable for OpF - in summer of 2008 I purchased my "actual" rig (sig for details, I know it's becoming more and more low end now, too, but it works ok), had meanwhile some nice gaming with Stalker, Fallout 3 and Splinter Cell and so I waited for ArmA2 to become grown up :-) )

- Operation Flashpoint "Game of the year edition" (incl. Red Hammer & Resistance)

- Operation Flashpoint - Cold War Crisis (what a holy revelation of a PC-Game !)

Edited by langgis08

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have both, but not touched A2 hardly at all since OA, but when i did today, was rather refreshing, so i'm happy!

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I have everything but I havent played in 5 months, schedueled my first OA experience this weekend but fried my comp. Probably wont play for another 5 months :(

Luckely I saw the preview version so I at least know how the game looks :yay:

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Every single game that has come out by BIS, I own. Will continue to do so too.

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I currently only have ArmA 2, but Arrowhead is on the way and I am pressuring many more people into getting it :D

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Why do you have Steam and Disc version of ArmA 2 ?

So I can multi-client test missions and/or run a dedicated server locally. Also at the time my internet was dying constantly so I wanted a disc version that I could play with if I was offline (without pre-offlining via Steam). :)

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I have all the discs* in the series OFP, OFP:RH, OFP:Res, ArmA, ArmA:QG, ArmAII, ArmAII:OA

*Queens Gambit was a download so I guess technically I don't have the actually disc but I own the content.

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I only have OA, a server that I play now is A2 + OA and I unseen things of A2 as vehicles, I see that other servers are also switching to A2 + OA and I have nowhere to play, I feel ripped off ... :mad:

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Based on the Zeus server logfile,

(The server is currently running Standalone OA missions),

apart from our regulars who all have Combined Ops, we are seeing a 50:50 ratio of OA: CO installs for newcomers on the server

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Every single game that has come out by BIS, I own. Will continue to do so too.
This too? :D

I own both. (also OFP Platinum edition and ArmA1 without QG)

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