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Military SciFi Projects Thread

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even better, ready up for A3 :P

No no , I want my irational hate for the games hyper-futuristic approach to be authentic when it comes out .



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Science Fiction is not only future ;) I would wish someone one day decided to take on a project inspired by 'War of the worlds' theme, set in the early 20th century. A mixture of sci-fi, steampunk, all in a vintage setting with an antiquated selections of weapons available.






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No i dont think they need to do anything like you say. all i ment was they could make it easier to mod things like mechs scfi ect then it currently is. If they could get the time to do so. i just bought ARMAII btw, from sprocket. when i get it going i will start trying to create a mecha type mod. i have upgraded my PSU and vidcard to blaze through ARMAII.

One question i know its off topic but i already have OA on steam but i got ARMAII from sprocket is there a way i can combine the two?

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Found that on Armed Assault Info. They are sweet looking and the Master Chief can turn invisible (except for his weapon).

Some scifi guns are needed but other than that they rock.

the guy made the predator mod should look at that, as he claimed doing refractive materials was impossible.

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the guy made the predator mod should look at that, as he claimed doing refractive materials was impossible.

Been there done that. I test every addon that cones out lol.

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I'm working up some concept art for a potential project if people are interested.

I really like the idea of doing something with the Humans being the invaders and i figure there are 3 possible ways of going about it in terms of the aliens, basically a scale of power and how bad either side should be.

1. Aliens are primative in comparrison but still put up a good fight, brighter colorful world comes to mind. This makes the humans the evil invaders. :)

2. Aliens are fierce and "exotic" but primitive technologically, kind of like fighting the beast, they put up a hell of a fight but humans have the technological advantage. this being somewhere along the lines of Starship Troopers with a mostly barren and overtly hostile looking world.

3. Aliens are equal or supperior to humans and put up an equal fight on more or less equal terms. Mostly industrial world which is more earthlike.

I personally like 1 and 2 the best, does anyone else have any suggestions?


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I like third option but balanced,kinda like Battle LA where aliens have high tech but we can still put up a fight with our tech.That's why I liked that movie,no mega-invulnerable-shield to protect them or crap like that.

It seems most of the sci fi stuff is either aliens are so advanced that they spit on our military forces or either they're like primates and we invade their planet.

On third option something like the Strogg from Quake universe.

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ooh Aliens Dropship :p love that thing.

Also i had another idea that may be interesting.

Reverse Alien invasion, Earth getting invaded has been done and done a million times, what has not been done much however is a Reverse Alien invasion, meaning humans invade another world and are in practice the Alien invaders, That would require more work than the other way around but i think it would be pretty interesting to see. Would also give players a chance to to be the "Bad guys" for once :D


---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

This is the last game i would add mechs to. The physics are horrible! And the mechs would be the only thing with more than half an animation.. It just wouldn't fit!

There already have been some mech type vehicles implemented and they work fine, and you could just "trick" people into thinking it's a mech by copying some other vehicle, changing the speed to your liking, and adding a custom animation/sounds and weapons. (And the custom model)

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would be fun to hide in a destroyed city in an attempt to rpg a really tall mech in the leg and watch it collapse :D

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I've only found four Sci-Fi Mech Units in my entirety of playing ARMA 2. Here are the links if anyone is interested.

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13099 (Full Metal Panic. Looks like Gundams)

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12859 (District 9 Mech)

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15658 (Another District 9 Mech)

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=12650 (Small robot mech)

If anyone else has any good Sci-fi content, please do share! :)

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How this wasn't tagged as digging up an old post i'll never know S:

But must admit i didn't see this when it was posted.

quite interesting (as idea's go)

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Nothing wrong with "digging up an old thread" I thought it was encouraged to use the search function rather than double-post a topic. Any exciting sci-fi addons/mods being worked on?

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;2108612']Nothing wrong with "digging up an old thread" I thought it was encouraged to use the search function rather than double-post a topic.

There is indeed nothing wrong to dig up an old thread when you have something meaningful to write down. Which is obviously not the case with your post.

Any exciting sci-fi addons/mods being worked on?

That sort of question belongs to addon request thread...

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There's no need to be like that. I don't think my post warranted that sort of response. I merely questioned why someone adding to an old thread was a bad thing. I'll admit I haven't added anything in regards to content disucssion thus far, but I've only just re-joined the forum after a long absence. I would've thought the "addon request" thread pertains to those that make a request for specific addons, rather than ones making a general query about the latest sci-fi addons.

I'm thinking about getting my mod off the ground. I have no idea how far I can take it. It depends how quickly I can master such tools as Oxygen, and whether I'm any good at designing the various units. Although I'm cognisant that ArmA 3 will be out soon, so perhaps I ought to hold off. I'm toying with the idea of tying Battle:LA and Battleship into a single continuity. Some might think they're shit franchises, but I think the 'title mix' could be interesting. Plus the latter opens up naval warfare as a possible addition, which is fine. If I can get my head around the tools, I would very much like to start with the basic 'BLAA' infantry unit. Then after that, perhaps the drone unit (wedge ship). I'd love to explore the possibility of combining multiple wedge ships into their saucer formation for maximum firepower. One of the key objectives in my mod is water, the aliens want it, we want to deny it to them. So that adds an interesting strategic element to the mod. Anyway, I'll see how it goes.

Edited by Mach2Infinity

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Some progress on my UD-4L, so the bumping earlier isn't in vain.


Started working my way back, I'm at the weird shaped bit just before the tail. Gonna be a bitch in O2, even with Linear deform. Good thing I only have to do it once. :p

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Looking very nice sir :). I take it that's the USCM dropship from Aliens? Ah the tail is based on the F-4 Phantom tail isn't it? Seeing as Cameron was inspired by Vietnam imagery and his designs were a reflection of that.

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The one and only UD-4L Cheyenne Drop-ship. I've only started over 5 times...

Starting with this POS freeware model, which got my foot in the door and got me hooked.


That thing is a mess. Too much detail where it wasn't needed and not enough where it was needed... Not to mention it was in 50 different pieces. Twas' a headache. So I burn it down and started from scratch. A few times...

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Just let it die. You wont finish it anyway. Nothing against you, but theres a curse on the Cheyenne. There where no less than three in the making for OFP (one by Nephilim which was 99% finished), one for ArmA and now your start again for ArmA II.

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Just let it die. You wont finish it anyway. Nothing against you, but theres a curse on the Cheyenne. There where no less than three in the making for OFP (one by Nephilim which was 99% finished), one for ArmA and now your start again for ArmA II.

By that reasoning, it'll NEVER get done. Defeatist superstition never got anyone anywhere. :)

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Just let it die. You wont finish it anyway. Nothing against you, but theres a curse on the Cheyenne. There where no fewer than three in the making for OFP (one by Nephilim which was 99% finished), one for ArmA and now your start again for ArmA II.

I think rather than try and disuade him from taking on the project, who not encourage him? Perhaps offer to assist such as alpha/beta testing? I have full confidence that b00ce will complete it. His model looks promising and I'm sure your words will help as well :D.

b00ce, what part of the design phase are you on now mate?

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;2108954']I think rather than try and disuade him from taking on the project' date=' who not encourage him? Perhaps offer to assist such as alpha/beta testing? I have full confidence that b00ce will complete it. His model looks promising and I'm sure your words will help as well :D.

[b']b00ce[/b], what part of the design phase are you on now mate?

Nah you probably have to sacrefice a goat and dance naked under the moon to get this thing done.

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;2108954']I think rather than try and disuade him from taking on the project' date=' who not encourage him? Perhaps offer to assist such as alpha/beta testing? I have full confidence that b00ce will complete it. His model looks promising and I'm sure your words will help as well :D.

[b']b00ce[/b], what part of the design phase are you on now mate?

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was using reverse psychology, because it worked. ;)

And I'm working on the tail section, pouring through my Dropship references for a good view. The trouble is, even in the official models, there's ambiguity on whether it's a sharp incline or a smooth curve.

See what I mean below.

WARNING: Huge file sizes.







I'm going for something more like these, even though it is a fan made model (A really high quality one too), because I think it looks the best and fits with the overall Dropship design. I try to use the full size set piece for reference as often as I can and the Toro model (below) matches closely what little I have seen (Or at least perceived) of the back end of the set piece.




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Looks like our sacrificial goat has been sacrificed :D...feel free to dance! I hope he reads this for added psychological sting. There's no need to be like that with someone. From all my time posting on these forums over the years, I've never seen someone say "don't bother with this". We wouldn't have such a great community with such a vast and rich selection of content with that attitude.

By the way, thanks for those large images. My broadband had dropped to about 230Kbps (ought to be 1.2Mbps but I'm sorting it out with my provider) so it was like being back on 56k with those photos. I'm sure my router nearly choked :p.

As for the models, I can't really see a major difference (I'm not saying there isn't one, just speaking personally). But I certainly think the last set of photos you used (fan made ones) definitely look the better one and I think the smoothness of the tail design gives it a more refined aesthetic.

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