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A.C.E. 2 - v1.2 stable (Advanced Combat Environment) Old

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This might not actually be a problem of ACE2 but does anybody experience crashes when trying to rest a weapon's bipod (in particular pressing 'shift+space' while there's nothing to rest it on) with the latest beta patch (ARMA2_Build_71213)?

(I tried loading only vanilla ArmA2 + ACE2 - so it's not an incompatibility issue with other mods)

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June 4th - Kellys ACE Server & YAS Repo updated to ACE b.363

**Kelly's Heroes ACE2 YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


**Kelly's Heroes Community YAS AddonSync AutoConfig URL sponsored by Nat & Whisper


Alternatively you can click on this link to access KH Repos -> yashttp://www.kellys-heroes.eu/Server.yas

Note that the URLs above are case-sensitive so pls make sure you entered exactly as provided above.

YAS users: Do not forget to remove extra files through YAS.

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I noticed that the custom hats that were added in the regular TF86 pack is somehow missing. And not all of the subsections of the camo variants seem to be added either? This true or?

Edited by Sif

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Yep, exactly same question here...:yeahthat:

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This might not actually be a problem of ACE2 but does anybody experience crashes when trying to rest a weapon's bipod (in particular pressing 'shift+space' while there's nothing to rest it on) with the latest beta patch (ARMA2_Build_71213)?

It's caused by the latest beta patches. Nothing we can do about currently.

There are some more stability issues with the latest betas. So expect some more CTDs when you use them.

But that's why they are betas, use at your own risk.


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Cheers, Xeno! Was just doing a bit more research on the topic and was just about to apologize for bringing it up here :-)

Thanks for the reply!

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someone update benny's warfare so we can use the seals!

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<3 ace team.

If I could impregnate each of you via computer monitor, I would.

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I'm guessing adding all the customization features which is why I honestly looked forward to this update is not happening?

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Please specify in the TF86 ticket what you mean exactly, tnx.

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how can i disable the G-effects?

fly with the "pilot" and you are more trained for g-forces !! you nearly disabled it :D

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quick question, when updating ACE mod with six-updater on the web page, i've noticed a new selection under preset (6thsense.eu ACE) what is this exactly???

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quick question, when updating ACE mod with six-updater on the web page, i've noticed a new selection under preset (6thsense.eu ACE) what is this exactly???

Nothing you have to worry about. Various presets are possible. The SIX updater is no static tool, things may change from time to time.

Just stick to the normal ACE vanilla or ACE beta presets :)


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Is there a way of disabling ACE_RECOGNITION completely server side? I know you can set it to space or scroll wheel client side, but we have been playing Crooks MP, and the killer is a civ, and is still able to see the Cops (Blufor) player tags, which defeats the advantages an undercover cop should have! :(

Or probably just go Vanilla ARMA for the mission in Veteran?

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Good day or night!

I have question about .50 cal sniper rifles.

Why ALL large-caliber rifles have accuracy worse than M24? Why DMR - MARKSMAN (not sniper) rifle has more accuracy than LONG range M107/AS50/KSVK. Try to shoot on special polygon for sniper tests and you can see, M24's 0.000400 dispersion is a maximum for... 1200 meters without wind deflection. Bullets hit between shoulders and 1-3 missed hits per 20 shots

Yes, .50 cal rounds are more heavier and able to resist wind better, but this advance useable only at >2-3 m/s crosswind. And cannot be used on distance over 1200m, due bad dispersion:

TAC-50 - 0.000500

M107/AS50 - 0.000800

DMR - 0.000600

SVD - 0.000800 - omg, M107 has same accuracy like old marksman rifle, paradox

KSVK - 0.001000 - haha

M24/M40A3 - 0.000400

I think all large-caliber sniper rifles must have accuracy better than 7.62 rifles (m24 has best accuracy): < 0.000400, especialy McMillan's rifle.

Logical or actual? You should shoot with SV-98 (similar like KSVK rifle and previous generation) and you will be surprised Now, Long range in ACE (no in real life) rifles actualy is not long range rifles. In RL KSVK and AS50, especialy TAC have good dispersion, < 1 MOA with sniper rounds.

In ACE M24/M40A3 is a best sniper system. And logn range rifles cannot be used in "native" effective ranges 1200-1800m. 0.000400 is range between shoulders at 1200m, TAC-50 has 0.000500. What do you think about accuracy at 1500 or 1600m with M107's 0.000800 like? ^^

My question - why large-caliber rifles is uneffective at native long ranges over 1200 meters due bad accuracy?

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After last update (Friday) my SIX console update does not work anymore. It tries to rsync but then quickly closes the dos screen... Have the url's/six updated or something?

Can somebody give me the working .yml file, as my GUI isn't working.

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@askingmachine; Please create a bug reporting ticket with your logs http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater_Suite+support

or at least grab the latest version: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/six-arma-updater/files

@Provadec; Please create a ticket with rpt, repro mission, etc: http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Support

quick question, when updating ACE mod with six-updater on the web page, i've noticed a new selection under preset (6thsense.eu ACE) what is this exactly???

Was my mistake though. You can safely remove the preset. It was an old relic :)

Edited by Sickboy

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Probably a silly question, but will the ACE Island Pack ever make its way to ArmA 2?

I never played ArmA 1/ACE 1 so I don't know much about it, just saw it on Armaholic. :o

It is a pack that only carries the ACE name, however it is maintained by the-f and kju.

It has been renamed to OFP Island Pack, I am unsure about the status / future.

This'll hopefully tell the tale though :P http://dev-heaven.net/projects/kmp-ofpip/wiki

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