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A.C.E. 2 - v1.2 stable (Advanced Combat Environment) Old

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i HAVE AN question to the userconfig so.

i have to acc. in ARMA 2 and so play with both is there any way i can do that i play with acc.1 it sould use the userconfig 1 and if i play with he 2nd it should use usercf. 2 ??

beacuse i always have to overwrite the userconfig .


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Evil_Echo: thanks, I searched all over Wagn system... man, isn't there a single website that would have all the info. I especially miss the complete build changelogs, since our team updates ACE2 only couple weeks or so (we do our own zip pack).

Well, I say on my site and now here - "Always check wagn for official details."

My wiki is there to suppliment and offer an alternate format for those that miss the old ace wiki. Each system technically has strengths and weaknesses - the automatic config browser and rss feeds of wagn are awesome, my wiki can cross-index more and offers the ability to host multiple languages for those that wish to help translate. In terms of content I strive for more detail and easier searching, while ACE's wagn has the ability to glean data directly from the source code.

Please don't think of this as "us vs them". Each group can focus on what they believe is important and you users get the benefit of more complete information. Everybody wins.

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I didn't mean to bash on your excellent work :) I just merely stated that I find it difficult to get to the information I need quickly. Usually this mean during the mission making ;)

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Please move such discussions elsewhere. There is one official ACE documentation source. If people want to see it improved they should create a ticket.

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I have a question with regards to mission making:

I have a special forces team doing a HALO jump into enemy terrortory during the night but I want a IR Strobe on the landing zone to guide them in.

Is there any way to do this?

Thanks in advance

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Im trying to make a mission where Opfor call in for reinforcements via Opfor Fastrope from Mi-8 but i have no clue on how to get AI to do it.

I did do search and there was only 1 post that related to what i was looking for but it was for player controlled instead of AI controlled. I was gonna use Norrins but it involves using a Pbo which would mean for it to work in MP the Pbo would have to be put onto the Server which is a pain in the arse to get my clan to do that and also the fact it might conflict with ACE's Fastrope.

Does anyone know a way of getting AI to fastrope using ACE.

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where i sould post if i have questions to ACE ??

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Im trying to make a mission where Opfor call in for reinforcements via Opfor Fastrope from Mi-8 but i have no clue on how to get AI to do it.

I did do search and there was only 1 post that related to what i was looking for but it was for player controlled instead of AI controlled. I was gonna use Norrins but it involves using a Pbo which would mean for it to work in MP the Pbo would have to be put onto the Server which is a pain in the arse to get my clan to do that and also the fact it might conflict with ACE's Fastrope.

Does anyone know a way of getting AI to fastrope using ACE.


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TO THIS question (

i HAVE AN question to the userconfig so.

i have to acc. in ARMA 2 and so play with both is there any way i can do that i play with acc.1 it sould use the userconfig 1 and if i play with he 2nd it should use usercf. 2 ??

beacuse i always have to overwrite the userconfig .


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TO THIS question (

i HAVE AN question to the userconfig so.

i have to acc. in ARMA 2 and so play with both is there any way i can do that i play with acc.1 it sould use the userconfig 1 and if i play with he 2nd it should use usercf. 2 ??

beacuse i always have to overwrite the userconfig .


Not sure I understand 100% what you're saying there. Maybe if you tell us you're home language someone here that can read/write it could help better.

However if its what I think you're talking about, you have 2 player profiles in game with 2 differant names for them. You want to be able to switch between the two without having to change the user config everytime in order to get goggles, glasses etc. working. AFAIK, that is not yet possible, however if you can live without glasses and things like that on one of the profiles you could just leave you're user config as your main profile.

Edited by SAbre4809

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Someone can please confirm that the 200Rnd M249 Tracer don´t work anymore?

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Someone can please confirm that the 200Rnd M249 Tracer don´t work anymore?
What do you mean with don't work anymore? :)


shows tracers per 5 rounds, using the engine's tracer effects.

There are difficulty settings in a2 options, related to Rifle tracers, maybe this has effect on it, unsure.

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Someone can please confirm that the 200Rnd M249 Tracer don´t work anymore?

If you are using CAA1 then thats the problem, don't load it and the tracer rounds works again :)

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What do you mean with don't work anymore? :)


shows tracers per 5 rounds, using the engine's tracer effects.

There are difficulty settings in a2 options, related to Rifle tracers, maybe this has effect on it, unsure.

Load them either with addmagazine or picking up from a box, using the default M249 or the PARA version, and don´t work, I can´t load them.

M240 and 30Rnd 5.56 Tracers work well.

Just asked here first cause that might be a client side problem.

Old ticket related (seems a version problem): http://dev-heaven.net/issues/7816

If you are using CAA1 then thats the problem, don't load it and the tracer rounds works again :)

Will take a look at that.

EDIT: Yeah, thats it. ¬¬


Edited by Smurf

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A.C.E. 1.2 Pre-RC Released! (rSync mirror network in sync and awaiting your requests!)

  • Release Notes
  • Please see the first post for additional information.


This release is also added to the Config Browser.

Edited by Sickboy

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only one question the stable release is for the next friday ? thx for you answer

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thx for update, but was that mean in browser:

"@ACEX_SM 42 40" ? newest version of acex_sm (40) is older than the one on my machine (42) ?

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thx for update, but was that mean in browser:

"@ACEX_SM 42 40" ? newest version of acex_sm (40) is older than the one on my machine (42) ?

Click on the "Sync" button next to Preset, it just means your last information sync with the portal site was before the latest update to ACEX_SM.

If you wish to verify your modfolders and automatically repair them if required, please check: Reset skip status

PS forgot to add the Seals to the changelog ;) http://ace.dev-heaven.net/wagn/ACE_1_2_Pre_RC

This release is now also added to the Config Browser

Edited by Sickboy

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thx for tip, sickboy

just when I read your post I wanted to edit mine for "yes, ok now" :)

my way was logging out, closing six-updater and restarting all again ...

(your tip is smarter, I admit ! for next time I know better, now)

all entries and installations are updated ;)

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United Global Armed Force [uGAF] @ACE Server & YAS Repo updated to A.C.E. 1.2 Pre-RC b364

Auto config url:


or just use this link bellow and select save when yoma opens.


For a guide and info to use YOMA's addon sync to join our server follow this link:http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthre...d=591#post_591

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only one question the stable release is for the next friday ? thx for you answer

Have a look here :)

Edited by Papanowel

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