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ATTN NOOBIES! - New to ArmA II or OA - Here's the place for your questions

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you might want to start with these

http://cdn.steampowered.com/Manuals/33900/ArmA%202_Manual_US.pdf?t=1305781802 -Arma 2

http://cdn.steampowered.com/Manuals/33930/ARMA2OA_manual.pdf?t=1282947439 - Arma 2 OA

and once youre really into it you can get your hands on this awesome guide


Thank you for your fast reply.

As I played the tutorials and fiddled a bit I did read the manuals. Without them I would have been completly lost.

However, even if they did provide me with a lot of needed stuff they did lack in some respects, mainly explanation and use of the map comes to mind.

I am sure with some invested time I am also able to figure out a lot by myself, but I only have time for this intermittingly :(.

As of this I would like to know if there is maybe some stuff which builds upon the manuals for the basic stuff and explains some of it maybe in more detail.

Also thank you for the link to the guide. I stumbled upon it some time back but forgot about it. It is more in the line of "advanced" as it explains a lot of tactics which will certainly come in handy AFTER I was able to master the basic stuff.

I think that it is the problem of time to find that is the real killer fo me.

So anything which helps me to save time not to figure it out by myself will be of great help.

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Hi all,

Just getting back in to ArmA 2 after a years break and wondering if its still recommended to add any command switches at startup? I've patched to 1.10 but I remember there were some memory, cpu count etc that I used to have in the desktop link and then later with selected Alpinestars Launcher.

What if any are the current recommendations?

I'm starting over with ArmA 2 to get back into it but already have OA and Reinforcements.

Edited by mlenser
removed system specs as they were in my Sig

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Hello guys, i was absent for a very long time from the community. I am starting all over again, i have a DVD version of Arma2 and sprocket version of Private Military Corperation. What does that include? I want to start over again, in what order do i install it and what patch do i apply?

And second, what kind of mods do you recommend? I dont have a super computer, but i want a good realism mod along with special effects and sound mod.

Heres my spec:

AMD Phenom 9950 Quad Qore 2.60

8gb ram

ATI H4870 1GB

Main board Asus M4A78 Pro (whats the max support for a faster cpu?)

I see my board does support AM3 cpu's, maybe i can go for a 150 dollar faster CPU with good cooling?

Any help please? Maybe i can update my processor, any hints? And will my motherboard support it?

Edited by Sgt Gul

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Still no reply?

Okay which thread should I look into to find out about the current recommended start up parameters then?

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@Sgt Gul

For PMC dlc you need Operation Arrowhead to, and patch i think 1.55 or 1.56.

1. install arma 2

2. install oa [you must have v1.55 or 1.56]

3. instal PMC dlc

4. patch oa to 1.59

In PMC dlc you have new faction with few vehicles, new campaign and few sp missions [added in one of the patch]

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no you usually dont need them, because the games chooses the best option like CPU count autonomiously

you could remove the intros and all that, but in general its not necessary anymore

you can look at them here ;)


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Try the Armarize launcher,

It has all the command line switches that you need in an easy to use form (a tick box) and can also assist with those pesky mods.


I use it all the time



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Thanks for the link. I remember that I used to use -winxp but I see that was because I had an SLI setup when I first started with ArmA 2. I might try -nosplash -noFilePatching -world=empty and see if it makes any difference.



I was a big fan of "Alpinestars - Arma II Launcher" but as development of that has stopped I'll take a closer look at Armarize launcher.

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I have had operation Arrowhead only since last October. I learnt some NEW things last night.

If there are any newbies out there this will be useful to you.


= = = = = =

You have a medic in your squad and you are wounded.

Hit Space and selected “injured†and he will come and fix you up. Or;

Select the medic, then select “6†and the menu will include an instruction to fix you up.


= = = = = =

You have a medic in your squad and another man is wounded.

Select the medic then select “6†and have him fix the wounded man. If more than one man is wounded then the man with the highest rank will appear in the list and he will be fixed up first.

You ned to order the medic to fix up the next wounded man.


= = = = = =

A man in your squad runs out of ammunition and you come across an ammo box or ammo truck.

Select the man, have him move to the box/truck. Select “6†and order him to “Rearmâ€.

If there is no ammo for his specific weapon, the menu allows you to order him to select another weapon instead.

If the mission requires you to rescue prisoners, they too can be ordered to pick up a rifle from an ammo box/ truck.


= = = = = =

In action, sometimes a soldier will shout out the location of an enemy soldier. He fires and misses. I cannot see the enemy soldier but I want a second soldier to help the first.

Select the second soldier, hit Space, turn and face the direction of the enemy soldier, and the circle will show an “attack†icon. Press the left mouse button and the second soldier will move to attack that enemy soldier.


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Ad1. press 5-4 and you will scream "injured"

Ad.3 Select 6 and then [im not sure how it is in english version of the game "gear or equipment"] and you cen select from all what is in the ammo box or truck

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Hi Noobs & Old Soldiers alike

Your Forum is legendary - so i want to test it out...

I am new to Arma and PC gaming.

Something I think would really help me and all other Noobs is a "10 things to do" or "the 10 Essentials" for when you first buy the game. Hopefully it could be put up as a stickie or something?


1: Buy the game off Steam/BIS online becasue XYZ....

2. Download patch ABC..

3. Update / install patch by doing DEF...

4. Use LAUNCHER (???) version AAA... install it by doing....

5. Check that you are doing this, that and the other...

6. INSTALL Mods ABC as these are essential...

7. and so on...

I already know I am going to be highly active in here, i know i can play well (was 7th in the world on Operation Flashpoint on Xbox...I know, I know...) and any support to get me up and running would be great!

Dice has already sent me the keyboard plans and a manual.

Anything else worth doing?

Thanks guys & girls (?)

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welcome to the forum

1.) Buy ArmA Combined Operations Digital or Retail depend what suits you best. ARMA CO consist of ArmA II and Operation Arrowhead. Most community members are running ArmA CO, then there are the expansions BAF - British Armed forces and PMC - Private Militarry company. These are optional. ArmA CO is recommended so you will be able to play everything.

2.) Install the game and run ArmA once before patching to 1.59 latest ufficial patch

3.) I'm installing patches always manually

4.) I'm using Alpinestars Game launcher very easy to use. Search on Armaholic and choose what fits you best.

5.) If you come from the original OFP made by BIS than you shouldn't have any troubles with the command system, if you come from that other game than become familiar with the command system first. Run all Bootcamp missions. It takes a while to figure out everything. Or place a group in the editor with player as leader and experiment with the command system. Then you could try the amory with little side missions to become more familiar with ArmA und you can unlock vehicles and stuff like that. Last but not least try the single missions and campaigns.

Read the stickies on the forum all kinds of information is there. The search button will be your best friend.

6.) MODS should be tried once you are familiar with the vanilla version of the game. When using mods, use always Modfolders. Never ever install 3rd party addons in your original addon folders, always use MOD folders.

There's so much stuff when it comes to MODs that it'll take you a lifetime to test everything. WW II Mods - Vietnam and so on. Search in various forum section and read alot to get a better overview. Read at least once the forum rules it is important to avvoid troubles with mods and to understand where to post what.

The community exist since ten years now and you can immagine how much info has been gathered here on the forum. Most things has been answered a hundred of times and to avvoid cluttering this forum the search function is the first thing to do. Thanks for your understanding.

This community rocks you will find content to occuppy your sparetime for the next years.

Read ShacTacticle ArmA II guide thread located in ArmA General you'll find it in the stickies. A great introduction to Multiplayer gaming in ArmA but not only.

Well that's all for the time being.:D


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is there a way to make my bots change place inside a vehicle? like, move from gunner to commander in a tank? thanks

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Only if you move them out and back in basically.

The other option is if you are in the same vehicle you will swap positions with AI.

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welcome to the forum

1.) Buy ArmA Combined Operations Digital or Retail depend what suits you best. ARMA CO consist of ArmA II and Operation Arrowhead. Most community members are running ArmA CO, then there are the expansions BAF - British Armed forces and PMC - Private Militarry company. These are optional. ArmA CO is recommended so you will be able to play everything.

2.) Install the game and run ArmA once before patching to 1.59 latest ufficial patch

3.) I'm installing patches always manually

4.) I'm using Alpinestars Game launcher very easy to use. Search on Armaholic and choose what fits you best.

5.) If you come from the original OFP made by BIS than you shouldn't have any troubles with the command system, if you come from that other game than become familiar with the command system first. Run all Bootcamp missions. It takes a while to figure out everything. Or place a group in the editor with player as leader and experiment with the command system. Then you could try the amory with little side missions to become more familiar with ArmA und you can unlock vehicles and stuff like that. Last but not least try the single missions and campaigns.

Read the stickies on the forum all kinds of information is there. The search button will be your best friend.

6.) MODS should be tried once you are familiar with the vanilla version of the game. When using mods, use always Modfolders. Never ever install 3rd party addons in your original addon folders, always use MOD folders.

There's so much stuff when it comes to MODs that it'll take you a lifetime to test everything. WW II Mods - Vietnam and so on. Search in various forum section and read alot to get a better overview. Read at least once the forum rules it is important to avvoid troubles with mods and to understand where to post what.

The community exist since ten years now and you can immagine how much info has been gathered here on the forum. Most things has been answered a hundred of times and to avvoid cluttering this forum the search function is the first thing to do. Thanks for your understanding.

This community rocks you will find content to occuppy your sparetime for the next years.

Read ShacTacticle ArmA II guide thread located in ArmA General you'll find it in the stickies. A great introduction to Multiplayer gaming in ArmA but not only.

Well that's all for the time being.:D


Thank you very much for your reply

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I'm not really new to the game and this question may have been answered somewhere along the line, but when going onto a CO-OP Server I have my character setup using Green Beret with Shades, and getting on the server I notice I'm wearing a Kev Helmet with shades and then I see the green beret is under the helmet lol.....WHY??? Thanks for any input....


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probably because each class has a certain appearance associated with it, so if you take a grenadier, he will always have a helmet, which will override your beret, this is only a guess though

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Hi all, I own and love Arma II OA (hard copy), but want to buy Arma X digitally. Do I have to uninstall all of my original Arma II first, or will it realise what is already there and only install what is required. cheers

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If you have only Arma 2 OA and want too have arma 2 CO [arma2+OA=CO] you must first unistall OA. Then install from Arma X:

arma 2,OA,BAF and Pmc dlc, oh and remember to patch the game :)

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why do you have to run the game once before you patch it? I didnt do this with store bought copy and no known problems.

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Im not 100% sure that we must lunch the game 1 time before patch [i think it was lunch arma 2 one time before installing arma 2 OA] or maybe that have somthing to du with register entry ?

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For the sprocket a2/co version one has to launch arma2.exe once I think. For steam maybe too.

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why do you have to run the game once before you patch it? I didnt do this with store bought copy and no known problems.

I think when arma2 launches the first time it generates config and other type of files.

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Running the game ensures that the correct registry entries are populated. The patcher uses the registry to determine where your version of Arma is installed.

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