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ATTN NOOBIES! - New to ArmA II or OA - Here's the place for your questions

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1. Is there a 'proper' way to open the arma2oa.cfg file? The only way I've been able to do it is rename the orig to Arma2oa.bak, copy/paste it to desktop, rename that (duplicate) .bak to a .txt file, make the change, save it back to the orig location and then rename it back to .cfg.


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OK, I was trying to open it with notepad but just by double or right clicking on arma2oa.cfg. If I start Notepad first, no problem.

so... Anyone know what AToC & HDR does?

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In the armory the G36 says you can switch before a long range scope and a short range scope on the same weapon, but how can you do that?

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In the armory the G36 says you can switch before a long range scope and a short range scope on the same weapon, but how can you do that?

Optics Mode button.

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Optics Mode button is / on my keys, unsure if that was the default one...

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Q: is there an option for Crouch Toggle lurking somewhere, cos i cant find it...

Found it. Bind Crouch and Up to the same button. Voilá.

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Found it. Bind Crouch and Up to the same button. Voilá.

Oh, well done. Good find.

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Hi, how do I figure out if I can play a multiplayer game?

I have arma 2 original, updated to the latest 1.09 version, and after trying 4 different days, I've only been able to play one game with players on it.

The rest of the games I load the mission file, see the players, but right before I would spawn, the game would revert back to the server browser.

Is the only way to check connectability to try to join a server, wait 2 minutes for everything to download, and then get booted?

Is there a way to add a server to favorites?


---------- Post added at 03:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:57 PM ----------

I'm trying to figure out how to use Six Updater. I just installed, it seems to find OA games (I don't have OA), but I'm trying to figure out how to join ANY arma 2 online game with players....

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Your RPT will tell you whats going on with your game its a log, that can be opened with notepad.

Your RPT can be found at this location:

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2

post it and or link it if its big and lets see what you need or whats going on.

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Googling a guide for using six updater returns a maze of broken links.

I'd appreciate some help in being able to play arma 2 online, if possible.

edit: will do...will have some time tonight to work on this.

---------- Post added at 03:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------



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Quick one:

RFT + A2 = CO also?

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Nope, it contains OA "lite" also, thus my question.

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Your RPT dont tell me anything other then mission related errors and some other garble, make sure you have battle eye,

and I'd reccomend you upgrade and get OA install to Arma2 directory you will get CO (combined Ops) and then patch your

game to 1.59, you should be able to play on any server thats running arma2 or OA, but up to you.

Quick one:

RFT + A2 = CO also?

CO is Arma2 + OA, whether RFT has OA lite in it it is not CO.

when you get OA install it to Arma2 directory, you get CO, with CO you get the lite versions of BAF,PMC, ect.,

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ah, I updated battleeye (didn't realize there was a seperate punkbuster type thing goin on there), and have been able to connect to two servers in a row, perhaps that helped...

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Any suggestions what to do if you don't have a num pad? I play on a laptop.

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@ Smurf

Yes. A2R/RFT + A2 = (full) CO (with full DLC) (only missing are OA campaign and OA SP missions).

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Any suggestions what to do if you don't have a num pad? I play on a laptop.

Dont you have an fn button (Somewhere between ctrl and alt) which gives yo numpad buttons when used with regular keys? (On my keyboard some regular keys have an extra function written on them with a square around it, for example u has a 4 with a square around it, and fn+u gives me numpad 4)

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Works a little different on a ThinkPad. I have a Fn key and a 'num' key. Only when I press Fn+Num does it toggle the embedded num pad on/off (It works like a numlock).

Only thing I've had to remap so far is the 1st/3rd person keys. I suspect that's likely to change as I become more familiar, get better.

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Has the AK-74 a proper iron sight? Because the sight of the AK-74M from an AK pack is a little different...

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I'm on the Manhatten mision and have been given support , uav , mortas and something , but i cant find out how to use them . I can find support in the command menu but it is greyed out .

Any ideas ??

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Hi all,

is there any workaround to keep (all) savegames in singleplayer modus? I really like this game but I´m still not really familiar with it...

I´m still trying and learning how things work and - so far - it seems pretty amazing to me.

But I have one issue; and that is savegames. (please ignore my poor english...)

I already noticed that there are only a few "slots" available and tried to cope with that.

But if I make a step "too far", suddenly the mission is over and there´s no way (?) to get back to my previously saved games, even if I´m not that satisfied with what I´ve done (or better; tried to do) so far.

Only option is to replay the whole mission, since all saved games seem to be gone (in my case hours of playing). And if I go one step backwards (to have a look at the mess I did), even the new mission will become unavailable.

That´s really kind of annoying.

I´m 30+ and just a vanilla-gamer, but I really do appreciate the concept of Arma 2.

But I would initially just like to play around and learn from my mistakes instead of being annoyed to have to do things over and over again.

I´m sorry, if my concern already has been discussed a thousand times, but I´m also new to the forums and tried to, but did not find an answer so far.

Thanks for your help and sorry for my goofiness :-/

Regards, Confu

Edited by Confu

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