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Footmunch Friday - Sukhoi Su33 Flanker D

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Sukhoi Su33 Flanker-D

Beta 3 - ArmAII version








In homage to Footmunch and and his Friday releases back in the OFP days!

Sukhoi Su33 Flanker-D

Single Seat Fighter Bomber

Conversion of Footmunchs OFP unit by Gnat to ArmA

New Features:

- Removed "tidy" actions

- 5 Loadouts using Missilebox

- GPS/INS System targeting system

- Flares added (per many requests)

- other tweaks

Required Addons

GLT/FRL Missilebox

CBA: Community Base Addons for A2, OA and CO


Check before complaining

Su-33 - Readme


Su-33 on Filefront

Su33 on Armaholic


GLT Missilebox

Community Base addons

Have fun.

Edited by [APS]Gnat
Update to Beta3

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Wow. That is *sick* in a good way. :)

Looks beautiful! Great conversion!

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Sick s*&t indeed. Thanks much Gnat! Nice to see you put some more stuff out there. Thanks to Footmunch and eddyD too.

Edited by Manzilla

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Ahhhh a self-promoting extraordinaire as well. ;)

Indeed, I was just firing up the game to check these 2 out together.

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It looks great, as do all of your addons, thanks!

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WOW, looks good and downloading now

The Russian planes are starting to roll off the production line:yay:

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gee thanks Gnat..... there go all my RSAF mirageIII's down in flames..... :)

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great work on this beast, I did a 1000 with full burners, i didn't get a sonic boom :confused: lol.. Can't you get sonic boom in arma 2 btw?.. sorry for silly question

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I'm actually more excited about having some new OPFOR air-weapons. The lack of a real LGB for OPFOR is kind of limiting and, frankly, unbalanced against BLUFOR when their fast jets don't have anything as powerful as the Kh-29.

Thanks for all the effort Gnat!

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Tested it finally. All good except if using with ace2 there is no eject option(vanilla is fine).

It looks very nice too and the only thing i don't like is the blury fat lines at the joins. I would prefer sharper thinner ones but thats me. Apart from that i like it.


Edited by vasmkd
added url

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Tested it finally. All good except if using with ace2 there is no eject option(vanilla is fine).

It looks very nice too and the only thing i don't like is the blury fat lines at the joins. I would prefer sharper thinner ones but thats me. Apart from that i like it.



the F-16 (had)has the same problem, thats basically why i've started an update. To get it ACE2 compatible, add these lines to your config and then it should work:

	ace_ejection_seat = "ACE_ACESII";

and to be honest, personally i do dislike it when addons start to break standard ingame routines. Not talking about you Gnat.

Btw, is your plane IAWS compatible? I'm hoping that maybe ACE2 would pickup the system and add it to theyr EASA Module.

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Awesome GNAT! I was just thinking about more aircraft for the carrier this morning, excellent timing.

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They definitely look great. My only issue is that they are really bright compared to the others. Even in bad weather they look like they are still in the sun. And the Blackbird looks more of a dark silver than a black.

Is it possible to fold the wings up like the other 33? It would be nice since the other one has no cockpit.

Like the different colors. Mayber possible for someone to get some aircraft with chinese markings.


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it's thursday.

SHUT UP DONT TELL HIM!!! :P ..... Sweet gnat just what we needed

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Wow amazing, does the number always change? Because I set a black Su-33 in there and it had the number 77, which in aviation challenge was my squadron's number, and we were called the black knights

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