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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta *2*!

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Probably not done yet. Why dont you use Cyborgs classname fetcher? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8481

That way you dont have to sit and wait for someone to write the list.

Ty for that link

Here is the class list for the new weapons




































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Kellys Heroes ACE Servers & YAS Repository updated to b.284

Is b284, the version released today, the same as 1.0.4? Is this the last of the thrice-weekly updates?

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United Global Armed Force [uGAF] @ACE Server & Yoma Addon Sync Repository updated to b.284

Auto config url:


For a guide and info to use YOMA's addon sync to join our server follow this link: http://www.ugaf.co.uk/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=134&pid=591#post_591

I am updating through your server, with Yoma Tools but there are some errors, when updating some files like: The remote server returned an error (300 Ambigous redirect) or 404 Not found. This happened only to ACE files, not to ACEX or ACEX_SM. Any idea?

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Is b284, the version released today, the same as 1.0.4? Is this the last of the thrice-weekly updates?

??? doesn't make sense

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??? doesn't make sense

He's trying subtly to get info about whether or not v1.00 is the next release. As sickboy's said a million times, it will be ready when they feel it's stable. Sneaky but nice try. ;)

No.... probably not. I just made that up for s^&tz n' giggles. It kinda fit. I'm so pumped about the RH AKs in there that I'm feeling a little giddy so I just had to.

My apologies.

Edited by Manzilla

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Glad you guys love them RH AK's. Thanks again RobertHammer!

Just a little disappointing to not hear much yet from those who demand/request additional Russian content :)

We believe we're very close to a Stable v1.0 release. It probably won't be the current RC, however, only very minor issues for now seem to have popped up so who knows, maybe the next build is Gold :)

Re our schedule: Monday is actually the start of our 3-days-a-week update cycle ;)

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noo no rk95 my life is over :D

Awesome weapons, but why is (forgot the name) AK with hugeass mag anyways, why does it make ears ring? I mean, its just asault rifle with bipod and bigger magazine.. :S

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I have one question. If I've read correct, some changes were made to missile system?

Anyways, I've been using MMA until now, I'm just curious if this is how my Javelin HUD is supposed to look like:


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hey wheres AN-94 my favourite weapon not included?

Very bad........

My favorite weapon is a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range. But not getting that either...

We build or acquire what we can and release it when it's ready. You'll just have to deal with that.

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Give us Moar Russian Stuff:yay:

I have the feeling that there is a huge russian speaking community thta is building lots of Stuff for Arma2, but the seem not to promote it on international forums...

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I have one question. If I've read correct, some changes were made to missile system?

Anyways, I've been using MMA until now, I'm just curious if this is how my Javelin HUD is supposed to look like:

Yeah but it's still WIP , vigilante is designing a new Javelin system

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Well my Point is, that there are actually many soviet gear mods out there, we only need some russian speaking people to translate everything^^

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Thanks for the new content ACE team!

[sarcasm]But it's the End of the World that I didn't get what I wanted today[/sarcasm]


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Just noticed while having a mess about in the armoury that the RPK-74M 1P29 is untextured, dont know if you guys know about that one? on my game its all there but its just black & grey. Also i got an error message that I should have jotted down that said something about acex couldnt load a texture, if I see it again i'll make a note of it. Other than that good work as always guys

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Help me, please.

1. How can I change from cannon AP to HE rounds when I fly Ka-52?

2. How can I assign right mouse button click comand (select target) to any other button? I use joystick to control helicopter. So, using mouse to select a target at the same time is not very handy.

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Well my Point is, that there are actually many soviet gear mods out there, we only need some russian speaking people to translate everything^^

Did you notice there is a Russian language version of mod? Russian is not like ancient Greek. :D

And I would like to point out that (probably, dunno about Evil Echo) none of developers speak Mandarin and somehow ACE PLA got released.

Like in real life if there are people of good will who want to cooperate things get achieved. ;)

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ehhhhh, maybe I was someone to disappoint, but this quality models of AK was not supposed to appear in ACE2-mod. That is, I think it's better do without this weapons than to look at these models of AK

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ehhhhh, maybe I was someone to disappoint, but this quality models of AK was not supposed to appear in ACE2-mod. That is, I think it's better do without this weapons than to look at these models of AK

Ok... 2 points for you here:

  • First you moaned about not having russian weapons, now the ones we got aren't good enough?
  • Make better models yourself. I dare you.

It's a shame what people are coming to. It really is.

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