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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta *2*!

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Is there any way to place "ACE_BombCrater" and that stuff on the ground?

Please? :bounce3:

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Please? :bounce3:

Possibly via a game logic maybe? Not sure about that but I'd like to know if it's possible.

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Well guys i installed ace2 (vanilla mod) via six-updater etc etc but during gameplay the voices does not work , i mean when i tell my units to move there or to do something i dont get any sound! :(:(

Can please somebody help me?


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Well guys i installed ace2 (vanilla mod) via six-updater etc etc but during gameplay the voices does not work , i mean when i tell my units to move there or to do something i dont get any sound! :(:(

Can please somebody help me?




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Thanks for the YAS updates, as always!

What's the command to lower BMD1 suspension ? : I tried nil = [_DBMD1, "suspension", "Down"] execVM "\acex_c_veh_bmd1\control.sqf"; but it say script not found.

The correct path would be:


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Thanks for the YAS updates, as always!

The correct path would be:


Hmmm, I just tried this and it didn't work:

nil = [bMD1, "suspension", "Down"] execVM"x\acex\addons\c_veh_bmd1\control.sqf";

I had it in the init of the vehicle named BMD1

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Please? :bounce3:

_veh = "ACE_ArtyShellCrater" createVehicle getMarkerPos "crater1"

That will spawn an ACE crater at marker named crater1.

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thank you.

It tells me vehicle unsupported

I get the same thing. Never seen that before.

_veh = "ACE_ArtyShellCrater" createVehicle getMarkerPos "crater1"

That will spawn an ACE crater at marker named crater1.

Does the go in the init? Is there another way to activate these. Via the map maybe?

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Yep, I place them in the Activation line of triggers next to the craters. Which make exceptional cover. But I suppose you could put them in the init file also.

I also put

this && IsServer

on the Condition line to make sure they don't multiple spawn in multiplayer.

Might not be best practice but it works for me.

Edited by Daniel
[s]init[/s] > activation

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Hi all Im posting here to see if any one else gets this error.

ok my load out is normaly dmr plus mags i will some times take a machine gun from a dead enemy so i have a little back up at close rang but this is when the prob starts it happend to me in chipher and a few other missions not all.

if i pick up enemy machine gun i put the dmr on me back take say 3 mags for machine gun then put me dmr back as primery i cant shoot not can i get scope up.

if i put the enemy machine gun into primery and me dmr on back the machine gun dont fire to :( yes i have ammo for both.

only way to get them to work is to drop it on floor then pick it back up.

please help on this one as it is very nice feature for snipers as we normaly are stuck with slow fireing weapons its nice to whip out a machine gun if we move into CQB.

thanks all please reply

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Yep, I place them in the init line of triggers next to the craters. Which make exceptional cover. But I suppose you could put them in the init file also.

I also put

this && IsServer

on the Condition line to make sure they don't multiple spawn in multiplayer.

Might not be best practice but it works for me.

It works fine in the init.sqf but I definitely like your method better. I tend to screw up the init.sqf often so the less I have in there the better I feel.:)

Thanks for the info.

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@Manzilla: You really dont want to be using nil =

nil is a reserved value of the game :) Not sure if you can still overwrite them, but back in A1 you could :)

Most people use nul = or dummy = :)

nul = [this, "suspension", "down"] ....

Should work better.

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Most people use nul = or dummy = :)

nul = [this, "suspension", "down"] ....

Also 0 (zero) or any number can be used.

0 = ...

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Also 0 (zero) or any number can be used.

0 = ...

@Manzilla: You really dont want to be using nil =

nil is a reserved value of the game :) Not sure if you can still overwrite them, but back in A1 you could :)

Most people use nul = or dummy = :)

nul = [this, "suspension", "down"] ....

Should work better.

Thanks guys. I knew that but didn't notice it here. Thank god you guys are here. :)

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Im trying to get a mission made with older version of ace to work but I got a problem and cant open it in the editor. It says its dependable on downloadable content deleted.ace_test is there anyway to get it working again because many hours has gone into the mission building but now cant open it?


Edit: We got it working! thx anyways

Edited by [KH]AlphaGuerilla

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Dear ACE team,

I would like to bring up the issue of smoke blocking the tank gunners view after he fires the main gun.

In reallife the smoke extractor ( the thickened part on the barrel) clears and disperses the gunpowder smoke from the TC's and gunners optics so they can perfectly see where the rounds are hitting.

Now in ACE2, at least on the M1A1 HC and T90, after firing a shot with the main gun, the gunners view is blocked by smoke for about 3 seconds and thus makes you unable to see where your rounds hit.

I have made a request concerning this on DH issue tracker.

Hope the team has resources and time to fix this.


E. Dutch


Unit 19

Edited by Dutch

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Can i ask when the next milestone update will be available for us commoners to download? im unable to play a lot of missions because they seem to be Dependant on a updated versions of ace 2.

I cannot use the six updater cos i have no connection on my game rig and get all my downloads from work :P

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Nothing to stop you downloading at work and transferring the @CBA, @ACE and @ACEX folders on a pen-drive.

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Can i ask when the next milestone update will be available for us commoners to download? im unable to play a lot of missions because they seem to be Dependant on a updated versions of ace 2.

I cannot use the six updater cos i have no connection on my game rig and get all my downloads from work :P

That's been answered a ton. When it's ready is when it's done. They need to make sure it's stable enough for their liking. Sickboy just explained that clearly. If you have trouble search for the posts were I give a quick method. It's a piece of cake.

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I have trouble installing ACE2 with Six Updater Suite. I'm on Windows XP 64. The Six Updater says something about the "chcp.com" file in my Windows\system32 directory, but it's not there or anywhere else on my system.

Is there any other way (that's easy) to install ACE2?

I prefer not to do it manually.

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i keep gettin this error message when preview missions:

script x-acex-addons-vehclmah6-fired.sqf not found

is it me or known problem?

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