Two Dogs 12 Posted April 6, 2010 Having trouble running script suites of Mando_Missles and GL4. Can't get both to initialize. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted April 6, 2010 Show me your "Init.sqf" please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 6, 2010 Coyle this couldn't be simpler! Have GL4 in your commandline and then put ... [false]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_missileinit.sqf"; // Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"}; waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done}; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_full.sqf"; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_ffaa.sqf"; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_ace.sqf"; Comment out the setups you dont need. You dont need anything else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted April 6, 2010 I use GL4 + MMA + ACE2 in many of my missions(all of the WIPs) and I have no troubles. All work beautifully. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Two Dogs 12 Posted April 6, 2010 [false]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_missileinit.sqf"; // Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"}; waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done}; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_full.sqf"; //[]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_ffaa.sqf"; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_ace.sqf"; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_gun\mando_guninit.sqf"; if (isServer) then { // SAMs antimissile-capable for t1 [t1, 3, ["Air"], 6, 500, 2000, 12, [0,0,3], 360, 0, [west,sideEnemy], true, false, true, false, 85]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_arma2.sqs"; _a = allUnits; {if ( { (isPlayer _x) } count (units _x) > 0) exitWith {_b = (vehicle _x) } } forEach _a; [_b] execVM (GL4_Path+"GL4_System.sqf"); } else { waitUntil { (player == player) }; if (player == player) then { _a = allUnits; {if ( { (isPlayer _x) } count (units _x) > 0) exitWith {_b = (vehicle _x) } } forEach _a; [_b] execVM (GL4_Path+"GL4_System.sqf"); }; }; This is my last attempt to combine the two Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted April 6, 2010 Well there you go. :) It's recommend to initialize Group Link 4 at the beginning of the "Init.sqf". Also you don't have the "private" scope. Do you like to initialize Group Link 4 script based from your mission folder? If yes then you need to change the directory by changing the "GL4_Path" too. The "GL4_System" folder which can be created by unPboing the "GL4_System.pbo" need to be placed in your mission folder to get this working. Init.sqf private ["_a","_b"]; GL4_Path = "GL4_System\"; if (isServer) then { // SAMs antimissile-capable for t1 [t1, 3, ["Air"], 6, 500, 2000, 12, [0,0,3], 360, 0, [west,sideEnemy], true, false, true, false, 85]exec"mando_missiles\units\attackers\mando_arma2.sqs"; _a = allUnits; {if ( { (isPlayer _x) } count (units _x) > 0) exitWith {_b = _x} } forEach _a; [_b] execVM (GL4_Path+"GL4_System.sqf"); } else { waitUntil { (player == player) }; if (player == player) then { _a = allUnits; {if ( { (isPlayer _x) } count (units _x) > 0) exitWith {_b = _x} } forEach _a; [_b] execVM (GL4_Path+"GL4_System.sqf"); }; }; [false]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_missileinit.sqf"; // Wait for Mando Missile addon initialization waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"}; waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done}; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_full.sqf"; //[]execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_ffaa.sqf"; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_setup_ace.sqf"; []execVM"mando_missiles\mando_gun\mando_guninit.sqf"; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Two Dogs 12 Posted April 7, 2010 (edited) I tried it that way, but couldn't MMA to initialize. I'll copy yours and try again. Thanks. >>Edited<< Got it to work, but wow!! Lots of lag. I was wondering if someone could help me figure out what I should do in a mission I'm making. I put down several groups of varying sizes. Some have waypoints for a patrol. Others are placed near vehicles to act as reinforcements. Do i need to name them all CG#? I have some groups I want to use as sentries and named them sg#. I guess I'm unsure as to when to name the groups and when not to. Edited April 7, 2010 by Two Dogs Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robalo 465 Posted April 7, 2010 (edited) Hey SNKMAN, Is the last version really a full package as it says in you signature ? It seems to have a lot less addons included than 1.1.85. Edit: Nevermind, I had a deeper look and it seems you removed a lot of "empty" .pbos which I kept around so I guess 1.1.87 really is complete and not a patch. Edited April 7, 2010 by Robalo_AS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted April 7, 2010 @Coyle[506th PIR] Best and fastest way would be if you upload your mission somewhere and send me the link so i can have a deeper look at it. ;) @Robalo_AS Yes many .pbos was removed becouse they was only used to make the given feature modular but without this .pbo check the "Mission Based" initialize can handle up to 85% of all "FX" features without any .pbo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soldaten 0 Posted April 7, 2010 SNKMAN, In the Next version, would you be able to fix the issues with AI disemarking "Cars" to engage on foot. If not, is there any way to disabled this feature on the last version, I'm using "The D" combination of mods and this is the only problem I encountered so far. Thanks for creating this monster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted April 7, 2010 Issue? What else should enemy A.I. in cars do after they was attacked? Try to drive the enemy dead with the car? :) Guess not. Well enemy A.I. in cars will always disembark the car only change i made so far is that when the car has a weapon then the driver and gunner will stay in the car if the gunner was killed then the driver of the car will mount the gunner position or disembark the car by a random chance. Guess that's the best way. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
soldaten 0 Posted April 8, 2010 Issue? What else should enemy A.I. in cars do after they was attacked?Try to drive the enemy dead with the car? :) Guess not. Well enemy A.I. in cars will always disembark the car only change i made so far is that when the car has a weapon then the driver and gunner will stay in the car if the gunner was killed then the driver of the car will mount the gunner position or disembark the car by a random chance. Guess that's the best way. ;) Great! thats what i meant, only if there is a weapon they should'nt disembark. Any ETA for the next patch..I'm working on a mission and want to adapt it to GL4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m4rk3tin6 10 Posted April 8, 2010 Hello everybody, I have a serious problem, we increased our served yesterday at the GL4, more are showing markings of enemies moving the map, how do you disable it? is there a way? appreciate if someone can help me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imutep 0 Posted April 8, 2010 PLease ask in SNKMAN's GL4-thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted April 8, 2010 Go to "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf". Find: // GL4 Enemy A.I. Map Marker Debug: // ================================================== ============ // Choose if the "Map Marker Debug" should be used. // Note: This debug creates a marker at the map for each enemy A.I. group and gives several informations about the group behaviour and moving direction. // True / False, default is True // GL4_Global set [62, False]; Remove the "//" in front of "GL4_Global" to set this feature to False / Disabled. // GL4 Enemy A.I. Map Marker Debug: // ================================================== ============ // Choose if the "Map Marker Debug" should be used. // Note: This debug creates a marker at the map for each enemy A.I. group and gives several informations about the group behaviour and moving direction. // True / False, default is True GL4_Global set [62, False]; That's all. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
verde13 0 Posted April 9, 2010 Would absolutely love to see some work done with the retarted friendly AI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_blunt_rifle 10 Posted April 10, 2010 How do i use this mod with Ambient combat module? how do i get the Randomly spawned AI to associate themselves with this mod so that they all use the improvements? or is it something where i need to sync the modules to every AI? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted April 11, 2010 (edited) how do i get the Randomly spawned AI to associate themselves with this mod so that they all use the improvements? This will come in the next version of Group Link 4. Enemy A.I. wich had detected A.I. Friendly to a player will use all "Enemy A.I. Enhacnement" features against the A.I. friendly to the player but will not be able to request reinforcement against the player friendly A.I. This means enemy A.I. will search buildings, throw smoke, unmount vehicles, fire flares ( at night ) against A.I. friendly to a player. This means A.I. vs A.I. fights will be way more interesting and intense like ever bevore. ;) The "Enemy A.I. Request Reinforcement" feature will keep working if a player is in the spotted enemy group only. Edited April 11, 2010 by SNKMAN Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cool=azroul13 14 Posted April 11, 2010 A reallygood news !!! Now I cannot create a mission whitout GL4, It has become an addiction !! :rolleyes: A little question: is there a method to implement Zeus config in The config of GL4?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snkman 351 Posted April 11, 2010 A reallygood news !!! Yes i guess so too. :) is there a method to implement Zeus config in The config of GL4?? Well you could use the Zeus A.I. values and include them to the "Skill Array" settings of Group Link 4 or you could load Zeus A.I. after Group Link 4 so all Zeus A.I. values will be used. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted April 11, 2010 Wow SNKMAN.... these new features sound fantastic. Keep up the good work ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ziiip 1 Posted April 11, 2010 This reinforcement calling feature is asbsolutely brilliant.:D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox '09 14 Posted April 11, 2010 reinforcement feature is awesome.. but if I'm injured they don't heal me. Perhaps.. a medevac script of some sort could come our way? :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_blunt_rifle 10 Posted April 12, 2010 thanks SNKMAN for the response, but im not quite sure i understood you. so i guess what im trying to ask is how do i use the enemy AI improvements for the Ambient Combat Module randomly spawned units? or are you saying thats not possible untill next version or something? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites