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Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

How satisfied are you with patch 1.05 overall?  

479 members have voted

  1. 1. How satisfied are you with patch 1.05 overall?

    • Great: I am very satisfied with the patch, it matched or exceeded my expectations
    • Good: I am satisfied with the patch, but I hoped for more
    • Do not care: I have installed the patch, but I did not notice any improvements worth noting
    • Bad: I am not satisfied with the patch

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Did not notice any significant FPS improvements (only when all graphic settings were switched to max levels and I got 14 fps, but the camera was moving rather smoothly, not like slide-show).

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I voted BAD because the game still (after five patches and a miriad of beta patches) suffers from terrible texture loading times (i.e. the infamous "popping up" of textures as you approach). There is no improvent against the previous versions. I am putting the game aside for another three or four months and see if a real performance patch comes out say in April or May:mad:

ATI 4850 1GB vaporX

3GB Ram

WinXP 32bit

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it is allright as far I can see :

- improved FPS > 10

- for the graphic bug witch I stopped ny windowing the game It seems to be OK but ferther testing is required.

Win 7 64

I7 950

Nvidia 295 GTX

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Was creating a mission and testing along the way.

Mostly infantry and a few vehicles. My fps were in the 40's.

Last thing I did, I wanted an Apache to do a fly-over strafing run.

I dropped in the helo and tested. and FPS dropped to teens - 20's. huh?

severe lagging and the helo was not even close to the battle zone. Nothing changed except putting in an apache.

Dropped back to the editor, deleted the helo, and went back in to test, and FPS went right back up nice. Ran around a bit and FPS stayed constant.

Dropped out, and put the Apache back in and FPS instantly dropped again.

went back out, killed the helo, and added a trigger to spawn the helo once I activated the trigger. Restarted and FPS was smooth. I hit my radio to spawn the trigger/helo and wham, FPS dropped back down horribly.

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^^ make sure BIS know this. Will check it out myself too.

well now I can't patch after doing a reinstall of a clean OS and redownloading. Getting CRC check errors now. I'm so frustrated I've actually uninstalled the game and put it on the shelf, RIGHT NEXT TO DRAGON RISING!

This patch is broken and a huge step back. If you're lucky enough to actually have it patch, you get a new butt load of problems.

I'm done.

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The patch is awesome. I got back from holidays late last night at around 12AM and stayed up until 3AM testing it and playing Eagle Wing, which in itself is an awesome campaign (kudos to Karel). I love the Apache. :eek:

This is exactly what I was hoping for. An awesome late Christmas present for me, and something that will keep me coming back for more. Though, even if it wasn't like this, I'd still be coming back for more.

BIS kick the asses of any PC developer out there in terms of customer support and improving their game. This patch just shows the extent of it. Excellent job BIS.

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Well I'm definitely happy with my Christmas patch. I've only had one "hang" when exiting ArmA 2. And am I noticing a FPS rise? Maybe just me but I hit 60fps on Pantheras last night in a mission. Fine by me.

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Patch 1.05 helps a lot but it's still far from finished. First of all I'd like to see some net code optimization to stop seeing guys appearing and disappearing randomly - this makes long range shooting very annoying when your target suddenly disappears and appears 20 meters away - even when my ping is ~20 ms. It's the same thing with vehicles - shooting from a moving vehicle is terrible - when some other player is driving and I'm a gunner one second we're on the road, the next second we're spinning somewhere in the wood and the very next second we're back on the road - terrible ! Also I'd like to have "Favorite servers" option in multiplayer so I don't have to write down IPs of my favorite servers on a piece of paper. Oh and in the patch notes there's something about the grass, that it will make cover for you even at long distances - well I didn't notice anything like that - it really sux that from a distance everyone can see you clearly even when you are hidden in a tall grass (so you don't see anything but they see you clearly). Well, thats all I can think of now. There are still some (for me) minor issues with model & texture loading but it's not that bad. The performance with newest drivers is now fine on my gtx 285 so I guess that's all I can say about this patch. Keep up the good work. Peace.

Edited by lanmancz

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AI was already acting up several beta's before final patch. Try pressing SPACE-1-1 when you wanna regroup it works but far from perfectly. In my opinion that auto combat/danger feature broke more than it did good.

I agree. The patch has killed the AI for me. It's like dragging cowards into combat. "Move damn it!!"

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I agree. The patch has killed the AI for me. It's like dragging cowards into combat. "Move damn it!!"

:D ha ha

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Patch is very good except the aforementioned AI problems.

Freakin love that you guys gave us the film grain + lighting effects as modules, feels like a whole new atmosphere with so many settings now.

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I wish I could change my vote to don't care. I only played EW with the patch so I never had to experience the horrid squad AI as a leader. Corpsmen still ignore you most of the time or take forever realizing that you are right next to them dying. Advance movement doesn't work when a team is stopped, the campaign still has issues (thankfully not nearly as many), etc. Looks like it's back to ofp for now... again...

And also, I don't care if there is a way to work around a problem, I shouldn't have to, it shouldn't be there to begin with. The game is finally shaping up to what it should be but it's still not all that great in my opinion. :/ Except the editor, but its no fun making missions for myself since I know what happens.

Edited by GRS

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In my opinion that auto combat/danger feature broke more than it did good.


In BI land its customary with things that worked and worked well, to then play with it... and break it :)

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I've not used it in the game proper , I was using 1.05 in boot camp and the medic part, when I walk up to the injured man Carry is not on the menu. I have to drag him and then move about a bit to get Carry to appear on the menu, then when I press carry the animation is a bit off with the man off the side of my shoulders and then a few seconds later it looks right but then I can't move. I put him down and my player is standing in only what I can describe as ski jump position, can't move in any direction. After a bit of trial and error, I pressed C to crouch then I could move and back into the Carry animation. Takes a bit of doing to get it right, if its the same in the main game then you'd be dead. When I did manage to get it to work , as I carried him over to the officer, as I carried him over the words Stop Carrying popping up all over.

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1.05 patch

Ok , Parachute jump in Boot Camp, you can move him in free fall but when I open the chute A and D are supposed to move my player they don't I can look around in FP with my mouse but not in 3rd person, don't think W and S work either. Ive jumped 2 times both time I can move in FF but when I open the chute the control buttons don't work.

not tried this in a mission so I don't know if this applies to "in game" ? but if it happens in Boot Camp I take it will be the same IN game.

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I would very much like if the pistols were fixed. Presently my AI seem to pull them at inconvenient times and then won't put them away until they see a guy far away. If I tell them to drop it they tend to get stuck in the pistol animation but with no gun and can't move. It has been quite annoying. It might not specifically be a 1.05 problem though... definitely not a mod problem.

I am enjoying the rest of it though. I wish some of the modules would work better because First Aid and Battlefield Clearance have been messing up for me lately. High Command could use some additional commands too. I don't think I have had any problems other than that though. The game runs much better for me. Thank You and Happy New Year.

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Every 4 to 8 seconds the damn game pauses for a second and is driving me nutz, is it this patch?

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with patch 1.05 the friendly AI do not follow me anymore. Although they are the team captain :confused:

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The graphics problem with Ati radeon 48xx series are still there !!! What do I need an uber graphic if every time I enter a big city all goes scrambled ??

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Sorry to break the praising and sucking. ;):p

This patch is not awesome or great - its a patch that fixes some bugs and issues - nothing more. Sadly this patch even presents some new bugs and issues too.

EW campaign is a nice small x-mas gift but very fictional or lets say the setting is close to other (post-apocalyptic) games.

Cross fingers that BIS will have some extra time to develop AI furthermore and improve the overall performance on islands with bigger cities and woods.

Anyway more people have stopped playing Arma2 because of AI bugs/issues and stuttering graphics eg warping/"breakdancing" units, LOD switching, sky flickering, annoying NVG/HDR. Guess they wont go+buy OA or only for 10 Euro or less. :(

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