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About killjoe_R3F

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    Team R3F Admin
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  1. killjoe_R3F

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    And for the SCAR L versions and various optics. for SCAR H PR with Schmidt & Bender précision Optic.
  2. killjoe_R3F

    Gunner AI in vehicle don't fire

    nobody any idea or my question is not clear....
  3. I don't know why Gunner AI in my addon vehicle don't fire : I can't find the paremeter or the combination of parameters in vehicule config or turret config that make Ai fire at target. I' ve noticed that the main gun aim at ground as if it could not raise to aim at target... any advice or idea ?
  4. killjoe_R3F


    In the next days we are going to release the R3F Véhicle 1.1.
  5. killjoe_R3F


    Some teasing for the next version to come. special credit to Micro Simulateur Magasine.
  6. killjoe_R3F

    See through car

    same answer that on the other topic were the problem is not exactly the same. Ok Problem solved for me : it was a basic mistake in view geometry LOD where some volume were not closed or non convex. So it is an answer still some time.
  7. Ok Problem solved for me : it was a basic mistake in view geometry LOD where some volume were not closed or non convex. So it is an answer still some time.
  8. In the same idea I have a transparency problem with my model : lightning from a vehicle behind can be seen through the model. Any clue ? I tried to eliminate .ca texture or to convert directlyfrom a _co textute yet .
  9. killjoe_R3F

    See through car

    In the same idea I have a transparency problem with my model : lightning from a vehicle behind can be seen through the model. Any clue ? I tried to eliminate .ca texture or to convert directlyfrom a _co textute yet.
  10. killjoe_R3F

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    PhysX Issue (post 1.98 patch) for R3F_MMP fixed with R3F Armes 3.6.3.
  11. killjoe_R3F


    Steam Workshop link added : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2020968835
  12. killjoe_R3F

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Fapovo Island

    Thanks to all the team. I cannot find Addon's dependancy ?
  13. Just as a conclusion : my last setting : class wheel_1_1_damper { type="translation"; source="damper"; selection="wheel_1_1_damper_land"; axis="posun wheel_1_1"; animPeriod = 0; minValue=0; maxValue=1; memory=true; offset0=-0.15; offset1=0.15; }; with this setting dampers works and there is a difference between players in MP but of a few cm witch is acceptable....
  14. Thanks Evrik. I think also that there it nothing to be done. After many test I could nearly say that Dampers in ArmA 3 does not really work as they should. You can make a kind of damper with model.cfg set to : class wheel_1_1_damper { type="translation"; source="damper"; selection="wheel_1_1_damper_land"; // define in lod LandContact axis="posun wheel_1_1"; animPeriod = 1; minValue=0; maxValue=1; memory=0; offset0=0.5; offset1=-0.5; }; Note that damper should work with "translationY" : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config#Animation_sources but this is what causes the animation's desync in MP. If the animationPhase of the animationSource is tested it is OK but the real graphic aspect is not what it should be. "memory=0; //memoryOptional (default is true). Axis in memory level or not?" : means 0 (false) is axis present ? : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config#Animation_Properties CUP's team seems to come to the same conclusion : https://dev.cup-arma3.org/T1921#