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About betep

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  1. domination v2.60zc d_init line 437 I believe, we must add in array respawn vehicle. for land vehicles, you must make the choice of MHQ. #ifndef __TT__ if (!__ACEVer) then { // editor varname, unique number, true = respawn only when the chopper is completely destroyed, false = respawn after some time when no crew is in or chopper is destroyed switch (true) do { case (__COVer): { [[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf" }; case (__OAVer): { [[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf" }; }; } else { if (GVAR(enemy_side) == "EAST") then { [[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf" } else { [[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false,1500],[ch4,304,false,1500]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf" }; }; // editor varname, unique number //0-9 = MHQ, 10-19 = Medic vehicles, 20-29 = Fuel, Repair, Reammo trucks, 30-39 = Engineer Salvage trucks, 40-49 = Transport trucks [ [xvec1,0],[xvec2,1],[color="#FF0000"][yourjackal,2][/color],[xmedvec,10],[xvec3,20],[xvec4,21],[xvec5,22], [xvec7,23], [xvec8,24], [xvec9,25], [xvec6,30], [xvec10,31], [xvec11,40], [xvec12,41] ] execVM "x_server\x_vrespawn2.sqf"; #else if !(__ACEVer) then { [ [ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false],[ch4,304,false],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600], [chR1,401,true],[chR2,402,true],[chR3,403,false],[chR4,404,false],[chR5,405,false,600],[chR6,406,false,600] ] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"; if (__COVer) then { _helper = []; for "_i" from 1 to 32 do { _v = missionNamespace getVariable format ["vecvec%1", _i]; _helper set [count _helper, _v]; }; _helper execVM "x_server\x_vrespawnn.sqf"; }; } else { [ [ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,false],[ch4,304,false],[ch5,305,false,600],[ch6,306,false,600], [chR1,401,true],[chR2,402,true],[chR3,403,false],[chR4,404,false],[chR5,405,false,600],[chR6,406,false,600] ] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"; }; [ [xvec1,0],[xvec2,1],[xmedvec,10],[xvec3,20],[xvec4,21],[xvec5,22],[xvec6,30],[xvec7,40], [xvecR1,100],[xvecR2,101],[xmedvecR,110],[xvecR3,120],[xvecR4,121],[xvecR5,122],[xvecR6,130],[xvecR7,140] ] execVM "x_server\x_vrespawn2.sqf"; #endif
  2. rename vehicle BAF : yourjackal in mission.sqm and d_init line 455 test, I think that's all
  3. Sorry for my English... Put the folder R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG, for example here on the root, and just placed // init. sqf // after line 12 GVAR(init_started) = true; if (isServer) then { execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; }; It should also initialize the client for example at the end of x_client.sqf or other initialization file of the client. It is now a file on the root x_clientcustomcode.sqf There is no hurry, we initialize the client after the intro, sleep 60; [] spawn { sleep 60; execVM "R3F_ARTY_AND_LOG\init.sqf"; }; Your error seems like something missing }; in an initialization file such as in the init. sqf end of a block not executed, a script executed poorly... I have already had that, I had mistakenly deleted }; during a copy / paste into a file init
  4. In addition to this post, the entire class Loop2 from line 83. class Loop2 { name = "Loop2"; init = "private [""_onegrpar"", ""_grp"",""_tempo""];" \n "_onegrpar = d_respawn_ai_groups select _counter;" \n "_timenow = time + 3.11;" \n "if (typeName _onegrpar == ""ARRAY"") then {" \n " _grp = _onegrpar select 0;" \n " if ((isNull _grp || (_grp call d_fnc_GetAliveUnitsGrp) == 0) && (time > (_grp getVariable ""X_CREATED""))) then {" \n " _mg_array = _onegrpar select 1;" \n " _resp_mid = _mg_array select 10;" \n " _rpos = [_resp_mid select 0, 600, 400, _resp_mid select 1] call d_fnc_GetRanPointSquare;" \n " _mg_array set [1, [_rpos]];" \n " d_respawn_ai_groups set [_counter, -1];" \n " _mg_array spawn d_fnc_makegroup;" \n " if ((count playableUnits) < 13) then {" \n " _tempo = 1500;" \n " } else {" \n " _tempo = 900;" \n " };" \n "" \n " _timenow = time + (_tempo + (random _tempo));" \n " };" \n "} else {" \n " d_respawn_ai_groups set [_counter, -1];" \n "};" \n "" \n "_counter = _counter + 1;"; precondition = ""; class Links { class ___counter____count { priority = 1.000000; to="_"; precondition = ""; condition="(_counter == count d_respawn_ai_groups) || (X_JIPH getVariable ""d_mt_radio_down"")"; action=""; }; class Delay { priority = 0.000000; to="Loop2"; precondition = ""; condition="time > _timenow"; action=""; }; }; };
  5. betep

    Isla Duala

    Dimitri solution is good, I put in my init line: activateAddons ["ibr_civilian_patch", "afrenian_army", "molatian_army"]; This fixes the error for ibr_civilian_patch I also put military units, even if I did not make a mistake, because we create the script with our units by [R3F]ACV2 (new version ...), even if it should not be necessary. Thank you. I also always error on the RPT server each zone creation of civilians with the Alice module.
  6. betep

    Isla Duala

    Sorry, I did not say, but i use the full version 1.81. I'll try, like you said, Dimitri_Harkov, activation with in my init script : activateAddons [ibr_civilians ...]; I'll let you know. Thank you
  7. betep

    Isla Duala

    Hi, Yes, I also have this error, repeated in each zone creation of civilians. Also it on startup : (in French) Warning Message : It is impossible to play / edit this mission, it is based on downloadable content that was deleted. ibr_civilian_patch Then sometimes : Addon ibr_civilian_patch (entry ibr_africaman6 (or other unit ibr_africamanxx)) not found in The List of active addons. Arma CO and no other addon. Thank you IceBreakr
  8. Sorry, for the moment there is no documents, and it's necessary in the mission instance, have installed a dedicated server, only the administrator has ACV. To change the configuration : [r3f]acv.chernarus\R3F\ACV\Dlg\ACV_functions_dlg.sqf // ACV_Force_Admin = false -> to be administrator // true -> all players have the ACV ACV_Force_Admin = false; // ACV_Admin_Is_God = true -> invincible // false -> vulnerable ACV_Admin_Is_God = true; // ACV_Admin_Is_Captive = true -> neutre // false -> unit side ACV_Admin_Is_Captive = true; Many options are configurable with variables, documentation will be provided in the next version.
  9. :yay:WoW very nice, looks really good, thank you, nice work! :yay: