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UPSMON - Urban Patrol Script Mon

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UPSMON 5.0.4

Changes in version:

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//Version: 5.0.4

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Added

// Implemented: It also would be great if they use smoke-grenades when ai is under fire by targets they dont see well. One example: I lay on a moutain with my squad and shoot with sniperrifles from the hill down at the ai in a village. The ai should throw smoke and try to get cover. That would be great.

// Feature #9559: parameter "spawned" = use only with squads created in runtime, this feature will add squad to UPSMON correctly.

// Feature #9558 parameter "nowp" = No waypoints will be created for this squad, so this squad will comunicate enemies but will not be moved, so you can do what you want with them using waypoints.

// Feature #9503 parameter "ambush" = Ambush squad will not move until in combat, will wait for incoming enemies stealth and ambush when near or discovered.

// Parameter "RFLOCK", if especified when reinforcement is called, target position is locked until reached reinforcement point

// Added surrended client control so now is no necesary create any trigger in mission to launch surrended.sqf

// Added stuck control to avoid that helis stopping flying

// New target sistem control based in last known positions instead of real position of targets

// Modified:

// Bug #9666 fixed:AI Cheats with UPSMON - Groups always Flank Real Position instead of last known

// Bug #9662 fixed: Reinforcement Group returning home, does not get out of Vehicles (if used)

// Bug #9639 fixed: Reinforcement Group can get stuck if Transportvehicle back to Patrolmarker gets destroyed//

// Set DIAMOND formation when exiting vehicle

// bug with NOSLOW solved.

// solved other bugs such as no patrol without enemies.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sample mision of Ambush in 5.0.4


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How do you decide when a unit is no longer detected? Checking knowsAbout values seems to not really work, as the value stays high for quite a while after the unit is no longer in sight. "Detected by" triggers give similar results (unit will have the trigger active even when it logically shouldn't).

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Ambush mode looks great. I'll try it out as soon as I can.


Can you provide a sample mission using the "spawned" parameter?

I tried using this
both with and without "spawned" using the 5.0.4beta, but had no luck getting it to work. The closest I got was it worked fine until the units respawned, but then did not create new waypoints. They just stood there with no orders.

Also, I noticed in the beta, the paradroppers still just stand around and not move after they land. Any idea about this?

I'll make sure to test this again with this new version. Maybe it's fixed since the beta.

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I am having MAJOR troubles using the reinforcement feature with this latest version, I get CTD every time the reinforcement units go to get into their vehicles.

Anyone else having issues?

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Ambush mode looks great. I'll try it out as soon as I can.


Can you provide a sample mission using the "spawned" parameter?

I tried using this
both with and without "spawned" using the 5.0.4beta, but had no luck getting it to work. The closest I got was it worked fine until the units respawned, but then did not create new waypoints. They just stood there with no orders.

You only needed to add "spawned" to the parameters of UPSMON squad created, plese send me your mision to [email protected] I will revise it and find the problem or bug.

Also, I noticed in the beta, the paradroppers still just stand around and not move after they land. Any idea about this?

I'll make sure to test this again with this new version. Maybe it's fixed since the beta.

This is fixed in last release.

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 AM ----------

I am having MAJOR troubles using the reinforcement feature with this latest version, I get CTD every time the reinforcement units go to get into their vehicles.

Anyone else having issues?

what is CDT?

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CTD = Crash to Desktop

How do you decide when a unit is no longer detected? Checking knowsAbout values seems to not really work, as the value stays high for quite a while after the unit is no longer in sight. "Detected by" triggers give similar results (unit will have the trigger active even when it logically shouldn't).

Please look and read here - I would be interested in your results too:


Edited by mr.g-c

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In 5.0.4 status of reinforcement can be reset. I have detected a bug with initialitation, this will be solved this morning, but no CTD happend.

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CTD = Crash to Desktop

Please look and read here - I would be interested in your results too:


Excuse me for adding my 2 cents here:

I read the discussion of the bug reports, and was very impressed with both the dilligent testing of Mr.G-C AND the excellent script by Monsada.

I have migrated most of my missions to UPS-MON, and I love it. I also got the impression, that something with the detection of the player is broken, but personally I dare not say whether it is in vanilla ArmA2 or in UPS-MON.

Whatever it is, imho it would _greatly_ enhance immersion if it could be fixed or worked around.

Monsada: I think there is really no cause to be upset by Mr.G test findings. Everyone reading this read, including Mr.G is acknowledging you great work and efforts.

On the other hand, I am earning my bucks as a professional SW engineer for more than 20 years now, and I still know that negative feeling when reading change requests or bug reports regarding my own code ;)

So if I may summarize:

My gratitude to both of you for your excellent work in developing UPS-MON _and_ in testing it! Now, please keep cooperating and make it even better! (Or, maybe, convince BI to fix it in ArmA! ;))

Many thanks and best regards


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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//Version: 5.0.5

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Added

// Parameter "AMBUSH:",3000 you can set max time to wait for ambush

// Modified:

// Ambush squads exits if called for reinforcement so you can force exit creating a especific reinforcement group for this ex: setting "reinforcement:",100

// you can force exit ambush setting KRON_UPS_reinforcement100 = true

// you can put 0 seconds for putting mines and go away if combined with "move" for example

// Solved bug that sets reinforcement to false on init of scritp

// Improved getout and landheli algoritm

// Improved target debug console A=all units C=current alive units T=targets knonw by this side

// Improved movement with vehicles, now they go in safe until near known enemies

// adjusted flanking algorithm

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=163VC8GJ

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do i need parameter spawned for units created in script?

im just not sure what you mean by runtime..

yes, all squads created by script must have parameter "spawned" in order to be added correctly to counter of units of his side, without this the sid may surrender because no has counted this units

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yea didnt notice that all i noticed was without the spawned, the units were still acting properly,,

another newb question coming at you

does the initialization have to be in the init of the unit?

so i spawn units and do this

_leader1 = leader GroupSquad1;

[ _leader1, _SpawnPos, "fortify", "delete:", 600] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";

everything seems to work once they get called on, but for instance when they have a move command, "so they should do a random patrol right?" they just sit there..

another thing is i cant seem to spawn a group into a different location then there patrol pos is or everything seems to break...

ive also tried this just so you know and have had better luck with the first method,strange..

_grp setVehicleInit "null = [group this,(getPos this),move] execVM ""upsmon.sqf""; ";

---------- Post added at 04:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 PM ----------




do i lower these numbers to lower the chance of surrender?

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:02 PM ----------

i see y this dont work now..

_grp setVehicleInit "null = [group this,(getPos this),'move'] execVM ""upsmon.sqf""; ";

seems the script required a marker pos...

and now ive noticed this doesnt add to units count

_leader1 = leader GroupSquad1;

[ _leader1, _SpawnPos, "fortify", "delete:", 600,"spawned"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf";

anyways it would be nice if the script has to have a marker to work it would create one at any kind of pos passed to it...

Edited by {Op4}Bsilenced

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spawned is required only when used createvehicle command for creating units in runtime, if you put the unit in the editor do not need "spawned" parameter.

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all samples above are from spawned inf..

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

being that i cant read this language what does this mean?

//Establece los bandos de enemigos que debe considerar la IAs de la resistencia

KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west];

i assume it set resistance enemy to whatever side given?

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You only needed to add "spawned" to the parameters of UPSMON squad created, plese send me your mision to [email protected] I will revise it and find the problem or bug.

Thanks Monsada, email sent.

Also, I noticed in the beta, the paradroppers still just stand around and not move after they land. Any idea about this?

I'll make sure to test this again with this new version. Maybe it's fixed since the beta.

This is fixed in last release.

To anyone who plays ACE, this bug only happens when playing ACE. The paradroppers work correctly in default ArmA, not ACE. No clue as to why though :confused:

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all samples above are from spawned inf..

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

being that i cant read this language what does this mean?

//Establece los bandos de enemigos que debe considerar la IAs de la resistencia

KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west];

i assume it set resistance enemy to whatever side given?

sorry, I will work now in wiki for upsmon, I try to do it in the best english I could.

KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west];

is an array of enemies for resistance side, only afects to the targets array UPSMON share to them, this seting must be same as you define in your mision.

so you can do this combinations:

frienly none: KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west,east];

frienly east: KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [west];

frienly west: KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [east];

frienly all: KRON_UPS_Res_enemy = [];

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Hi Monsada,

Great set of scripts that you have here, I was wondering something...

1. Would it be possible for you to put a modifier in so units are unable to board helicopters? I ask because I have a mission with some friendly units patrolling and they keep boarding my insertion/extraction helo and they just wait to be taken somewhere.

2. Also, any chance that we could have the option to enable/disable units using smoke when they call for reinforcements? I ask because when I have some Taliban/Iraqi insurgent opfor they use smoke, not really true-to-life.

Thanks, really enjoying your scripts.


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Maybe add as an option to only allow use of smoke if the unit actually has smoke to use? That probably wouldn't be too hard to do.

---------- Post added at 09:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------

I just noticed that units that received a doStop command and immediately after joined a UPSMON ambush squad will not move at all even when the rest of the squad is engaging the enemy and moving around.

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Hi Monsada,

Great set of scripts that you have here, I was wondering something...

1. Would it be possible for you to put a modifier in so units are unable to board helicopters? I ask because I have a mission with some friendly units patrolling and they keep boarding my insertion/extraction helo and they just wait to be taken somewhere.

2. Also, any chance that we could have the option to enable/disable units using smoke when they call for reinforcements? I ask because when I have some Taliban/Iraqi insurgent opfor they use smoke, not really true-to-life.

Thanks, really enjoying your scripts.


For avoiding that you can:

1-Put rol NOMOVE on this squads

2-Increase KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist, this value tells AI the range in wich they will go by fod, if target is far away they will search for transport,

3-Decrease KRON_UPS_sharedist, this is distance is the range of walkies so AI share known targets if they are in this range.

You can convine 2 and 3 and personalice it to your mision, so if you put KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist=1000

and KRON_UPS_sharedist = 1000 they will not take any vehicle.

Another posibility is lock the vehicle on init and unlock when you need it by trigger.

---------- Post added at 09:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 PM ----------

Maybe add as an option to only allow use of smoke if the unit actually has smoke to use? That probably wouldn't be too hard to do.


made a feature en devhaven for this. I m not sure of doing this if people want I will try to do this

I just noticed that units that received a doStop command and immediately after joined a UPSMON ambush squad will not move at all even when the rest of the squad is engaging the enemy and moving around.

Yes this is done because of ambush they must mantain fire for a while for better ambush, has no sense to move instantly

Edited by Monsada

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Increase KRON_UPS_searchVehicledist

Can this number be increased/decreased for individual units/squads and not for others?

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Nice work mate! Its realy awesome.

I use it for spawned units and indeed the spawn parameter works great.

One issue i have and that is when i make a helicopter patrol it will at some point land. The crew gets out, the crew gets in. Then the debug keeps on saying: 4 landing. But it will never go up again to patrol.

Am i missing something?

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