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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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I was under the impression that the morphine and all that works for human players just not AI

AI can't handle it yet, but a player can use morphine, epi and bandages on AI units too.

AI handling is the last point on my list (sry, but first everything else has a higher priority).


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AI can't handle it yet, but a player can use morphine, epi and bandages on AI units too.

AI handling is the last point on my list (sry, but first everything else has a higher priority).


I don't care about AI so it's last on my list too, I was just wanting to know if the medical supps can be used on humans.

Would I have to sync the ACE REVIVE module to all human players? or just TLs or none at all?

Chuurrrr :yay:

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sigh... AI pilot STILL land right into trees even though there is a HUGE clearing just beside with this new update.... and only ACE AI does that, stock AI don't do that... ACE TEAM?

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Jesus this updater method is stupid. PBOs would have been so much simpler and far easier.

Man I'm tired of seeing these posts. Who is gonna be the next one to complain without reading through the thread? It's a daily updating Beta!

On another topic, I'm glad to say Seal Team Six 3 will be compatible with ACE. I could not believe how awesome ACE makes the AI.

Edited by Sick1

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Man I'm tired of seeing these posts. Who is gonna be the next one to complain without reading through the thread? It's a daily updating Beta!

These questions are why the ACE2 thread has almost the same number of posts as the whole of the ACE1 thread in less than a week! hahaha

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Man I'm tired of seeing these posts. Who is gonna be the next one to complain without reading through the thread? It's a daily updating Beta!

On another topic, I'm glad to say Seal Team Six 3 will be compatible with ACE. I could not believe how awesome ACE makes the AI.


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Well, as one may have garnered earlier I am having troubles updating (and no the lazy one does not work either.) Whenever I try to update it says that the files @ACE and @CBA were found in my ArmA 2 folder, but they were both incompatible. What I've done is, using firefox, saved the @ACE.7z folder. Now, I use WinRAR, but they're both very similar and I'm hoping it doesn't matter. I went into the saved @ACE folder and moved the .rsynch folder into the SIX updater directory. I imagine I'm doing it wrong, but I don't know for sure or at all. If someone could help me I would be very appreciative.

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More and more Servers added: http://updater.dev-heaven.net/stats


Well, as one may have garnered earlier I am having troubles updating (and no the lazy one does not work either.) Whenever I try to update it says that the files @ACE and @CBA were found in my ArmA 2 folder, but they were both incompatible. What I've done is, using firefox, saved the @ACE.7z folder. Now, I use WinRAR, but they're both very similar and I'm hoping it doesn't matter. I went into the saved @ACE folder and moved the .rsynch folder into the SIX updater directory. I imagine I'm doing it wrong, but I don't know for sure or at all. If someone could help me I would be very appreciative.

Just delete the @ACE, @ACEX and @CBA folders, and 7z files, then simply run option 2 from the launcher (if you still have the six-updater.yml from the lazymethod).

Because as it seems, you have non-compliant 7z's or so :)

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Thanks very much.

And regarding the ACE wound system, does it (all) work for "HUMAN" players??

Would I have to sync it to all players?

Sickboy or Zeno? :p

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How does it work - i feel stupid but i just cant figure it out. How do you put things in it and remove it... I also read that you should be able to drop the backpack, does this mean you can use it as a ammocrate?

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Why does the Russian UAZ AGS-30 have no Gunner with ace mod? even putting 2 extra men down grouping them to the driver and setting them to "in cargo" and they still won't man the gun... :confused:

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More and more Servers added: http://updater.dev-heaven.net/stats


Just delete the @ACE, @ACEX and @CBA folders, and 7z files, then simply run option 2 from the launcher (if you still have the six-updater.yml from the lazymethod).

Because as it seems, you have non-compliant 7z's or so :)

Hey there we go it's working. Or, atleast, it is for @ACE and @CBA. ACEX hasn't installed but I'm just manually installing it now and putting it in the ARMA 2 folder. Will this cause problems?

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The backpack is an item that goes into the launcher spot on your inventory. Once you have one, you can use the pack and unpack buttons to place things inside of it, such as extra rifles, ammunition, etc. I commonly carry an M79 and some HuntIR rounds in one.

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How does it work - i feel stupid but i just cant figure it out. How do you put things in it and remove it... I also read that you should be able to drop the backpack, does this mean you can use it as a ammocrate?

Watch the ACE Features videos on youtube. All you have to do is press "pack" or "unpack". Don't start a new thread about ACE. If you have any questions, post in the official BETA release thread.

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Just a question, how do I install the daily updates? Are they downloaded automatically by running six updateR? If so, how is it done? By running option 2?

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And more servers (mostly ACE!) http://updater.dev-heaven.net/stats


If the .rsync folder is intact in @ACEX, like in @ACE etc, it should be fine.

Just a question, how do I install the daily updates? Are they downloaded automatically by running six updateR? If so, how is it done? By running option 2?

Copy, option 2 is the daily update routine :)

Edited by Sickboy

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Sir, not to get homo-erotic about this, but i could kiss ya. ©Iceman

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pleace do something about the stamina system. its a joke as it is now, it far from real. and you guys can do better than this.

i did a test on how far i could run before my dude hit the ground.

my player had No weapons or iteams. i ran about 2000 M before i hit the ground.

when i was in the navy we had to run 3000 M 3 times a year, each time had to be under 15 minutes . or else we had to re run it.

i did not get this blinking blind vision when i reached the goal. nor did i have clipping on the sound i heard, i was tierd and had to rest offcource. some even puked when they reached the goal.

there is also this anoying toggeling between views if you have your sigth up and have this blinking on the screen. damn anoying if you ask me,

also on ace domination.. no sure if this is mission related or part of the stamina module.

but, if you have been running until you have this blinking and get killed.

why on earth does my new , fresh spawned player got this blinking,

hes not even been running 1 meter yet :p

the hartbeat is also to low. you would at least have a pulse of 180 or more in real life.

hope you guys will improve the stamina system.

Edited by nuxil

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Strange, the updater is still only detecting @ACE and @CBA. The .rsynch folder was intact and I put it into the ArmA 2 main directory in a folder I called @ACEX.

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Simple ruck respawn script

Just put this together quickly - respawns rucks for respawning players

Seems to be working OK - haven't done much testing though

// ruck_reloaded.sqf

_hasruck = false;
_ruckType = "";
_ruckMags = [];
_ruckWeps = [];

while {true} do
if (alive player) then 
	_hasruck = player call ACE_Sys_Ruck_fnc_hasRuck;
	if (_hasruck) then
		_ruckType = player call ACE_Sys_Ruck_fnc_FindRuck;
		_ruckMags = player getVariable "ACE_RuckMagContents";
		_ruckWeps = player getVariable "ACE_RuckWepContents";
		//hint format ["%1", _ruckType];
} else {	
	waitUntil {alive player};
	sleep 1;
	if (_hasruck) then
		player addWeapon _ruckType;
		player setVariable ["ACE_RuckMagContents", _ruckMags, true];
		player setVariable ["ACE_RuckWepContents", _ruckWeps, true];
sleep 1;

Edited by norrin

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