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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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It might be added to the ammocrate, thats what I was implying, sorry. I hadn't seen a dedicated HuntIR ammocrate in the game so I assumed they were just adding it to a normal crate.

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Having read this thread until the last post (finally :) ) I have seen both praise and constructive feedback mixed in with ridiculous whining about the downloading/updating (non)issues. Can't understand that people don't follow the simple quickstart guide. I did, and as a result I was playing ACE 2 with my friends in no-time.

Furthermore the level of support that Sickboy and other ACE team members (+ people in the community) are offering, with their cool intact I must add, is nothing short of amazing.

About the ACE 2 mod itself I can only say that it gave me the same feeling I got back in the ACE 1 days. Only better. A total rebirth of ArmA 2 and a must have for anyone playing it. GREAT JOB ACE TEAM !!!

Most importantly though - is there a possibility to make a donation to you in the ACE team, via PayPal or similar? Because I am NOT letting you guys do this for free! :D


Edited by ]NTRUDER

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Thank You Snake. Wonder how many people like myself and Himmel just did not realise another there was "another" ace config. LoL makes me feel dumb but happy , maybe I can now wear those fancy shades I bought in downtown Cherno.

Funny thing though, I never noticed missing anything (other than the shade,gasmask ect feature) I could heal, reload , do anything I have always done via action menu through my mouse wheel.... SO , can anyone please describe what the interaction button is supposed to do for me? That way I know my re-mapping of it worked. Thanks.

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You can "trade" stuff with peoples and mostly its for the static mounted weapons;)

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NTRUDER;1512628']Having read this thread until the last post (finally :) ) I have seen both praise and constructive feedback mixed in with ridiculous whining about the downloading/updating (non)issues. Can't understand that people don't follow the simple quickstart guide. I did' date=' and as a result I was playing ACE 2 with my friends in no-time.

Furthermore the level of support that Sickboy and other ACE team members (+ people in the community) are offering, with their cool intact I must add, is nothing short of amazing.

About the ACE 2 mod itself I can only say that it gave me the same feeling I got back in the ACE 1 days. Only better. A total rebirth of ArmA 2 and a must have for anyone playing it. [b']GREAT JOB ACE TEAM!!![/b]

Most importantly though - is there a possibility to make a donation to you in the ACE team, via PayPal or similar? Because I am NOT letting you guys do this for free! :D


Totally agree!

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NTRUDER;1512628']Having read this thread until the last post (finally :) ) I have seen both praise and constructive feedback mixed in with ridiculous whining about the downloading/updating (non)issues. Can't understand that people don't follow the simple quickstart guide. I did' date=' and as a result I was playing ACE 2 with my friends in no-time.

Furthermore the level of support that Sickboy and other ACE team members (+ people in the community) are offering, with their cool intact I must add, is nothing short of amazing.

About the ACE 2 mod itself I can only say that it gave me the same feeling I got back in the ACE 1 days. Only better. A total rebirth of ArmA 2 and a must have for anyone playing it. [b']GREAT JOB ACE TEAM!!![/b]

Most importantly though - is there a possibility to make a donation to you in the ACE team, via PayPal or similar? Because I am NOT letting you guys do this for free! :D


Thanks for the praise and support!

We don't accept money for our work, because free work and freedom in design and development, is one of the pillars of our enthusiasm and commitment.

However, there are some costs involved in running servers etc, and even though there are donation channels for those, I am actually considering solving those costs in another manner, by non-intrusive google adsense...

So there's no-one paying for free development, and services that cost money can actually be paid out of free-generated money instead.

Big thanks for the offers though!

Supporting us, supporting your fellow players, finding/setting up rsync/http/ftp mirrors, and spreading the word of both ACE and the success and potential of the Updater Suite, is the best payment we could imagine :)

Edited by Sickboy

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how do you throw flashbangs? no documentation?

1. Pick up from Æ special weapons crate

2. Throw.

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Mhh..i want to give my soldiers at the start allready and it works,they are in equiqment, but cant choose them or throw..

i added with "this addmagazine""..

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At first I couldnt update because of the cannot connect to locathost problem,

after searching on the net I found(its acturally someone on China OFP forum who told us that) that there is a possible chance that if the Current code page item under shortcut>rightclick>Properties>Options is not set to 437 (OEM - United States), the page will not be able to loaded

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Can you throw them if you pick them up instead of addmagazineing them?

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1. Pick up from Æ special weapons crate

2. Throw.

When I try to pick up flashbangs, chem lights, and gas, their names never show up on the top right after I pressed F to toggle through my firing modes. The only options that I saw were either "Grenade" or "Smoke" (I had a fragmentation and smoke grenade in my inventory as well.). Yes, I'm sure that the flashbang/chem light/gas were in my invetory.

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1. Pick up from Æ special weapons crate

2. Throw.


3. Turn away from blast


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well i also cant use em if i pick em up from supply box..even if i cycle cant see anyting.

yes same with those light and stuff, cant use them;=

Edited by Himmelsfeuer

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Thanks to all involved.

Question - do the regular BIS units inherit the properties of the ACE stuff. For example, I know under the ACE Men folder there are the army units, but there are currently no Marine men. My question is if you place BIS Marine units do they inherit all of the ACE properties like stamina, etc. Same for the weapons, armor... I just want to know if I when I start to build a mission, I need to use ACE stuff or if using BIS stuff will be "compatible".

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Are the nuclear weapons in? I looked around but couldn't find anything.

It's been discussed here a bunch. The suitcase type nuke isn't in but there are bombs that can be added to US planes. Using the EASA module is an easy way. It's in the BIKI and discussed often here.

---------- Post added at 11:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

Are they really no classname list for all the weapons ?

Wow, did you really not bother to look? Yes, there is:


Look here. There's probably answers for other things you may need to know.

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Please wait for official announce, it will be at first at: http://updater.dev-heaven.net/main

Not sure if the rss is useful already :)

In the future when everything is really verified, I would recommend moving on to further automation :)

sure ..ok

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