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Snake Man

Vietnam the Experience: Discussion

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I see this thread has been moved to the mods discussion forum, but is there any chance that we can have a "hotfix" for the mixed voices issue in near future so we can really enjoy this fantastic preview of the mod while we wait for full release :D ?

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Maybe I don't understand the problem completely... but if I'm following this correctly, then I fail to see how its a addon's fault if some 3rd party script is not working on it.

Well in ArmA there's the soldier classnames "SoldierWB" for west, "SoldierEB" for east and "SoldierGB" for guerilla. These classnames can be used by revive script to tell which type of soldiers can revive and can be revived, they are "generic" and counts for all soldier types from a side.

horror1 said revive script worked fine in ArmA so i checked the .pbo's from the ArmA release and noticed those classnames are present there but not in the VTE previews.

If nobody helps with the random voice language issue there will be no fixes, if someone shows me the correct config lines, I'll release new config, no problemos.

Let's hope someone is gonna assist.

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Well in ArmA there's the soldier classnames "SoldierWB" for west, "SoldierEB" for east and "SoldierGB" for guerilla. These classnames can be used by revive script to tell which type of soldiers can revive and can be revived, they are "generic" and counts for all soldier types from a side.

Yes I know the problem.

I was looking at VTE ArmA 2 preview config and found out with Rellikki's help (thanks man, appreciated) that granQ has goofed up the config as he inherits from caManBase instead some of the more advanced classes.

This is the sole reason why norrin's revive script doesn't work and the voice samples are mixed US/chernarus/russian.

However I'm not here to blame granQ, yes he did bad config but I was my watch as the mod leader who released that bad config, so the buck stops here. I'll take the blame for this and get hotfix #2 out ASAP. Thanks for bringing this to my attention and sorry about the whole thing.

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It's working great now. A quick question: Will the NVA speak vietnamese in full release?

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keep up the good work.

Edited by Drew

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I'm also watching this thread, the Vietnam era is a huge interest of mine :cool:

Been working on a mission for the VTE preview, it's almost done but need some work/testing with the custom sounds.

<object width="853" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEjt_93orgs&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEjt_93orgs&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="853" height="505"></embed></object>

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Yes, out of the Vietnam Era, -1975.

Of course WWII stuff was used in Vietnam as well.

Well, its until 20. January, so better hurry up.

The good side is, not a lot of people are going

to participate, which means chances are good.

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Very nice MOD, it seems to work well with the ACE2+ZeusAI+WARFX mixture I use with my game. Only things I could see were the UH-1 has no sound while inside the bird. And the Skyraider doesn't have any kind of targeting system, not even the crosshair that I think most of the older style aircraft had. But it could be I just don't have a latest version. If there is one can you point me to it. This mod is fun as hell.

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Put on hold on request

Edited by Takko

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Been working on a mission for the VTE preview, it's almost done but need some work/testing with the custom sounds.

a JW mission for VTE....yesss!

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Don't mess with VTE Day

You're right, tomorrow we'll be showcasing new addons

every 6 hours! This means 4 new addons tomorrow!

Stay tuned, this thread is going to be updated every 6 hours

from 0.00!

Okay... ???

I have repeatedly asked you in private messages to please login PMC forum to check your PM waiting here, you have not done so. So now I'm asking for the last time in public; please login to PMC forums and check the private message I have written you there.

As for the public forum readers, there is nothing to showcase, development has been very slow in the past month and how things are looking right now, there is not going to be any major developments in the near future. Anybody want some details, check the never ending development diary in PMC Tactical forum VTE area.

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Uh, maybe there was nothing to show from your side,

but I been working on it as well.

As for the private message, I have skipped it somehow, in a vast

of other messages.

Anyway, we wil ltalk about that in irc

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development has been very slow in the past month and how things are looking right now, there is not going to be any major developments in the near future.

Sorry to hear that :(

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development has been very slow in the past month and how things are looking right now, there is not going to be any major developments in the near future.

Maybe the release of DAC 3.0 and OA will be two nice shots of adrenaline to your dev effort. :)

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People should be happy that there is still a Vietnam mod around.

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People should be happy that there is still a Vietnam mod around.

Agreed. Vietnam was a very long war, twenty years long, if I recall correctly. It hasn't gotten much attention compared to World War II, which has been done so many times it's not even funny.

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