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Zeus AI Combat Skills

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This is the best thing I've downloaded for A2 since being back online... Seriously, thankyou now our games play and last as they should be. The only thing I need to do now is stop watching my cool AI team-mates. They move so well now I get totally lost just watching them...then catch a stray bullet!

HiFi approved ;)

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-BadBoy;1518513']Just to be sure (if i have understood well) :



this above files aren't need anymore' date=' we can delete them

only these files are required :







Thanks to confirm ;)

PS : do we always remove the Hotfix.pbo from the beta folder ???


That's correct m8, all you should have is..







Edited by Terox

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I don't know if any of you had this same problem but while the AI squad mates have become more autonomous in attacking, its almost impossible to get them back into formation when they are engaging enemies even if they are on DISENGAGE command :( Is it a Zeus thing, or the arma beta thing? :(

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This addon seems to change that behaviour i noticed to.

Example in a mission me and squad are beeing transported in a car and normaly we would drive to a checkpoint and dismount there and start clearing the area. With the Zeus AI (and Ace2) the leader spots a enemy halfway and orders a dismount / engage, which kinda breaks the mission. I understand that replacing AI can have such impact tho.

Great mod btw realy makes alot of combat situations more intense and realistic. A must have for sp/coop players.

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its almost impossible to get them back into formation when they are engaging enemies even if they are on DISENGAGE command :( Is it a Zeus thing, or the arma beta thing? :(

It's an Arma beta, try the beta patch 60819, this is reported to be the best patch for AI

Here's hoping BIS realise it

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This is the best thing I've downloaded for A2 since being back online... Seriously, thankyou now our games play and last as they should be. The only thing I need to do now is stop watching my cool AI team-mates. They move so well now I get totally lost just watching them...then catch a stray bullet!

HiFi approved ;)

Amen to that brother I had a squad of royal marines set up on Afghani (mental block) that arma 1 cool map by opteryx, anyhow had a challenger 2 and UKF WMIK as Fire support sections - wandered into the city with a HOLD waypoint on the police station with the city full of motorised terrorists, talk about damned awesome never lost one man and I was the medic. Never ever had so much fun as a squadie with a one waypoint mission :yay: Best ai mod ever IMO combined with ACE and GL3 from SLX.

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As I stated elsewhere, if you're not playing with this mod you may as well have your mom play for you. Thanks.

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As I stated elsewhere, if you're not playing with this mod you may as well have your mom play for you. Thanks.


seriously. i loved this mod before, but now that ive played it with ACE at the same time, its insane! i just had the craziest firefight ever in Arma 2 that lasted for ages and was bloody intense.

ACE+ZeusAI=How Arma 2 should be played :thumbsup:

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I seem to have them throwing plenty of smoke. Not a ton, but enough that you'd notice.

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I should mention I've only see the enemy AI throw smoke, but I'm not usually with friendly AI that have smoke.

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I still haven´t seen smoke. Do friendlys use it?

It would be great if tanks under fire would deploy some smoke

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In the GL3 AI mod for ArmA1, friendlies pop smoke as soon as shots are heard, which is a great tactic sometimes when the direction of contact is uncertain.

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I still haven´t seen smoke. Do friendlys use it?

It would be great if tanks under fire would deploy some smoke

I've seen plenty of tanks and BMP's deploy smoke but again mostly enemy.

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I think the question here is do the AI have smoke in their kit inherently. If not then you wont see smoke? Ive certainly seen AI toss grenades at me especially if Im around a corner of a building. Ive also seen them move to a wounded friendly to guard him and see if I will come and aid him. Those tricky AI bastards!!!

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Hi all

Latest little trick the AI has learned is infiltration.

We are in a major battle in the forests with the complex terrain NE Chernagorsk round black lake but one AI OPFOR sneaked into the middle of my human squad shot a guy which lead to some confusion as it was thought to be a blue on blue. I ran up to see what was happening as the medic arrived to treat the wounded I saw the guy shoot and wound the medic. As it was in a BLUFOR area and there was some confusion as to uniforms it took me couple of seconds to ID him. He then started shooting at another player who went to help his colleagues. I shot the AI then and told others on TS about it.

Odd aberrant behaviour we thought.

Later in the same mission I died and was shifted to the Observer script dang me if it did not happen to two other squads. Stealthy AI sneaks up to the guys through the dips and bushes, gets real close and offs a couple of guys and waits for their pals to come and save them. One of them killed and wounded 3 in one squad plus an OC who came to investigate. The guys who came to medic up the others killed it but one of the players put a couple of extra rounds into it just to make sure. :D

Now all we need is the possum script back in and we have some serious nastiness.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Ever since using Zeus in combination with ACE, I have yet to successfully complete any missions. :(

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Both ArmA II Zeus AI Combat Skills and Zeus AI Combat Skills for ACE mod are updated to version: 1.03 and 0.03 respectively.

If you are using a previous release, please delete it before installing the new version.

This update improves AI performance in very close quarter combat, something that was recently discussed.

In fact the CQB performance is not difficult to achieve, the hard part is doing so while maintaining the possibility to make covert approaches to enemy.

Thanks also to BIS for all the hard work they have put in improving the AI! Beta 61974 AI perform well in conjunction with Zeus AI for coop play. A review in comparison to the more fluid movement and improved flanking builds 60803/60819 provide would be appreciated and perhaps consideration to vary sensitivity values for different classes of soldier.


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That infiltration trick the AI pulled last night was incredible, really took us by surprise.

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Tried the new update today in the Chesty puller campaign and it was awesome sauce! The enemies really went A HUGE circle on both flanks in a pincer flanking move. The flanking circle was sooooo huge that if I hadn't have the squad looking in all directions, we won't have spotted them!

I also got pinned down behind a wall for the first time ever in ArmA1/2 when a guy with a Dskhm showered suppressive fire on the wall I was hiding behind, making it impossible/risky for me to try to pop up! NICE! The sound of the brick wall chiselling off on the 50 cal rounds really made me feel back on the real battle field once again!

One complain though... there were a bunch of enemies which we put under suppressive fire the moment they appeared and then instead of rushing back into cover, they simply went prone on the spot which we of course conveniently took them all out.

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Hi all

Protegimus seems to have found the AI sweet spot with this latest build. I think the current Zeus AI shifts ArmA to somewhere between 2 and 3 to one against humans, at the very least we have an AI that is at least twice as good as the standard COD player. When the CQB stuff gets put in it should up another point.

Most serious ArmA players would treat Zeus AI with respect. Any one new to ArmA is going to find Zeus AI terrifying!

Kind Regards walker

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ACE AI + Zeus AI skills + lastest betas = different game. Now if Fabrizio resumed his AI mod...

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You know, I am actually restarting the official campaign and this time, play with pure zcommon only, without ACE to experience truly the effects of Zeus. :)

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