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WarFX Particles

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Today when I first ran v1.2 I had enormous blood splurts

anyone else or is it just me? (gonna do more testing today)

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thanks for the update opticalsnare! but is it just me or are the blood particles pretty excessive this time around? i liked them better before...

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Yeah, the blood looks overdone. It's like 1/3 of the guys blood splashing out when you shoot him even with a pistol. But otherwise 1.2 is pretty cool.

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It has improved a lot but there's still one thing that i would like changed if i had a saying :P

The sparks when hitting a metal objects on humans, i think they too much:


Besides this it's really cool :cool:

and yes as others have stated the blood is also a little too much :p


Thats with 1 bullet with several bullets i need diver gear :D

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Something about bikeys: You don´t need one key for every pbo, you´ve taken it a bit over the top in this release :D

Just make one "biprivatekey" file (your personal, to be stored away safely, alltime arma2 key) - and point binpbo at it´s destination. It´ll then be used to generate seperate sitgnatures for each .pbo you want signed, now or in the future. Besides that it´ll also create your xxx.bikey which is the public key that users can put on their servers to allow clients joining with addons corresponding to your .bisigns.

Anything users need to have are .bisign & .bikey (.bikey always stays the same).

Also mind registering your tag at ofpec as metioned at the start of this thread. It´s your ArmA2 community business card, so to say.

Your .bikey can also be stored on ofpec.


Edited by Mr Burns

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This is the problem i do not have the time anymore to test the mod fully.

Il upload a fix for the blood tho, that was supposed to be fixed but i rolled back a version the other day because i messed it up trying to get something else to work and totally forgot about the blood.

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This is the problem i do not have the time anymore to test the mod fully.

Il upload a fix for the blood tho, that was supposed to be fixed but i rolled back a version the other day because i messed it up trying to get something else to work and totally forgot about the blood.

No harm done. We will test for you and when you have time you can fix what you see fit fixed :)

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great mods.

I use it with your tracer mod, both together are amazing!

Only one request, I prefer the normal use of tracers in your mod, ie one every 5. When shooting a car, you get a cool spark effect. Is it possible for that to happen on buildings as well, but only for the machine guns, and heavy caliber weaponry, not Assualt Rifles etc

Here is an example of what I mean


If you skip to 1:10 you can see the tracers hitting the building and glowing and sparks etc.

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Uploaded 1.21, fixes blood effects again and that 85mm explode error. Im still confused with the keys and so i just added new ones in the same way as i did before, if its not a mega thing and dont cause big problems then il look into it for future releases.

The metal impacts on humans is because as i said already they contain metal material, i might be able to do something about it i might not, il look into it further but atm its not a major thing so it can wait.

Anyway ive updated the first page with the new link to 1.21, im sorry that 1.2 wasnt the best release, but im trying my hardest to fix as much stuff as possible and listen to peoples suggestions & input is well, learning how to release stuff properly and work fulltime is very demanding.

So thanks for patience and support, its been good motivation for me to keep on going. :)

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For some reason i can't get the addon to work :confused:

I tried a new modfolder, didnt work, so i put the addon files inside another modfolder which is confirmed to be loaded by the game.

However, still no effect to be seen.

Anybody know what might cause this?

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mh ?? the mod running BUT I HAVE THE VANILLA SMOKE WHEN TANKS BURNING !!?? is that normal ???:(

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The metal impacts on humans is because as i said already they contain metal material, i might be able to do something about it i might not, il look into it further but atm its not a major thing so it can wait.

Yes yes i know, just think its a little too much :)

Thanks for the update, it's appreciated :cool:

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For some reason i can't get the addon to work :confused:

I tried a new modfolder, didnt work, so i put the addon files inside another modfolder which is confirmed to be loaded by the game.

However, still no effect to be seen.

Anybody know what might cause this?

Yeah, try moving the position of the mod@ thing. worked for me..

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Get yourself a good Launcher. Then you don´t have to mess with your arma2.exe no more

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I have the effects but with BIS smoke and i like it that way. Im not a fan of the "blob" smoke. I really wanted the smoke in this addon to be modular for that sake. but somehow everything works but i have BIS smoke so to me its perfect. :)


Actually it IS the smoke from the addon. It just takes some time before it kicks in. It starts with BIS smoke and then morphs into WarFX smoke.

I really appreciate the work but i do would like the smoke to be modular in this awesome addon. The reasons for this is (my personal taste and preference ofcourse): The smoke lags my computer more than BIS, the smoke is only 1 long black "tube" instead of BIS many different colors and shapes (some white smoke and some black and some grey and some mixed) it creates a nice atmosphere. It would be nice if it was more of it like in JTD ofcourse, but i have to think about my FPS sadly enough. :)

Anyway, thanks OpticalSnare for this addon. Its a truly awesome one. ;)


Edited by Alex72

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hmm thats wierd, i have reverted back to the default burning smoke for vehicles. So im not quite sure what you mean, it cant just morph into modded smoke as the entry to that effect no longer exists in the config. Anyway the weekend has landed, so il be able to work on the mod some more and fix up some more stuff. The biggest priority for me atm is to get this mod smaller and to cleanup and tidy ie remove files thats not been modded.

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Are you going to re-add the cool explosion sounds from that old video you removed? Also is this now compatible with JTD fire and smoke mod?

Edited by Chunk3ym4n

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hmm thats wierd, i have reverted back to the default burning smoke for vehicles

Default BIS you mean? I get some smooth long "tube" like smoke when WarFX is on, and i never seen that without. But if you say there is no WarFX vehicle smoke then ill take your word for it. But i also meant in general about modularity. When there is more than 1 great mod in the same area its superb with modules so we can mix the good stuff together and not be forced to use either this or that (very ArmA1 :) ). Like when a smoke mod is out that most people use and love, and then an addon comes out wich has awesome things in it PLUS smoke that might cancel the previous one - that could be avoided with modularity so they can be mixed. Get the best from both worlds. Or choose what you think look best. Taste is all individual. :)

Please dont take it the wrong way. I didnt mean any disrespect. Your addon rocks, and is on 24/7 on my game. Im just ranting about modularity wich has started to become popular in ARMA2, and i think thats superb. Also im sorry about the smoke there. Maybe i need some re-install cause i have some weird ass smoke i dont know where it comes from. Maybe BIS Beta smoke? :)

PS. Looking forward to the update i heard about!

Thanks for a great addon.


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Alex is right to a point.

Im realy keen so to see modular in pretty much all manner of adons and mods if its not too much trouble.

Arma1 modding was a bitch for people adding some extra bits into mods to only clash with one that did the job well already.

Again this is no put down on this mod because its great. But if we have a smoke mod working wonders then maybe an option of it off to use with both would be cool IE modular smoke for this.

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I had that error too. Are you running the mod from a different folder than the Arma II one? I was running it from a Ramdisk but moved it back into the main Arma II folder and now all is okay again. It might also be to do with the priority of the mods - I'm not entirely sure as I made so many changes to my set up when this error started to appear. I'd recommend using an Arma 2 launcher to set up priority and mods. The Alpine Stars one is pretty good.

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Awsome explosions! :D

However, the puffs of dirt from bullet impacts are simply way too over-the-top imo. Any chance of getting seperate PBOs for the various effects? Better yet, how about in addition a config file to tweak the size of the various effects? (btw- I have not read through the thread.)

Anyhow, very cool, but I think I'll have to pass until we can tone down those freakish bullet puffs bit. :p

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What version are you using MadRussian? I don't want him decreasing the bullet impacts even more just because you're using an old version.

I was happy with the way they were in the first version.

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