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New Sound Mod in the making, slowly but surely

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I am not saying this is "wrong" or anything, I am just reporting my side of the coin: there is something weird about it. I tend to rely on sound information a lot during gameplay and every time I use this mod I easily find myself killed by a wrong evaluation of distance, enemy fire effectiveness, direction, position, etc.

I had this problem with the ACE sound mod a while back but decided to give it a try again now after many updates... i still have issues judging distance to shooter, often i judge on the loudness that shooter is like 50-100m away just to find out he's 300m+ away.

I never had this problem with CSM2 neither do i have problems locating direction.

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Its saying i need the config file in the when i try to open arma2, and i dont see it in the folder...:cry2:

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With latest version the AK-74 not only sounds like a bunch of other weapons, it also sounds like a different weapon every time you reload...

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Yep, userconfig seems to be missing. I cant wait to get it - this sound mod sounds promising. :)

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Yeah im getting the User config error too :(

"Include file userconfig\csm2\csm2_clientside_config.hpp not found"

can any one help?

Edited by Liam!!!!

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The "csm2_clientside_config.hpp" should be called with:


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Sorry guys, my mistake. I forgot to add the userconfig. Its now available as a seperate download on the CSM2 downloadpage.

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I am getting this error when starting the vanilla game with 1.5 version (and beta):

"csm2_c_wep_mg" requires addon "acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg"

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With latest version the AK-74 not only sounds like a bunch of other weapons, it also sounds like a different weapon every time you reload...

There have been no changes to AK-74 since version: 1.03.05 released in January - what version did you upgrade from & what configuration are you using it in?

As already stated, the small variation in AK-74 single fire mode is intentional.

Same request goes for anyone posting with queries or problems - please include your config and system spec. (especially audio device!) as its helpful to know basic setup to understand where a problem may lie.

Once again, thanks to Foxhound & Armaholic for the mirror - much appreciated.


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As already stated, the small variation in AK-74 single fire mode is intentional.

I guess it's still experimental right? Take the PKM the sound changes to a completely new sound sometimes on reload which sounds really weird :p

I am getting this error when starting the vanilla game with 1.5 version (and beta):

"csm2_c_wep_mg" requires addon "acex_sm_c_sound_wep_mg"

Look @ ArmA 2\userconfig\CSM2\csm2_clientside_config.hpp

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I update with addonsync and didn't change anything in the userconfig. It's not just a variation of sound, it practically seems to use sounds from different weapons. One of them seems to sound just like an M4 (the CSM version of it, that is), while another is sounding like some suppressed weapon. Really no way this is the AK-74 sound. No idea if older versions had that issue as well.

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*sigh* well guys, yet again, more earthquakes hav struck here, i'm on edge again and cleaniung up in my house, its a mess. I will be very busy once again


http://quake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/Quakes/ci14607652.html 7.2

You see all these? http://quake.usgs.gov/recenteqs/

Everyone here is on nerves, and I have to work tomorrow.

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I'm with you Chammy, I live north of San Diego, been getting quite a few nice aftershocks after the large one. I've been paranoid about aftershocks all day, thankfully they haven't been too bad. Good luck, and hope you get enough rest for work tomorrow. Love your sound mod by the way!

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Yeah, it's 1am and I'm still up, fortunately my kids are asleep, but it is very eerily quiet outside, that worries me. Nothing but aftershocks here, small ones to kinda big but not as violent as that bigger one we had, man, I have been through some big earthquakes, but not as violent as this one. I feel real bad for those in Japan who have to go through this yearly, it's that ring of fire and we're on the edge of the plate or rim. But then again, the quakes have been coming from an area about 30 miles from me where there is a geothermal, info says that they dig and extract fluid and water but don't refill and therefore contributes to the fault area being so unstable. I think what you're feeling are all the little quakes that are triggered by this huge one earlier, the ones you're feeling are the ones along the Elsinore fault , which runs right down into the area the quakes have been coming from.

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Wow Chammy... That would scare the hell out of me especially with the kids in mind. Hope all is good with you and your property, and that it stays that way.

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Wow Chammy... That would scare the hell out of me especially with the kids in mind. Hope all is good with you and your property, and that it stays that way.

Second that!

Here in England we are lucky mofos lol, we dont get hurricanes, we harldy get any earthquakes, and when we do they are minute, we dont get tornados, we dont get tsunamis, we dont get volcano eruptions (we dont have volcanos) we dont have huge thunder storms, and we dont get crazy wild fires, because it just isnt hot enough lol We are never to hot, or to cold.

I feel for you man!

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Second that!

Here in England we are lucky mofos lol, we dont get hurricanes, we harldy get any earthquakes, and when we do they are minute, we dont get tornados, we dont get tsunamis, we dont get volcano eruptions (we dont have volcanos) we dont have huge thunder storms, and we dont get crazy wild fires, because it just isnt hot enough lol We are never to hot, or to cold.

I feel for you man!

Don't worry, soon the Gulf Stream will stop and then you will be arctic. :bounce3:

(Disclaimer: unlikely)

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Hi Chammy,

I hope you're not too exhausted or stressed by recent events.

Besides, I've just noticed one bug with the last v1.04b : recoils disappear on M16A4, M16A4 (Ironsight) and M16A4 M203. I only run ACE2 (with its sound mod) and CSM2 1.04b when noticing this.

Edited by Tawah

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aHH i hadnt narrowed it down to CSM either! Wonder what other weapons it affects? maybe the AKs too..

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Hi Chammy,

I hope you're not too exhausted or stressed by recent events.

Besides, I've just noticed one bug with the last v1.04b : recoils disappear on M16A4, M16A4 (Ironsight) and M16A4 M203. I only run ACE2 (with its sound mod) and CSM2 1.04b when noticing this.

So it's CSM2 that causes that, i'll test it later to see if thats the case :)

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CSM2 version: 1.04c update is available via the Yoma Addon Sync repository, the Auto config URL is:


The update fixes the no recoil bug I introduced on class M16A4_ACG when trying to fix the burst base class update error - thanks for the bug report Tawah.

The base class update error is also fixed (finally!).

Also added is a new technique to improve variation in combat ambience by varying bullet sounds. It's something I've experimented with before in order to overcome the limitation of single sounds for supersonic bullet crack close and far sounds. This time it appears to be providing decent, though deliberately subtle, results. It's early days, but may go some way to addressing the single 'character' of small arms combat that albertors mentioned.

Finally, I've added an ambient environment sound module.

This is something that was discussed earlier in the thread and this is a first pass at improving the balance of the environmental game sounds, e.g. reduced obtrusive sea noise level, breeze/wind levels more noticeable and may receive more attention.


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