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Dragon Rising has been released

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I think i will never understand how someone can call OFP/ArmA a "hyper Realistic Mil Sim"...

Play one hour of CoD:MW2, one hour of BF:BC, then play ArmA2 using the same style of play that you were able to use on the previous two games, and tally how many times you hit the ground because of lead-poisoning ;)

That's why you won't see many long time players here calling ArmA2 an "FPS" (sounds like a casual (no need for a brain) game, especially the last "shooter" bit). It's not that ArmA2 is 100% realistic (it isn't), it's just that everything else is not even near 35% realistic. It's the judging of ArmA2 vs what else is on the market, not just ArmA2 on it's own.

Edited by JdB

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Tested the demo just now. It was a 7 minute download so i thaught - what the heck. Went through that single mission and uninstalled it. Not being able to look around and lean really messed my head up. Flying that Mi was the worst flying experience i had ever to date, and i started out with pong.

Graphics was horrible. To the point where i got a headache, and when i afterwards fired up ARMA2 the headache just vanished. ARMA2 looks amazing compared. The bloody rose people say to be so amazing messed me up as well. Real annoying stuff, but i guess im just used to ARMA's system - point on an AI and click where to go. Simple.

Some small good things as most pointed out like the AI you control is very responsive (even though they also were retards many times), but being able to tell them to clear buildings and suppress where you point - that was great. I want the same in ARMA2. The free suppress that is.

Anyway dont know what else to say, but the game was pretty annoying to me personally, and it showed that devs shouldnt take too lightly on trying to step up against BIS. They better bring it, as they say in da hood, if they are to do stupid things like that. :D

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and the result is a ball of very very shiny...erm....poop:D

So it's Operation Failpoint: Shiny Shit Rising?

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Play one hour of CoD:MW2, one hour of BF:BC, then play ArmA2 using the same style of play that you were able to use on the previous two games, and tally how many times you hit the ground because of lead-poisoning ;)

That's why you won't see many long time players here calling ArmA2 an "FPS" (sounds like a casual (no need for a brain) game, especially the last "shooter" bit). It's not that ArmA2 is 100% realistic (it isn't), it's just that everything else is not even near 35% realistic. It's the judging of ArmA2 vs what else is on the market, not just ArmA2 on it's own.

Or other wise. ArmA encourages into reckless behavior which COD4 doesn't allow to happen without giving penalty for it (which is virtual lead poisoning). I actually had to re-learn cover taking and make that an automatic process when wishing to play that in harder difficulties.

Yup just came form playing ArmA2 demo to check this and there i was taking potshots at 10-400 meters with out bothering to take cover (besides Kneeling is bugged so aim goes way off). Only ONCE i went prone to take few shots (not to take cover however!). This in hardest difficulty on several terrains from MOUT-like terrain to open rolling hills.

So yeah. I don't buy that statement that ArmA2 is somehow super demanding for realism sense. It's slightly different with it's own flaws and stongpoints (as every shooter is).

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Some people are on one side of the fence or the other. Some find the AI really stupid and seem to pwn them, like yourself, Second, and some find them a real challenge most of the time and seem to get pwned by them. I am the latter, and I'm not exactly inexperienced. I'd actually consider myself pretty good with ArmA II. But set the AI skill to full, or close to full, and they're almost always a real challenge to fight with.

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Man I don´t play Arma2 witout AI Mods Zeus and GL4 FTW^^

Thats another Strongpoint of Arma2. It is fully adjustable.

And yes Arma isn´t really hyperrealistic. I personaly think that a game that is 100% realistic would be really boring (In real Life a smoke Grenade takes some Minutes to provide good cover!) But Arma is the most realistic and still entertaining Mil Sim I have ever played. If you know a better one go tell me.

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If you know a better one go tell me.

What about Dragon Rising ??

That's the only real ultra-hyper-super-mega realistic war simulation !

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Some small good things as most pointed out like the AI you control is very responsive (even though they also were retards many times), but being able to tell them to clear buildings and suppress where you point - that was great. I want the same in ARMA2. The free suppress that is.

I would like the "Fire on my lead" command in Arma too. A neat little command that simplifies ambushes a little bit.

It has to be said, the Arma 2 command system, while powerful, is extremely little intuitive and beginner friendly right now.

While its a complex game, it doesn't need to be complex in the wrong way.

Edited by sparks50

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The command system and the AI are far better in Dragon Rising.

For me, my AI team in ArmA2 is nearly useless because i (or they) will get shot before i manage it to give them some good commands...

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thats because in DR your "enemy" dont knows how to shoot at all, most of the time

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That's the one thing I hate about the AI in DR. You tell them to move to cover and they run in front of cover and fire blindly. Fortunately the other AI are also firing blindly so if anyone dies it's purely accidental.

I would like the "fire on my lead" in ArmA 2, and a better working suppresive fire command, but everything else in DR is awkward and weird.

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I would like the "Fire on my lead" command in Arma too. A neat little command that simplifies ambushes a little bit.

It has to be said, the Arma 2 command system, while powerful, is extremely little intuitive and beginner friendly right now.

While its a complex game, it doesn't need to be complex in the wrong way.

Yeah. I find it funny that iv'e played OFP for years, ArmA i played year on active basis. But yet even after all that experience and getting used to time if i happen to leave month or two vacation form it i forget A. Character controls B. command system. And getting again used to them takes time. Main problem with character controls is that i haven't set them like common shooters does have them... Then again i can go into OFP and use those almost exactly same controls and not have problem with them. Reason for that is really beyond me.

Zipper5: I'm not saying that arma is easy. AI doesn't even need to be turned into super snipers. But it has it's own characteristics under which it performs more or less impressively.

I really doubt any Mod can make AI any better. Just as with OFP and ArmA mods can try to hide those flaws under improved accuracy and faster reactionspeed and such, but still problems with AI are visible. ArmA2 is bit more complete, but main traits still remains.

They are individuals. I spent one time as civilian watching US marine squad holding village against big insurgent (hasty but basically organised) assault. Quite fast as battle unfolded both sides started to send individual men into places where they shouldn't be. There were several incidents where men from both sides wandered on field next to village. They might have tried to form pairs or such and move while supporting each of other but engine just manages to mess that up.

Once i just checked how they do use flank movement to take out enemy. Enemy team was on hill US squad leader started to sent it's men into flanking it. Soon whole squad was streched into one 'several hundered of meters long flanking manuver'-column (yes long column which followed terrain features in snake-like fashion)! No one supported their attack.

There's not coherent team behavior such as in OFDR. Working as member of organization works much better in OFDR. They move as coherent unit, their squad leader is much more better in using fire and movement of his squad. Heck it would be interesting to see how actual platoon does work. Problem being that it has little use in game because low entity limit...

Yes OFDR also has it's problems i admit that. Many of those problems doesn't exist in ArmA2.

Which is better? I really can't tell. I like the fresh opponent which OFDR offers, but at same time i look at what ArmA2 has correct (in my mind) and wish they could be melted into one package.

Edited by Second

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Holy f*ck! He's really asking it, and people are really willing to pay $10 for it! That's more than the whole DLC costs! Wasn't there a big issue with being forced to pay for such garbage? And wasn't it always that people created missions for OFP out of a hobby and not for monetary gain? That's not what a community behind a game with the name Operation Flashpoint should be doing! What the hell is up with those people? :butbut:

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What the hell is up with those people? :butbut:

Well, they were ripped off I guess. Gutted and discontent, looking for a silver lining...

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Let them pay :D Some day they might have 10 % of ArmA II for 2.000 $ and we still got 100 % ArmA II + ArmA I + OFP (thanks to mods) + many other for ... how much? 30 $? 40 $? Maybe 50 $?

I wonder if this is a break of the codemasters licence anyway. I surely would be in Bohemia's modding community.

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Holy f*ck! He's really asking it, and people are really willing to pay $10 for it! That's more than the whole DLC costs! Wasn't there a big issue with being forced to pay for such garbage? And wasn't it always that people created missions for OFP out of a hobby and not for monetary gain? That's not what a community behind a game with the name Operation Flashpoint should be doing! What the hell is up with those people? :butbut:

They are not Flashpoint people. They will never understand.

Replied to the thread, let's see if I get flamed.

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TBH it wouldn't suprise me if he actually worked for CM all along and this is just their way of squeezing more money out of the dopes on that forum.

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I dont work for CM.

I find it funny that you all think I (and others from the DR forums) dont read this thread...

I made it clear when I posted that thread (and if you bothered to read you would understand this) that I want no money for my mission, and the "amounts" are solely to sweeten the deal with Codemasters, because lets face it, CM arent going to release a user made mission onto consoles without getting something out of it.

this thread does not speak highly for the maturity of the ARMA2 members I must say. have you READ through this thread lately? Theres enough personal insults in here targeted at me to get more than a few people "taking a holiday"

Lots of you say you could make a better mission in ARMA2 in 5 minutes that the current version of Island War for DR. Proove it. I'll give you 48 hours to post a downloadable map for ARMA2 with all the same features. thats a hell of alot more than 5 minutes

Edited by templargfx

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I dont work for CM.

I find it funny that you all think I (and others from the DR forums) dont read this thread...

Heh you could have fooled me :butbut:

I find it funny that you all think I (and others from the DR forums) dont read this thread...

What make you think that and why should we care if you read these forums :confused:

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It's largely because you're supporting a game which has forever tarnished the name Operation Flashpoint, and was so obviously a money grab that many people unfortunately paid for. You have obviously contacted and gotten close to certain members at Codemasters, and as they offer you a shot to do something fairly significant in terms of getting your name out there, you've disregarded exactly what they're asking you to do - fix their game so that they can get even more money out of such an obviously shoddy game. You cannot possibly deny that.

Lots of you say you could make a better mission in ARMA2 in 5 minutes that the current version of Island War for DR. Proove it. I'll give you 48 hours to post a downloadable map for ARMA2 with all the same features. thats a hell of alot more than 5 minutes

O rly? I can easily type it here. Place down the ambient combat, civilian, civilian vehicles and animals modules, along with SecOps, use a bit of code and conditioning that would take very few seconds, place the player in a squad, and badabing.

Edited by Zipper5

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you obviously have no idea about the content of my mission. that "description" is woefully inadequate

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No, not really. The only thing I missed seems really to be the random time of day and weather.

But I shall take you up on your offer. ;)

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heres a quick rundown :

Taxi Service to take you back to base

AH-1 Gunship that can be called to aide your assault

controlling areas of the map so the enemy cant spawn in this "area of influence"

multiple starting areas with all the weapons and vehicles

randomly generated capture and hold objectives

reinforcements coming from surrounding towns

randomly spawning enemies that defend, patrol or search

randomly spawning vehicles

note : spawning is random but "intelligent", people dont spawn in places that make no sense to see people (out in an open field in the middle of no where for example)

I could make a completely random system in about 5 minutes (a real estimate) but it would not be "intelligent"

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Taxi Service to take you back to base

Easily done with a simple SQF script.

AH-1 Gunship that can be called to aide your assault

Just as easy as the first one.

controlling areas of the map so the enemy cant spawn in this "area of influence"

Quite easy to limit the areas in which the modules can spawn entities.

multiple starting areas with all the weapons and vehicles

Bit odd to have it take you back to base when all the vehicles and weapons are at random starting points, isn't it? I could do that, but to be honest, having you start at a base makes more sense.

randomly generated capture and hold objectives

SecOps Module covers that.

reinforcements coming from surrounding towns

Ambient Combat Module covers that one.

randomly spawning enemies that defend, patrol or search

Combination of SecOps and the Ambient Combat Modules.

randomly spawning vehicles

Done with a combination of the Ambient Combat and Civilian Vehicle Modules, one for enemy vehicles, one for civilians.

Also, it's easily made "intelligent" through use of the Location Game Logics and some small code. ;)

Edit: Hm, hold on a second. This may have already been accomplished very soon after ArmA II was released, thanks to {USI}. Link.

Edited by Zipper5

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