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Will you be buy Dragon Rising?  

318 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be buy Dragon Rising?

    • Yes, I definitely will buy it.
    • No, I definitely won't buy it.
    • I will decide based on the demo.
    • I will decide based on reviews.

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Well, the amount of MP letdown and limitations (compared to original OFP) is going to make it a no go for me.

If you want to compare to ArmA :

- ArmA doesn't have a 4 players coop limitation

- ArmA doesn't have a 32 players PvP limitation

- ArmA doesn't have a 275m tether limitation

- ArmA doesn't have a 2x2km zone limit

- ArmA isn't limited to 3 pre-built MP game modes

- ArmA isn't limited to only 63 "entities" live maximum

CM lost the freedom of OFP, completely.

And ArmA2 has a dedicated server.

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I will try it when it comes, out, hell why not, but lets face it, this OFP-DR is just a box shooter, the comparisons with Arma2 are laughable.

OFP-DR is made to draw in the BF2 and COD kids and check the CM forums it's worked a treat.

I could have made OFp-DR a world beating best seller, just update the graphics on the OFP-Elite engine and bam a game 10 x better than this shite they made :)

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Here's what bugs me about the 2km x 2km limit. Some of us have called it a box shooter and such, I never got the atmospheric implications of that until now: You know almost exactly where, and when, you'll meet the enemy. No surprises, no time for lowering the guard. No 'oh shit!' moments. Reminds me of an old Clint Eastwood quote "Sure helps knowing when you're going to be ambushed"

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DR isnt made for OFP veterans.

DR isnt made for simulations or realism fans.

DR isnt made to introduce something new and groundbreaking.

DR seems to be a shooter - mainly developed for consoles.

Which console games can actually compete with DR?

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DR isnt made for OFP veterans.

DR isnt made for simulations or realism fans.

DR isnt made to introduce something new and groundbreaking.

DR seems to be a shooter - mainly developed for consoles.

Which console games can actually compete with DR?

So you understand the idiocy of saying 'What Arma attempted, OFP-DR actually achieves.'

The devs won't even admit what you've said and most non-CM-forum people seem to know.

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DR isnt made for OFP veterans.

DR isnt made for simulations or realism fans.

DR isnt made to introduce something new and groundbreaking.

DR seems to be a shooter - mainly developed for consoles.

Which console games can actually compete with DR?


That review and most of the other ones disprove what you say. Isn't it a good thing that more games in this genre are being produced, especially when its accessible therefore attracting new players? Is there some secret rule that you can only like ArmA, and you must summarily dismiss any other similar game? Sure OFP is not the same as ArmA, but its not a million miles off. Its obvious by the fact that this thread has 185 000 views, and is by far the most popular thread on this forum, that many ArmA fans are going to be buying OFP, which will hopefully make BI raise its game - thats the beauty of competition - its good for gamers.

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People keep saying its trying to draw the cod and BF2 but it wont no dedicated server and the game sucks soon cod MW2 will be out and everyone will have forgotten about it.

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.I could have made OFp-DR a world beating best seller, just update the graphics on the OFP-Elite engine and bam a game 10 x better than this shite they made :)

But CM only own the name OFP and nothing else so of course a game made by different people with a different engine is going to be different! Just look at Far cry 2. They could of at least stayed faithful to the original but they haven't. The only reason Arma and DR are compared are the names when it is more similar to BF:BC2... But at least it isn't CoD ;)

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That review and most of the other ones disprove what you say. Isn't it a good thing that more games in this genre are being produced, especially when its accessible therefore attracting new players? Is there some secret rule that you can only like ArmA, and you must summarily dismiss any other similar game? Sure OFP is not the same as ArmA, but its not a million miles off. Its obvious by the fact that this thread has 185 000 views, and is by far the most popular thread on this forum, that many ArmA fans are going to be buying OFP, which will hopefully make BI raise its game - thats the beauty of competition - its good for gamers.

According to that review, DR has so little to do with the original OFP that i wonder why comparisons with ArmA are even made.

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So you understand the idiocy of saying 'What Arma attempted, OFP-DR actually achieves.'



There goes the point, PC zone. Oh, I know, it came by too fast. Yeah, you must have missed it, sorry. Shhh... shhh... now. It's okay. We'll bring out the crayons and a grilled cheese sandwich and make it all better.

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People keep saying its trying to draw the cod and BF2 but it wont no dedicated server and the game sucks soon cod MW2 will be out and everyone will have forgotten about it.

COD wont have dedicated servers at launch either apparently, plus all the reviews have said OFP is superb, so its sounds like you're just hoping it sucks. I get the impression from my friends that its ArmA2 thats been forgotten about. Alot of people are sick of clinging to the hope of the next patch or the ACE mod. I know alot of people will be moving over to OFP.

Review: Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising Review - ComputerAndVideoGames.com

While ArmA II had the potential to be superb Dragon Rising actually is
Some people will doubtless hate it, saying it's not a par on ArmA II, moaning about how it isn't realistic enough or that the PLA don't have accurate uniforms, but I advise you to ignore the naysayers and play the game.

Personally I think that with comments like that, to just dismiss this game is crazy - a few weeks ago it looked like CM might have messed things up, but from all the reviews and clips that are coming out now, it looks like this game is going to be awesome if played on hardcore mode.

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I wonder what makes the FP:DR so superb...

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That review and most of the other ones disprove what you say. Isn't it a good thing that more games in this genre are being produced, especially when its accessible therefore attracting new players? Is there some secret rule that you can only like ArmA, and you must summarily dismiss any other similar game? Sure OFP is not the same as ArmA, but its not a million miles off. Its obvious by the fact that this thread has 185 000 views, and is by far the most popular thread on this forum, that many ArmA fans are going to be buying OFP, which will hopefully make BI raise its game - thats the beauty of competition - its good for gamers.

Could you tell me what are the similarities between BI games and OFPDR? Beside the modern warfare theme and open-world(SP only for OFPDR).

First of all this thread is not the most popular thread on the forum.The thread has 185000 views because this forum members are curious about the game which is claiming to be the successor of OFP and a rival of ARMA2. Well at least that's why I read this thread. Also many/some ARMA fans are going to try the demo, that doesn't mean they will also buy the game. I can safely say that the ARMA community is not in danger of loosing its members.

From the link you posted.


Great fun

Hard but fair

Co-op campaign

More of a game than ArmA II

How is this supposed to be an Upper when the game is claiming to be a military sim?

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That review and most of the other ones disprove what you say. Isn't it a good thing that more games in this genre are being produced, especially when its accessible therefore attracting new players? Is there some secret rule that you can only like ArmA, and you must summarily dismiss any other similar game? Sure OFP is not the same as ArmA, but its not a million miles off. Its obvious by the fact that this thread has 185 000 views, and is by far the most popular thread on this forum, that many ArmA fans are going to be buying OFP, which will hopefully make BI raise its game - thats the beauty of competition - its good for gamers.

DR is not anymore a competitor for ArmA. Could have been, but not anymore.

Not with built in limitations in DR, limited edition, from the news so far, non existent modding, and inability to permit building complete multi-role missions (the biggest killer).

Realism is not simply having realistic weapons and vehicle systems. The environments count as much

The review I've seen so far rate the campaign and the realism of the guns and AIs. OFP-CWC strong point certainly wasn't the realism of its guns and AIs.

I've done games in OFP lasting for hours, as for example Apache pilot ready for scramble to assist an extract chopper group in case our recon group miles away in ennemy territory needed it (and it appears they needed hot extraction in the end), all this in PvP. Best experience ever where you are "in it", litterally. You are the pilot ready to come help ground dogs. Realism achieved through all BUT weapons and AIs.

This is completely unachievable in DR.

Again, CM completely missed the spirit of original OFP to the point it's not comparable, therefore not comparable to ArmA2 either.

The little bit of difference in A2 case is that in A2, you can try to mimick DR with somewhat positive result. Trying to mimick A2 in DR is simply impossible :)

EDIT : it doesn't mean DR is bad, btw.

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COD wont have dedicated servers at launch either apparently, plus all the reviews have said OFP is superb, so its sounds like you're just hoping it sucks. I get the impression from my friends that its ArmA2 thats been forgotten about. Alot of people are sick of clinging to the hope of the next patch or the ACE mod. I know alot of people will be moving over to OFP.

Review: Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising Review - ComputerAndVideoGames.com

Personally I think that with comments like that, to just dismiss this game is crazy - a few weeks ago it looked like CM might have messed things up, but from all the reviews and clips that are coming out now, it looks like this game is going to be awesome if played on hardcore mode.

Exactly the same kind of wishfull thinking one can see on the CM forums. And it's not good at all for my (old) nerves.

(1) People here don't call this game OFP because it isn't OFP, OFP does exist since 2001 and we're a lot still playing or modding it

(2) People here know what they are talking about because most of us are playing those games since 2001 and know what a simulation means, contrary to kiddies fond of corridor shooters

(3) People here aren't sick of OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 because they play those games on an every day basis, DESPITE the bugs

(4) People here don't need any PC magazine site tests (made by guys who weren't able to play OFP) to know that FP : DR can be a very entertaining game BUT cannot be seriously compared to ArmA2 nor to OFP

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Personally I think that with comments like that, to just dismiss this game is crazy - a few weeks ago it looked like CM might have messed things up, but from all the reviews and clips that are coming out now, it looks like this game is going to be awesome if played on hardcore mode.

Well done for posting that review a third time, do you want a cookie or something?

Anyway, personally, the way that review is written is actually more encouraging to pass it by. There are so many logical fallacies in there its not even funny, not to mention such awesome quotes as

it doesnt drag you round by the pubes

I mean seriously, are you 12 mr review writer?

Lets look at it, shall we...

These checkpoints actually work. They don't always work

Right, so the checkpoints work, but they dont work?

This is one game you'll actually finish before your hair falls out and you start looking longingly at cardigans in shop windows

Awesome hyperbole there mr review writer. I finished OFP in about 3 days, and have replayed the campaign about a dozen times (and thats just CWC, not resistance or any addons). I still have all my own hair and dont own a cardigan. Just because you sucked at it means the dumbed-down (there, I said it) dragon rising is a million times better?

it never once drags you by the pubes down certain routes

Aside from the training mission in OFP, and thats really questionable, you're never "dragged by the pubes" anywhere. Awesome metaphor there too, kudos....

There's also no patronising "Press W to move forward, left-click to fire" either. It errs too much on the 'let the player get on with it' side of things, telling you the name of the command you need to issue, but not which key that corresponds to.

So not being told what key to press is a better option? Great, I'll spend all my play time digging around in the manual then... Additionally, this is typical of console ports. I've lost track of the number of reviews I've read in PC Gamer complaining about how shoddy console ports tell you to "press x" or "tap the left bumper" to perform an action...

This will probably get the most attention from irate fanboys

More excellently objective journalism there...

I actually like the idea of the commo rose, it worked well in BF2, so I'll leave that.

but once you do getting your comrades to do what you want is easy. Usually.

So the AI is dumb as hats sometimes? Good we gloss over that with ONE word. Nice.

This is a game that relies heavily on AI, but sometimes it'll fall over. However, it's nowhere near as bug-ridden as its rival ArmA II was on release. There aren't amusing/frustrating moments like finding your CO's mangled corpse under his desk at the beginning of a mission for no reason.

Which, along with the vast majority of the campaign issues in ArmA2 isnt an AI bug, but one of mission design. But hey, we'll blame that on the AI, because you know, you never finished the OFP campaign, so you know what you're talking about.

they'll get revived when you pass through the next checkpoint.

Lovely, so I can continue to take on the whole PLA with my little 4 man team. Neat. At least it can be turned off in "hardcore" mode...

but it does mean your frustration levels won't boil over if your guys do something a bit dumb.

Yes, because I just want to shoot bad guys in the face! Thats what I want from my super-realistic tactical shooter!

Sometimes you'll get killed by a great shot from an enemy soldier, which'll force you to repeat a significant section of a mission. Yet instead of frustrating you, it makes you think of new ways of approaching that mission.

Possibly because the AI is always in the same spot, so if you get shot by him once, you can just approach from a different angle and take him out first? Dull... Wheres the sport in that? Wheres the tactics and planning?

You might be able to bandage your wounds if you take a non-lethal hit, but that's not easy to do in the middle of a field with bullets kicking up dirt around your prone body

Unless its changed from the previews, it looked like a 5 second job, simply holding the medic bag thingy infront of your face... Not really that hard...

you've also got a medic as part of your squad, someone who can help in patching up your AI squad mates or just giving you a shot from a magic syringe. This replenishes the blood you've lost

Please tell me I didnt just read that? Ok, the magical medics in any game are totally unrealstic, but a syringe full of... blood? plasma? magic goo? Oh good lord...

They all involve shooting a load of PLA troops, of course

One man army much?

Because Dragon Rising is, to be blunt, more of an game than Bohemia's effort

More of a game? I dunno, less ambitious, less detailed, less open? Definitely. It runs better because it HAS to run on an xbox 360, which frankly isnt all that powerful. It also means its hideously limited (63 ai, 2x2 boxes, 275m tethers, rather dated looking models etc etc)

any issue of it being dumbed down can be dismissed by all but the most obsessive realism nuts

translation: if you want to shoot bad guys in the face all day, this is the game for you. If you want real tactics, you might be a bit upset.

Also, a little ironic considering how much they've toted the "realism" thing over the last 2 years. 23 (I think it was?) researchers, all this time recording sounds, playing with [toy] guns [which are lacking barels] and whatnot, and the final verdict is: its not very realistic? Oh how I lol...

The original Operation Flashpoint had a reasonable multiplayer element. While it wasn't great, it was fun for a while... ...Dragon Rising's take on this should be better

If "a while" can be quantified as 6-7 years, then sure. But hey, you didnt even finish the campaign, so you know what you're talking about.

Also, "element" lolwot? Multiplayer in OFP (as it is in ArmA 1 and 2, and unlike dragon rising) was limited only by what the mission maker came up with. We played everything through the normal modes, to zombie survival, life-imitating rpg's, cops and robbers and everything inbetween. In dragon rising you get team deathmatch, and.. uh... team flag-death-cap-match?

But sometimes trees can confuse drivers a bit, so they ignore the plants and plough through.

Trees which arent crushed by your vehicle when it "ploughs through" them...

This might not be the proper successor to the original Operation Flashpoint

At least he got that bit right.

And you know the wierdest thing? After all that, I'm probably still going to get dragon rising (will be checking the demo first tho)

Oh, and for clarity, its the review/the idiot that wrote it that I'm bashing, not dragon rising. I remember a time when games journalists were just that, journalists. Not some 20 minutes a day jerkoff that gets to spew whatever shit he wants onto the pages of any and all publications. The joy of the web2.0 generation I guess...

Edited by DM
wish i could type...

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Well I have mine now pre-ordered, so come next weekend (UK) I will know what all the fuss is about.

Im looking forward to it to be honest, Arma will be the daddy but im interested in the stability/optimised side to OFP:DR .. will be an interesting time havenig them both on the machine and testing it all out.

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will be an interesting time havenig them both on the machine and testing it all out.

We all look forward to many comparison videos on the youtubes! :D

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Personally I think that with comments like that, to just dismiss this game is crazy - a few weeks ago it looked like CM might have messed things up, but from all the reviews and clips that are coming out now, it looks like this game is going to be awesome if played on hardcore mode.

And such a fuss because a positive review.

Do you really know what is a open world simulation?

Do you think that OFP or ARMAs are only campaign games?

By the way have you played OFP? or any ARMA?

And did the reviewer seriously played any in order to compare both titles?

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We all look forward to many comparison videos on the youtubes!

Well I was Arma1 onwards, but I know what people refer to with the whole OFP thing, I get that totally.

I will post some feedback regards it all for sure, think I'm pretty balanced (no fanboy crap), ARMA is the dogs nuts for me with what I prefer, but I like a little change now and again.

Im wanting to be presently surprised about it, but im sure there will be things where I fall into the Arma nerd camp and think certain things are shoddy :) but ... who knows, time will tell.

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Thank you for quoting the best parts, I had a good laugh.

I usually don't read reviews because they seem to be subjective in favor or against the game in question but I have to say this review was pure gold, the guy tries to make a review favorable the OFPDR by listing everything thats bad about the game and then rating the game with 9/10. :rofl:

Oh, the review title:

David Brown never thought he'd enjoy being in the army

OMG!! :rofl: God my stomach hurts...

Edited by BogdanM

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Great post DM. I didn't realize it at first, but that reviewer is really full of shit. :rolleyes:

And I'm going to point out that the review is still up. No information embargo has taken it down yet.

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COD wont have dedicated servers at launch either apparently, plus all the reviews have said OFP is superb, so its sounds like you're just hoping it sucks. I get the impression from my friends that its ArmA2 thats been forgotten about. Alot of people are sick of clinging to the hope of the next patch or the ACE mod. I know alot of people will be moving over to OFP.

Review: Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising Review - ComputerAndVideoGames.com

Wow. What a truely objective article. This is just the crowd OFP: DR is aiming for. More of a game than ArmAII is? Is that a bad thing or a good thing for ArmA2? Is he saying that ArmA2 is more of a sim, less of a game?

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That CVG/PC Zone review was written purely to get as much attention as possible, hence all the parts aimed at trying to get the attention of ArmA 2 fans. More clicks = more ad revenue. Although, at least for me, the reviewer shot down the website's credibility in a ball of flames. To treat ArmA 2 and DR as if they are trying to be the same is ignorant.

Also, the reviewer's failure to finish OFP (I hope he didn't review it considering he couldn't even finish it) also kills his credibility when he talks about ArmA 2.

At least the good reviews show that it's a fun game. Not what I would look for in a "OFP2" at all, but still something that a person can enjoy and not feel like their money was wasted.

I wonder how many other websites will try to take advantage of the "fan rivalry" in an attempt to get attention.

Edited by Maddmatt

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